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Requested? Yes! By @MelissaC3000

Yan!Philza x male child reader

no pedophillia here guys💀it's platonic

no pedophillia here guys💀it's platonic

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The snowy cliffs of the SMP held a fantastic view. That's the only reason Philza even visits the cold area, besides visiting Technoblade of course. Perching in a dead tree he sighed, melting into his warm puffy jacket.

The winged man had already been there for at least and hour already, and as he stood up to fly off he heard laughter. His head shot to the direction the laughter had come from. He slowly stalked closer and hid behind one of the many snow covered trees.

In the middle of the snow covered forest was a child, no older than 4 years old running around with someone who seemed to be their father. The child's short hair dusted with a bit of frost, his nose pink in the cold. They were having fun, something Philza longed to have with his children again.

After Wilbur and Tommy left the house, and Technoblade had left to go on his own it was just him.


Philza's eyes burned with jealousy. He had deserved the same happiness as this man did, maybe even more. But if life wasn't going to give happiness to him, might as well take it for himself.

He was going to take it for himself.

[NAME]  giggled when he saw his father fall into the snow

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[NAME] giggled when he saw his father fall into the snow. The man smiling at the boy's little laugh.

The little boy sat in the snow, his big puffy jacket restricted his movement. He closed his eyes, yawning loudly. [NAME'S] father smiled at the sleepy boy. He stood up, walking over to him and picking him up. "Let's go back and see mom ok?" He whispered to the half awake boy. [NAME] nodded wearily, resting his head on his father's shoulder.


The two walked down a snowy path, the only sound was the soft breathing of [NAME] and the sound of his father's boots on the dirt. The silence unnerved the father, no sound of animals walking past, no cawing of birds in the air.

Unbeknownst to him in the thick forest of trees was a certain winged man, who stared intently at the two on the path below him. Taking out his crossbow and loading it with a firework. He raised the crossbow up to his face and fired.

Once the firework made impact Philza immediately swooped down and snatched the child who was laying in the snow. Slight burns decorated his face and hands.

On the ground next to Philza's feet was [NAME'S] father, body curled into itself, his back bleeding out onto the snow. He glanced up at Philza with half lidded, weary eyes. Philza looked down and smiled at the man.


He smashed his foot onto the wounded man's face.

A few hours later the father woke up, cold and on his house's doorstep

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A few hours later the father woke up, cold and on his house's doorstep. He immediately sat up, looking around for his son. Unfortunately for him he had remembered what the winged man had done to him and he stood up.

"No no no no." He muttered, pulling at his hair, his eyes welled up with tears.

"No..." he wailed, falling onto his knees.

He had lost his only son to a terrible man.

And he was determined to get him back.

Y'all could definitely see the rust in my writing skills💀💀

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Y'all could definitely see the rust in my writing skills💀💀

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