𝙷𝚎'𝚜 𝙱𝚊𝚌𝚔

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Requested by Spo0kiez


A/N: God this is old

Wilbur hadn't been alive for even ten minutes and he was already asking for [NAME]

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Wilbur hadn't been alive for even ten minutes and he was already asking for [NAME]. He hadn't seen them ever since he died, he lost count of the days that went by in the train station. He longed for someone's company as he was alone for most of the time, except for the time that Tommy had come, which didn't last too long. Wilbur looked around the country in which he destroyed, he spotted the familiar house that he had been to multiple times before he had gone insane.

[NAME] sat in their living room, humming to themselves as they flipped through a random book they've found. A knock broke them out of their thoughts as they stood up dusting their shirt and fixing their hair to look presentable. They opened the door and the last person they expected to show up, did. Wilbur stood there, with his shit eating grin. "Hello darling. Did you miss me?" [NAME] stood there shocked. They tried to shut the door but Wilbur stopped it with his foot.

"Come on [NAME], I know you've missed me. You can't deny it." Wilbur cups their face in his hands, but [NAME] slaps them away. "How are you alive?! I saw you die, you can't be alive..." Tears pricked in their eyes. Wilbur smiled, and laughed "Dream brought me back! Isn't he amazing? He's my savior." [NAME] took this as a time to shut the door. They put their back onto it as they feel Wilbur banging on their door. "[NAME]! Open the door. I just want to talk!" [NAME] pushed a chair in front of the door to block it and grabbed a bag, stuffing it with their necessities and they snuck out the back.

Wilbur finally had enough and broke down the door, he looked around to see [NAME] nowhere. The house was a mess, glass littered the floor and the back door was ajar. He crouched down to pick up a picture frame.It was a picture of [NAME] and Wilbur from the beginning of L'manberg. Wilbur frowned walking around the house, seeing everything a mess. Wilbur opened the door to [NAME'S] room. The room was empty beside a yellow sweater. The one that Wilbur gave them before everything went to shit.

Wilbur grabbed the sweater and smelled it, their scent still on it. He stared down at the sweater, small droplets fell down on it. Was he crying? He reached up to his face and felt warm tears fall down his face. He sunk to the ground and hugged the sweater, wanting to just hug [NAME], he wanted comfort from them. He sobbed loudly as he reminisced all the shit he had done, how badly he had hurt everybody. Maybe this was his karma...

A/N- Writer's block is a bitch

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A/N- Writer's block is a bitch

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