2. Movie Day

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So I lied when I said I was going to take this story slow. I know I should but idk...
I just really like writing, okay!!


I got into my car and made my way to Riley's house. Riley and I go way back to freshman year. And now here we are, 26 and 27 years old, still bestfriends. We are really close which is great because she is like a sister to me. What the hell? She IS my sister. I grew up with 3 older brothers. Can you imagine the torture?! So it was nice to have a girl around.

I arrived to Riley's house and unlocked the door. She has a key to my house and I have a key to hers. Convenient, if you think about it. I trust her with everything, so I'm not worried.

"Honey! I'm home!" I yelled waiting for her response. I got nothing, I went up to her room and slowly opened and poked my head in. Her and her boyfriend Dylan a were cuddled up together. I should've know, hell it was only 10:30.

I made my back downstairs and quietly left. I didn't know what to do, I should have went to work dammit. Too late now.

I decided to go get some drugs, I mean coffee. I went to the closest cafe there was. I went in and ordered. I sat down and noticed someone familiar standing off in the distance. She had reddish-organish copper tone hair. She was skinny and pale. Around her  eyes she had dark purple with a hint of black eyeshadow aswell.

And then it hit me, that's Sabrina. Chris Motionless' girlfriend. Although I rarely listen to Motionless In White and know very little about the band, Sabrina and I have a past. She went to my highschool and hated me from the very beginning. She didn't have a reason to hate me she just did.

"Knee-ell-i" I heard someone call. I rolled my eyes and stood up. "Thanks but it's Ny'Elli." I smiled and the person nodded handing me my coffee.

Why can't people get my name right?! It's very easy to say! Ni-el-ee. NI-EL-EE. Gosh people give me a headache.

I went to sit and someone ran into me, causing some of my coffee to spill. "Hey watch where you're going dipshit!" I spat.

I should've have known it was Sabrina, of course. "So when did the freak show come back to town?" her lips twitching into a smirk.

"Why are you talking? Have you seen your boyfriend?" I snapped. She scoffed. God, why did I say that? I know damn well that Chris Motionless is just perfection.

She rolled her eyes and walked away. I just decided to leave and go to Ty's house. I met Ty threw one of my brothers, Keaton. Anyways we've been friends for a couple years now. Ty, Riley and I are just really close.

I love having them around, they helped me out a lot after my ex, Talon, cheated on me and then kicked me out of his house. I stayed with Riley a for a while then got my job at Hot Topic and was able to get on my feet.

I finally made it to Ty's house. I knocked on his door. A couple of seconds later he opened with smile on his face. "Hey Elli!" he hugged me which I returned, "what's up?" he asked.

"Not much, just wanted to see if you wanna hang?" I asked as I was walking into his house.

"Well since you're here. Want to watch some movies?" he asked as he collapsed on his couch. "Sure, why not" I smiled at him.

We watched a whole lotta movies. Freddy Vs. Jason, House of 1000 Corpses, The Devils Rejects, Halloween 1 and 2, Halloween H20 and the older Nightmare on Elm Street. Ty had the ultimate horror collection. He was a horror lover like myself, Riley on the other hand cannot stand em.

"Hey Beetlejuice legs! Put on Beetlejuice!" Ty yelled from the kitchen. I sighed and got up. Everytime I wear these leggings he calls me Beetlejuice legs. It gets quite annoying as you could imagine.

About and hour later Riley came over. "Hey you guysssssss!" I heard her say in a sing-song tone.

"Hey Riles!" I greeted her by the door. "I came by earlier but left because you and Dylan were still sleeping." she nodded. "Yeah sorry about that"

"So what are we watching?" she said and sat down between Ty and I. "Just got done watching Beetlejuice, moving onto the Devil Inside!" Ty cheered.

"O-oh h-hell no! Fucking shit no! You guys know I hate horror let's watch Austin powers or something." Riley pleaded.

"Well Riley, it is a democracy, our two votes against your one." she huffed. "Oh come on! Me and Beetlejuice legs will protect you from any scary monsters" I punched him in arm, "shutup! Come on Riles." I said patting a seat. She was hesitant but sat down anyways.

All the rest of the day we watched movies and ended up staying at Ty's. Riley and I in his bed and himself on the couch.

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