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Callahan my beloved, too underrated for his own good

Based on a Football AU made by Teefumz on Instagram. Check it out ;) it gives more context and for the hot art dude. Who doesn't like hot art? And it's one of my favorite AU's-

 Who doesn't like hot art? And it's one of my favorite AU's-

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~Overprotective defiantly, especially when he can't communicate very easily

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~Overprotective defiantly, especially when he can't communicate very easily.

~Lingers in the background with you chilling or just making out- /J- /HJ

~If anyone checks you out or makes any moves on you he is ready with his baseball bat.

~You not let you anywhere near the field, the only jobs he'd let you take that requires you to be near the field is medical caretaker, or water boy with George.

~Always tries to impress you when he's in the field, like tackling people, and trying to catch the ball, which backfires occasionally, leaving him flustered as you tease him after.

~Likes flaunting the other Feral Boys that he actually has a partner, even if he can't talk physically, he always finds a way to

~If you were their nurse, he'd defiantly use any chance he'd get to help you, what a gentleman.

~As you can see, he gets jealous very easily, and anyone who he gets jealous of gets a beating

~He loves when you cheer for him, it gets him pumped up

~His tackles are hell, never get tackled by this man or he will kill you

~This guy is a fast mf- he always sprints to you after games which always scares the shit out of you 

~He usually talks by writing stuff down on a sticky note he usually has

~Loves to send you little letters of appreciation

~Follows you around like a lost puppy most of the time

~A chaotic neutral, not too good, but not too evil. Still chaotic though

~He loves hugs, especially after a really hard game, when he's sweaty asf

~Shows affection by picking you up, either it be a piggyback ride, or he slings you over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes

~Childish most of the time, so you mother him, even if he's older than you-

~The whole team act like children, and your like the babysitter to them-

~He mostly likes to stay by you and gets sad and mopey when you're not around

~You two are chill ASF, while the team is doing something chaotic like arson, you two are just sitting and play games-

~Kidnapps you most of the time since you go to different schools-

~Teachers are used to it, most act oblivious though

~Physical touch is his love language, constantly hugs, cuddles, holding hands you name it, he just loves being with you

~Jams out with you to music at night while everyone else is sleeping

~Very competitive, what would you think. He plays football, of course he's competitive

~Holds bets with you all the time

~Listens to anything you say, if you wanted something he would get it for you in a flash, if you wanted to show him something, he would be by your side in seconds. This man is whipped

~Has very good hearing, you cannot escape this man-

~Scares and sneaks up on you and other people all the time, this man is silent

Callahan my beloved, we all need to appreciate him and how he gets all the bitches

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Callahan my beloved, we all need to appreciate him and how he gets all the bitches

Callahan my beloved, we all need to appreciate him and how he gets all the bitches

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