𝙾𝚗𝚕𝚢 𝙼𝚎𝚖𝚘𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚜

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Platonic! Charlie Slimecicle x reader

TW: Angst? Maybe?

Set before any lore, until I say so

Charlie, well, a glob of slime gurgled happily as it settled into it's newfound hole

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Charlie, well, a glob of slime gurgled happily as it settled into it's newfound hole. All was peaceful, till the little slime heard talking. It wasn't a mob, nor any other slime, it was in a weird language Charlie had never heard before. The way they spoke their words mesmerized the slime. What, or rather who was this?

He jumped out of his hole, and glanced at what was standing by his hole. They were tall, very tall, taller than any other mob he's seen. H/c hair, e/c eyes that blinked every so often. It was kind of like a horse, but not? It had hands akin to a raccoon, without claws, they just looked....overall weird, but in a good way.

Charlie's eyes lit up, he slithered over to their side, touching them carefully with his body, amazed at what they were. 


[NAME] yelped, picking up their foot and hopping a few steps away from the slime. When they saw what had touched them they calmed down. They crouched down, poking the slime with the handle of their sword.

"What are you?..." They muttered, "You're no slime I've ever seen."

The slime gurgled, almost like it understood them, but it surely didn't. It's little body absorbed the sword, it looked like it was having fun. It made [NAME] crack a small smile. "Aw, this guy's cute. I like him!" They muttered to themselves. "Should I keep him?" They wondered aloud, [NAME] looked back at the slime, "Should I keep you? Little guy?" They cooed to the slime, knowing full well he couldn't understand them.

The slime gurgled happily, sliding onto their hand that they had put out for him. He relished into their warmth. "I can't say no to that, I'll keep you...and name you..." They thought for a brief moment, "Charles? Charlie?" They tested out the name, though the little slime was more than happy at his newfound name. 

"Charlie it is."


Months had passed by, though to [NAME] it still felt like they had just took in the slime hybrid in. They had made it a goal to teach the slime English, and teach they defiantly did. He had picked up the language quite quickly, to their surprise. Now he went around asking so many questions, some that [NAME]couldn't even answer.

He had also picked up something else. Shape-shifting. It was quite the surprise to [NAME] when they walked in and saw a small green cow sitting on the carpet of their room. After that, Charlie with his newfound ability, started to copy everything he saw, including [NAME]

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