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REQUESTED? YES :D BY Dragonlover_27


Yandere!Philza x male!child reader

Yandere!Philza x male!child reader

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Phil sighed as he sipped his drink on the porch of Technoblade's house. He never really was calm like this, he always had something to do, something to keep him busy for the time being. The crows around him flocked around, talking endlessly, maybe he did have something to do- He sighed as he pulled down his hat over his eyes, trusting his murder of crows to warn him if anything happened. And would you look at that, they started to caw, and holler, yelling their nickname for him while feathers flew everywhere. Philza sighed as he lifted his hat only to see a child. "What's a child like you doing around here?" He said quietly, not wanting to scare the child away.


[NAME] looked up at the man, his brain having trouble finding words as he sputtered out random gibberish. You see he was just walking through the forest, trying to find some mushrooms so he could give them to his [mom, dad, guardian]. Then before he knew it a huge group of crows swept him up, spewing out words like 'Dadza' or 'Philza' constantly. Was this the so-called 'Philza'? It seemed so, the crows liked him, he looked like an angel as he stood in front of the sun blocking the sunlight making him look like a shadow. The man smiled graciously, "I'm Philza, but you can just call me Phil. Are you okay? I'm sorry about my crows they get excited at times..." The man sent a quick glare to the murder of crows, getting them to shut up.

He turned back to [NAME] and crouched down in front of the small child. "Do you have any parents little one?" The child nodded, tears pricing up in his eyes, remembering that he should've been home by now. What if they were worried? [NAME] was very emotional, he never really liked seeing people sad, it made him cry. Philza gently picked him up, and started walking into the cabin.


'It wouldn't hurt to let him stay with me and Techno for a while..' Philza thought as he set [NAME] down by the fireplace to warm him up. The small child cuddling into the jacket that he had on. It had reminded him of Wilbur when he was a small child. Oh how he wished the days were like that again, but alas, they'll never be. Unless...he knew what he had to do...

 Phil looked at a weird watch he had, it displayed all his contacts as he clicked on Technoblade's contact. Typing rapidly on the keyboard that had showed up. A ding was heard as Philza sent the message.

Not too long after another ding was heard, Technoblade had answered. Apparently he was going back to the house anyway, unsuccessful at bartering with the Piglin's. Phil looked at the child, who had fallen asleep by the fireplace, curled up into a ball and laying on the carpet in front of the fire, which was probably a fire hazard. Technoblade had rushed home pretty quickly- the door to the cabin opened up aggressively as Technoblade rushed in, making sure Phil wasn't hurt.

"What are you callin' me for- you don't seem to be in desperate need of help." Technoblade muttered out, his eyes stopped on the child sleeping in front of the fireplace. "Why is there a child in my house." Techno glanced at Phil, who wearily smiled. "I just needed help finding their parents Techno, after we do I promise not bring in random children." Phil said, putting a hand on a heart pin he had. "That's what you said after you found Tommy. And look where we've gotten." Techno muttered out, stalking closer and closer to [NAME].

Phil noticed this and stopped Techno, grabbing onto his arm very aggressively and throwing him back.


The pink-haired male balanced himself, fixing the crown on his head as he watched Phil pick up the sleeping male. Techno muttered something under his breath as Phil glared at him. Giving him a look at sent shivers down his body. He had never seen Phil give anybody that look before. Techno turned around, going back through the door, feeling Phil's eye burn through the back of his head as he walked out.

Dadza acting weird today-


Now look what you did, you made him angry you idiot-

Lol Techno got the cold shoulder from Philza Minecraft

Techno rolled his eyes, trudging back to the nether portal he came out of. 'Shut up nerds, Phil's probably just in a bad mood, I'll check on him later.' And with that, he dissapeared into the doorway of glowing purple.


[NAME] woke up in a comfy bed, he didn't remember where he was. The small child sitting up and rubbing his eyes. A distant noise of muttering came from the room next to his. Hasty footsteps grew louder as the man from earlier appeared in the doorway. A smile was thrown at the small male, not the nice kind of smiles though. The man was acting weird, muttering and pacing around while the child drink a glass of water he had given them.

[NAME] settled into Phil's arms as he walked out of the cabin, promising the child to find their parents. What [NAME] didn't know was that he had already found them, thanks to the help of his crows, which were circling above the two. The crows had attacked [NAME'S] parents/parent, and had left them for dead in the forest, bleeding out, letting little maggots eat away at the rotten flesh left of their corpse.

Phil was smiling, taking [NAME] to a little house he had in the middle of the wood. Not to his parents, of course not to them. They were dead, and the only option left was for him to take care of the small male. The forest was silent, only the sounds of the wind and crunching leafs were heard. The cabin soon showed up, stood standing tall and stable. The forest had preserved the old house. Nothing out of it's place, it was well taken care of.

Phil gently set [NAME] down on a bed, which made the male wake up. Rubbing his eyes again, trying to get the sleep to leave his body, [NAME] looked around, expecting to see his parents/parent, but no. Phil was sitting next to him, gently combing his fingers through [NAME'S] hair. "Where are my parents?" the small male croaked out, voice still coarse from not speaking for a while and only sleeping.

Phil smiled wide, a dangerous glint in his eyes.

"I'm right here..."

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Sigh Philza Minecraft

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