6. Only Us

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*3 weeks later*

I really can't believe I wanted to end a friendship before it even started simply because of that bitch Sabrina. Chris and I talked it out and have been hanging out a lot more without Sabrina's consent.

I really cannot stand her. She is one of the main reasons my ex Talon cheated of me. She told him I cheated with 5 different guys! It was a lie obviously. But Talon is dumb and wanted revenge.

I find myself to be loyal. I never once cheated on anyone nor do I want someone to be cheated on. That feeling sucks, let me tell ya.

It's whatever I guess. I'm over Talon. Hell it's been 6 months. Talon and I have been through a lot, and when you go through a lot with someone you get attached.

Let's move onto Chris though, fuck Talon. I think I'm getting feelings for Chris. I know, I know, that's really bad considering he is with Sabrina yeah yeah blah blah blah. I can't help it. Chris is a big flirt, who wouldn't catch feelings?!

Everything about him is just perfect I swear. I thought nobody was perfect, but Chris is different. I was pulled out of my thoughts when Chris texted me:

Chris: Wanna hang later?

Me: Sure, what time?

Chris: Come over about 7?

Me: Okay sure, only us?

Chris: Only us;)

"Only us" has kind of became our thing. Like how Augustus Waters and Hazel Grace say "okay." Chris and I say "only us."

I had a few hours to spare so I could use a nap.


I woke up about 6:25 and took a quick shower. Afterwards put on my undergarments and threw on an old Ozzy Osbourne shirt. Ripped black skinny jeans and converse. Straightened my hair and did my makeup.

I made my way to Chris' and knocked on the door. He swung the door open and hugged me. "Hey chris" I hugged him back.

"I already ordered some pizza and wings. Wanna watch some movies?" I nodded my head and sat on the couch. "What are gonna watch?"

"The Lost Boys" he grinned. A couple of minutes later the pizza and wings came. "Thanks for ordering Chris" I smiled at him. "Anything for you."

After we ate we continued watching movies. It was actually getting really cold in here so I snuggled into Chris' chest. He looked at me and smiled. I felt my face get hot. "What?" I asked.

"You're just so perfect." and leaned to kisse me! Chris kissed me! I pulled away and looked at him. "I-I'm sorry, I don't know why I did th--" I cut him off by kissing him. I know it's wrong but it felt so right.

I layed on the couch and he hovered over me. "Are you sure?" he asked. I nodded "sure as I'll ever be."

Without any hesitation Chris slipped his tongue into my mouth and my hands were tangled in his hair.

He slowly pulled up my shirt and I took it off revealing my black laced bra. I tugged on Chris' shirt and he slipped it off. He started sucking on my neck and chest. His hands found their way to the back of my bra and unhooked it.

My hands still tangled in his hair, he started to suck on my breasts. He kissed down to my stomach until he stopped at my jeans. He undid them and pulled them off. Leaving me only in my panties.

My body yearned for him. I needed him. His lips found their way back to mine and we began making out again. His hand slipped into my panties and rubs my most sensitive area.

"God Elli you're so wet. Is this what I do to you?" he whispered into my ear. He made his way back down to my panties and pulled them off with his teeth. He opened me gently, his breath hit my clit and he began tongue fucking me. I threw my head back into the couch and began moaning like a whore.

He slipped one of his long fingers into me followed by another. It was the best feeling ever. I was just about to release until Chris said "don't cum yet baby" which made me what to release right then and there!!!

He stood up a looked at me. "My turn" he said with a smirk on his face and eyes full of lust. I got down on my knees and undid his pants. Pulling his pants and boxers to his ankles he kicked them and his erection was free.

It was long and thick. Pre cum leaking from the tip. I grabbed it and ran the tip over my tongue before putting him into my mouth. I clawed at his thighs and began bobbing my head at a steady pace. He threw his head back "oh fuck yes!" he moaned. "God I'm gon- I'm gonna cum!" he warned his breathing ragged.

His hips bucked and he released his warm cum into my mouth. I cleaned the spill from the corners of my mouth and Chris helped me up.

He lead my up stairs and layed me on the bed. He hovered over me began kissing me. I gasped when he entered me. My hands made their way to his back. "Oh my- Fuck yes!" I screamed. "Say my name baby! Who's fucking you?!"

"Chris! Chris! Oh my god!" I moaned. Chris sucked on my neck and I felt myself tighten around him. His thrust became sloppier and I knew he was ready. "Oh my god! C-cum now!" he yelled.

On cue I released the same time he did, our moans were ragged and simultaneous. His breathing hitched and he was still inside of me. He pulled out a collapsed on top me.

"Wow..." he said burying his face into the crook of my neck. Couple minutes later I heard him softly snoring. I kissed his head a fell asleep wrapped in his arms.

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