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Charlie x reader

WARNING: Lore spoilers :') I'm sorry


The little slime boy excitedly bounced around Las Nevadas, looking for a certain h/cette. Charlie smiled deviously as he spotted his target talking with Purpled.

The slime hybrid waited for the exact time they turned around, jumping out of the bushes to hug them. "[NAME] of L'manberg! I've been looking for you! Quackity of Las Nevadas told me I could take a break from 'training' I don't know what for but we have time to spend together!" Charlie smiled widely, "I've been waiting for this! I have so many things planned like..." The brunette trailed off, not remembering what he had planned for the two. [NAME] looked at Purpled, "Well- me and Purpled we're planning to-"

Purpled, who had been standing behind them slightly smiled, "Don't worry, we can discuss this later. I have something else to do anyways." The blonde chuckled, rubbing his arm.

Charlie's smiled seemed to get wider as he dragged the h/c away from him, "Bye Purpled from UFO!" He turned to [NAME], "Anyways! I was thinking.." the two stopped in front of the casino. "So you think we could just spend time together? Nothing special, I..just haven't really spent much time with you since Quackity started this training." He looked up to the h/c who smiled at their companion. "I'd love to spend time with you Slime."


Quackity rested his hand on his palm, staring off of the gigantic tower. He sighed, having seen the two run off to go play in the fountains probably.

He was stressed, really stressed. "It's fine Quackity, everything will be fine." He consoled himself.

"It'll be fine..."


Charlie hummed a small tune, swinging his legs off of the side of the fountain, waiting patiently for [NAME] to come and meet up with him. He drummed his fingers that were definitely made of bones on his knees, pursing his lips. [NAME] was late...they never were late.

This made Charlie frown slightly, jumping up to go find his partner. 'Where would they be...' he thought to himself, jumping over a crater in the ground. He fixed the suspenders that Quackity had given him, and knocked on the designated room of [NAME] that sat near his own. "[NAME] from L'manberg? Are you in there? I was waiting for you by the fountains..." He waited for a reply.


Not a sound.

"[NAME]? Are you okay? Where are-"

"Slime?- er- Charlie? What are you doing? Lessons started 30 minutes ago." Quackity called out to the slime, walking up behind the slime, partly scaring the bones out of him. "But boss...[NAME] isn't answering the door." Charlie whined out, "I'm worried..." He trailed off, fiddling with his suspenders.

Quackity sighed, walking up to the door and looking for the key to open it. Once he had found what he was looking for, the door opened. Nothing was inside. The room was barren. Even Quackity was stunned at how empty the room was.

Where was [NAME] you ask?

That's nothing for you to worry about.

Charlie frowned, tears on the brink of bursting out if his eyes. "Where's [NAME]?.." he whimpered out.

"They wouldn't just leave like this..." Quackity mumbled out, glancing at the barren room in front of him. "I can call Purpled to look for them." He consoled the slime, who was wiping his tears away, some escaped his hand and trickled down his face.

"For now I need to teach you something, something very important..." Quackity lead the slime off to the roads.

"What is it?"




"Create no emotional attachments."

"To anything."

"Everything gets destroyed."




"I need your to remember that Charlie. Remember... please."


Damn, why'd I write this faster then the oneshot I've been working on for months now-

I'm still not okay from the stream

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