𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚘𝚍, 𝙼𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎

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Requested? No, I wrote this during class-


Revivebur x God!Reader

Wilbur sighed as he stared at the sunset before him, Dream had just revived him and he felt better than ever

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Wilbur sighed as he stared at the sunset before him, Dream had just revived him and he felt better than ever. Not really. The scars and wounds he had were still on his body, probably getting infected by now, especially the one on his arm, it was really bad.

He strided through the thick forest, he never remembered there being a forest where he stood but he shrugged it off, it had been a while since he had walked through the old country of L'manberg. The aching on his arm started to bother him, he should get that checked out, he never was good at medicine, his father was but he didn't know where his dear old father was at that time. Philza probably didn't want to see him anyways, after what he had done. 

A whistle cut through the silent air. It was a bird, but apparently it was the only bird in the entire forest. Wilbur had just realized it, the forest was dead silent, no birds, or animals, he couldn't even hear his footsteps. The forest soon went quiet, "Hello?" Wilbur said, not really though- He couldn't even hear his own voice. 

The silence suffocating himself as he looked around frantically. He didn't like the silence, it reminded him too much of that god forsaken train station. The world around him tightly curling around him like it was trying to throw him away like a useless piece of trash.

Footsteps were heard, but it was drowned out by Wilbur's heavy breathing the the suffocating ringing in the tall man's ears. A hand shot into his view as time stopped, he looked up surprised not expecting a person here. The leaves that were falling around him stopped in mid-air. He looked at his surroundings, everything was stopped. 

"What the fuck?-" The tall man breathed out as he looked at the person standing right in front of him. Their body was mostly a shadow, their face was just a void of darkness, like ink. Their whole body was like a shadow, a silhouette of a cape flowed behind them even if there was no wind, their hair the same, flowing gracefully in the invisible wind. 

"Hello there..." An echo like voice came out of the shadow, it's hand was still held out, expecting him to take it. Wilbur took their hand. Time continued, the leaves fell from the trees gracefully and he could hear the leaves crunching beneath his foot, the wind whistled through the trees as the shadow that used to be in front of him looked more like a human being. 

A smiled graced the tall being's face. "You're Wilbur. Right? I swear if I got the wrong person again-" Wilbur cut them off with a laugh of disbelief. "You just- I-" He cut himself off and stood tall again. "Uhm, yes. I am Wilbur." The being's smile grew wider. "Great. Now I have a few questions for you." They said sternly as a thick notebook appeared in front of them along with a pen, Wilbur yelped as he was sat down on a random log that had appeared. "Wait- wait- What's happening?-" The being stopped. "Oh right." They held out their hand again as they introduced them-self.

 "I am [NAME]. God of time and destiny. I was sent here to question you. Now I've heard of you being revived, is that true? I just need to know." They said softly as they watched Wilbur's face morph into confusion, then skepticism. "What are you doing with this information? You're not doing anything suspicious are you?" Wilbur said as he crossed his arms, looking like a little child. They chuckled. "No, of course not. I just need to record you down into my book little one. Just encase something happens in the timeline." They said amused at Wilbur's little pout he had. 

"I'm not little mind you, I'm 6'5 for your information." Wilbur boasted as the being was writing something in their notebook they had. "And, yes I was revived..." He admitted as they nodded and continued writing. "Date of birth please.." "September 14, 1996" "Family? Any children? I wouldn't be surprised if you have at least one, you are very handsome." They commented while writing. Wilbur's face was flushed, did he just get complimented by a god? They were way more [handsome/beautiful] than him. And most importantly, way older than him probably.

"Uh- My father is Philza Minecraft...My younger brothers are Technoblade, and Tommy. I have a son, his name is Fundy..." Wilbur said, staring at the god's concentrated face, it was cute. Wilbur's daydream was cut off by said god closing the book and it dissapearing. "Ah, a Minecraft, well tell Phil I say hello. Thank you for your time. I'll be taking my leave now." Wilbur panicked, he didn't want them to leave right now...they were nice company. He reached out to them, hissing in pain as he remembered the wound on his arm. 

The god looked behind them and sighed, hitting their forehead momentarily before floating back to Wilbur, and leaning down to inspect his arm. "I forgot, your body condition is terrible. Makes since considering your body hasn't been tended to in a while..." They sighed as a bag opened up beside him and they took out a rag soaked with water, some medicine and bandages.

They took off his jacket and rolled up the sleeve of his sweater and started prodding and poking at the infected wound, yellow pus leaking out of the wound. They wiped it away and started to wash his wound. Wilbur grimaced as he felt the unbearable stinging pain in his arm. They had put an antibiotic  on it before wrapping a roll of gauze around it and tying a neat little knot on the front.

"There, now shoo. On your way you go. You never saw anything around these woods okay?" They commanded, pushing him back the way he had come. "But-" "No if,'s and's, or but's okay? I'll come back to visit again and make sure your all spiffy, now on your way you go."

Wilbur didn't complain after that, as the god dissapeared, he had a goofy grin on his face. Sighing contently and making his way to a certain Old Man he knew to confront his beloved mother. Oh he couldn't wait.

School really motivates you to write-

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School really motivates you to write-

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