𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞 𝙿𝚃 𝟸

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Part 2 of Yandere!Tommy x nb!child!reader as per requested by Spo0kiez

A/N- I need requests- I need to write more before school starts, and this chapter is terrible because I could not find a way to end this-

A/N- I need requests- I need to write more before school starts, and this chapter is terrible because I could not find a way to end this-

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When Tommy woke up, the same smile stared at him, only this time it was broken in several parts. Tommy screamed slightly and tried to punch the mask, only for it to move out of the way.

Dream chuckled at his attempt to harm him and sat down in the corner, while Tommy hastily stood up and backed away, being careful not to walk into the lava. Soon the two males heard a beep and a shocked voice cut through the air.

"Tommy? Tommy! Stay there! I'll be there soon." Another beep cut through the air as the lava started to rise, Tommy looked down at his shirt which had rips in it, bruises adorned his skin and scars had been well tuned to. Sam had run into the cell and grabbed Tommy, who hugged Sam, tears pricking in his eyes. After a minute Tommy suddenly shot up, pushing Sam away from him and trying to run out of the prison and to his little dirt house in L'manberg, bumping into Tubbo and Ranboo on the way.

Tubbo grasped Tommy, "Tommy? Tommy! It's you! I thought you were dead! What happened?" Tommy shoved past Tubbo and Ranboo, who looked at each other in concern, and contemplated following him, but ultimately choosing not to and continued walked back to their house.

Tommy carefully opened the door to his little house and walked into a small room to see a small figure sleeping quietly. Tommy let out a small breath and walked over to and bed, pushing some strands of hair out of their face, and brushing a thumb against their face, admiring the peaceful look on their face before standing up taking another glance at them before shutting the door quietly.

Time-skip brought to you by EGG :)

[NAME] groaned as they woke up,
not recognizing their surroundings. They sat up rubbing their eyes before hopping off of the bed and looking around the room, walls were a dark purple, an indent of a large door on a wall just to the opposite of the small bed. The young child looked around confused when the large door opened to reveal Tommy, who looked fine, bandages adorned his body, bruises covered up. Tommy smiled at [NAME] who ran up to him, hugging him asking him where they were. Tommy smiled a tooth-rotting smile and patted their back, "We're home, away from everything, safe..." [NAME] just sat there in Tommy's tight hug, a hand running through their hair, Tommy whispering sweet nothings in their ear.

Over the following week Tommy came more often, repeating the same things to [NAME] over and over again, so much so that it was the only thing [NAME] could think about, stuck in a world of lies, never questioning why they were in a obsidian box, and why everyone else hadn't visited. After all, they never doubted Tommy from the start, why should they now?

 After all, they never doubted Tommy from the start, why should they now?

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