𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝙰𝚝 𝚂𝚎𝚊

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Requested by Mehalo_Smiles :)

C! Ranboo x Brother reader

This was very refreshing to write ngl

TW: Dark imagery, (kinda)


The salty air nicked at Ranboo's fingertips, which gripped tightly onto the side of a small boat

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The salty air nicked at Ranboo's fingertips, which gripped tightly onto the side of a small boat. The spay of the ocean making him wince as small burns began to form where the water hit the most. His brother, [NAME], sat to his side, handling the paddles, which weren't very effective in this kind of weather.

[NAME] sighed, though it came out more like a whimper. The crashing waves sent him into a flurry, trying to snatch whatever items had flown out of their fixed places, whether it be in his bag or in a random chest that was on the boat. His hands had already gone wrinkled, scars littered all over his body at this point. Several items were already lost at sea, one of those including [NAME'S] communicator.

They were stuck.


At sea.

In the middle of a storm.

How were they supposed to get out of this?  Ranboo surely didn't know. Land was probably hours away, maybe even days. And here they were, barley surviving a couple of minutes. He let out a harsh cough, stopping all movement on the boat.

"Ranboo? Are you okay?" [NAME] glanced to his younger brother, who might I add didn't look so well.

Every fiber of Ranboo's body yelled at him to say no. He didn't want to be a bother. [NAME] already had to deal with so much even outside of this situation they were in. He wanted to give his brother a break. Well his mouth had a mind of its own.


Ranboo stopped, bring his hand to his mouth quickly to cover it. Why did he say that- 

"I- Well- I mean-"

Ranboo was cut off by a small chuckle escaping [NAME'S] lips. 

"Ranboo, you don't have to hide anything from me. You're a terrible liar anyways." A thin smile spread across [NAME'S] lips as another wave of water droplets rained down on the two. Ranboo shook his head, his eyes burning and the flesh around his mouth tearing at the sides.

"No no no no no no no no no no no no no no no."

[NAME] frowned, reaching out to hold Ranboo's hand. "Ranboo. We are not going to fall. I promise you." His face stern, though still a bit comforting to the hybrid. Ranboo hiccuped, trying to calm down his un-even breaths that made his chest and cheeks ache. He shut his eyes, burying his face into the crook of [NAME'S] neck.

"It'll be okay, I'll still be here." He heard his brother mutter out softly.

A couple minutes passed, and the comfortable silence between the two grew longer until the younger of the two fell asleep the the sound of [NAME'S] breaths and the rain that grew weaker every second.


Ranboo stirred, eyes opening to see the bright sun shine through the curtains, which made him hiss. He blinked, clearing his vision so he could take in his surroundings.

He laid in a bed, well, his bed. They were at Snowchester.

The door to his mostly empty room slammed open and in came Micheal. His little happy snorts filled the room and made Ranboo smile.

Michael jumped on the bed, crawling up to his father who picked him up. Ranboo flexed a weird face, causing Micheal to laugh, snorting multiple times while doing so.

Ranboo smiled, "Hey squirt." He booped Micheal's nose as he stood up and set him on the floor, still Micheal clung to his leg. In the door way Tubbo stood, smiling at Ranboo.

"Ranboo! Thank god, I thought you were never gonna wake up." Tubbo laughed, walking at the Ranboo and hugging his waist. "[NAME] brought you here, he's still downstairs." Tubbo muttered out, his words muffled a bit as he smooshed his cheek against Ranboo's leg. "You better be more careful, I'll kill you again if you die." (I'm so sorry- THIS IS OLD OKAY?-)

Ranboo laughed, "I'll try not to....can you let go of my leg now?" Ranboo muttered out, chuckling when he saw Micheal and Tubbo hesitantly pull away from his legs. He pressed a chaste kiss to both of their foreheads before sprinting out the door, rushing to go thank his brother for helping him.

Tubbo laughed, picking up Micheal who snorted affectionately.

"Your father is going to kill me one day."

A/N: This took me so long to make and finish, fuck procrastination 

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A/N: This took me so long to make and finish, fuck procrastination 

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