𝙷𝚒𝚜 𝚂𝚙𝚒𝚛𝚒𝚝

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Requested by my friend



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Ghostbur had wandered around L'Manberg. The people who walked through the street looked on him with pity as he floated around. The former President led the blue sheep that he named Friend behind him, picking up blue flowers while walking around. He stumbled, literally, across a small house, the light inside giving it a nice warm glow. Him, being an awfully curious ghost, decided to see who lived there. Once he floated up to the porch, a wave of nostalgia hit him, he didn't quite know why, but Alivebur must've known this person in his time of living.

The ghost knocked on the door gently, not wanting to disturb the peacefulness of the house. A [small/medium/tall] figure opened the door, the book in their hand dropped to the floor, a thud sounded, making the owner flinch. "Wilbur?...I thought you were dead! I saw you die..." [NAME] said, their body slightly trembling.

"I'm Ghostbur, not Alivebur, but I can kind of see how you would mix us up" The ghost cheered, the blue in his hands slightly dripping into the floor staining it a dark blue color. The dark clouds in the sky boomed and lit up, a sudden drizzle started, before it poured down on the SMP.

Ghostbur yelped as he felt water drops fall down on him, "Can- Can I come in please? I'm melting in the rain..." [NAME'S] breath hitches as they see Ghostbur melt slightly, and they move to the side, and gestures to Ghostbur to come in.

Once Ghostbur floated in the house he looked around at the familer decor in the house. [NAME] closed the door and nervously walked behind Ghostbur, not really wanting to talk with the awkward tension in the room. Ghostbur looked at a picture that [NAME] had lying around. Alivebur and [NAME] were smiling, Wilbur's arms draped around [NAME'S] shoulders, them both smiling in the picture. Ghostbur slightly smiled at the picture, remembering them slightly.

"You're [NAME]! I remember you! Alivebur had a lot of happy memories with you!" Ghostbur exclaimed happily, bouncing over to where [NAME] was standing awkwardly. "Would you mind explaining who you are....perchance?" [NAME] said slowly, cringing at the close contact they had with Ghostbur. "I'm Ghostbur! Tommy said I was the ghost of Alivebur,but you probably know that." Ghostbur smiled at [NAME].

[NAME] slightly smiled at Ghostbur, having missed Wilbur ever since he died and mourning his loss. It was nice seeing someone after a while. "Well then Ghostbur, would you like something? I mean you did knock on my door..." Ghostbur stopped petting Friend and looked over at [NAME]. "Oh. I just wanted to say Hi! I haven't seen you around and about in L'manberg so far!"

[NAME] nodded and stood up from their spot from the couch to get something. "Would you like to stay for a while? It's nice to have someone around." Ghostbur looked at [NAME'S] leaving figure, feeling kind of bad that they had to stay alone for what seemed like a while. "I'd love to stay! Though I can't stay for long, Tommy's waiting for me on our....vacation." Ghostbur followed [NAME] after tying Friend's leash to a small cabinet. (I probably don't think that's strong enough hon-) [NAME] slightly cheered, wanting some company after a while of just staying in bed for at least a month.

Timeskip brought to you by Bucket Mur :]

After a while of talking and tea, Ghostbur had to leave. The sky had slightly cleared so Ghostbur had to leave as fast as he could so he could meet back up with Tommy. Ghostbur had retrieved Friend, and was on [NAME] porch. "It was nice seeing you! I really hope we can meet again!" [NAME] smiled at Ghostbur's cheer and chuckled. "I hope we see each other again as well. Wish you a happy vacation, or whatever trip you're going to..."

Ghostbur nodded enthusiastically and floated away, waving widely in the distance to [NAME], who smiled and waved back. After Ghostbur had gotten out of sight they walked back into their house and sighed, smiling while the trudged back to their room, ready for another day with Ghostbur.

A/N-Please I can't write fluff for my life-

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A/N-Please I can't write fluff for my life-

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