17. Change Is Good

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It has been a week and all I've done was sleep and occasionally Skype with Chris. I can tell he is getting frustrated with me, so today I'm going out to look for a new job. Right now I'm doing my hair and makeup. I'm wearing Chris' Misfits shirt, black skinnies, and my spiked combat boots.

I got an application at a record store and a coffee shop. Two of my favorites places, where should I go to? I finally got home and watched AHS: Freakshow.

I after a while I heard someone knock on the door. I got up to open in, to my surprise Allie, Ryan-Ashley, Riley and Alexandra came barging in.

They all tackled me into a big hug. "What are you guys doing here?" I asked. "Well, tonight were taking you a girls night out. You need it" Riley said.

"Now go put something cute on!" Allie said. "Um.... Wanna help find something?" I asked. They all shook their heads eager and we went to my room.

Ryan-Ashley picked out of of my dresses that I had hiding in my closet. It was sleeveless and showed some cleavage. It was black and stopped mid-thigh. I honestly forgot I had that. I wore my leather jacket and combat boots.

Riley helped touch up my makeup, while Allie did my hair, a.k.a put in my extensions. "So where are we going?"

"To a night club. You need some time out with the girls to get your mind off of everything" Allie retorted.

I nodded my head "so how'd you guys find Riley and Alexandra?" I asked.

"Oh you know, we have our ways" Ryan-Ashley said. "You still haven't met Kylie, have you?" she asked.

I shook my head. "One day we'll have her come down here and visit" Ryan-Ashley said. I nodded and smiled.

We finally got to the club. When we walked in they were playing Tainted Love by Marilyn Manson and I was so happy. I guess Riley is playing mom tonight, considering she can't drink.

Alexandra and I were dancing and decided to have a few shots. I'm a lightweight so this should be fun. Not. We all were dancing on each other and giggling around having a good time. I needed this, to be around all the girls and to just have a good time.

"Hey, can I buy you a drink?" I heard someone whisper in my ear. I turned around to see Talon. I pushed him off and went to go stand by Riley. But of course, Talon followed me.

I heard Riley growl. "Calm down" I whispered. "Oh hey Riley, how have you b-- woah..." he said noticing her stomach.

"Peachy" she rolled her eyes. "What do you want?" she spat.

"To uh talk to Ny'Elli" he said motioning to me. "Sorry she's busy" Riley said. He soon walked off. "What a prick" she said. I nodded my head in agreement.

I went to go use the bathroom and my luck ass ran into Talon again. I rolled my eyes "Talon, what the fuck do you want?" I snapped.

"To win you back!" he said, with confidence. I chuckled lightly "N. O."

"Come on, I can treat you way better than that faggot."

"Chris? A faggot? He's obviously not since we fuck every night, dipshit."

I saw anger with a hint of sadness in his eyes. "You don't know shit Ny'Elli. I know he's on tour right now with that hot chick Ash Costello, they're probably fucking as we speak."

I slapped him in the face and turned around to walk away. He yanked on my wrist "don't fucking walk away from me!"

"Ow! Talon stop you're hurting me!" he let go and stared at me. "Ny'Elli please take me back."

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