𝙲𝚊𝚕𝚖 𝙱𝚎𝚏𝚘𝚛𝚎 𝚝𝚑𝚎 𝚂𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚖

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REQUESTED? Yes! By Mehalo_Smiles (Kinda just warped your request for an excuse to comfort myself after the lore stream-)


Platonic Technoblade x male reader



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Technoblade wiped the sweat off of his brow, even though it was freezing outside. Farming potatoes was hard work, it over- exerted the man and he needed a break, badly.

He huffed, fixing his long hair into a ponytail, ready to take a small break from farming for the day.

Though a thought struck him.

Phil was out doing... something and Ranboo was in Snowchester still with Tubbo. I mean he could visit Dream, but the green marker was too much for him to handle at the moment. And he didn't feel like getting trapped in a confined space with the man again.

He scrolled through his contacts on his communicator.

He stopped on one particular contact, labeled '[NAME]'. He wasn't very creative with his contact names, just bluntly saying their name reduces the hassle of trying to find them if he was in a bad situation, or maybe it was just convenience for everyday use. He pressed on said contact, typing a simple, 'I'm lonely' message, chuckling at the response he got. He pocketed the communicator after he ended the small conversation, a slight smile graced his lips.


[NAME] ran through the tundra, his puffy coat being a hindrance to his mobility to move quickly. He adorned a big smile. He hasn't seen Technoblade in what felt like ages, he was beyond excited. He fixed the make-shift crown the pink haired male had given him. It was chipped, and most of the gems were gone, but [NAME] wore it religiously.

He snow beneath his feet crunched, and squashed under his boots as he slowed down his pace. Shit it was cold. Colder than usual considering winter was coming soon and that meant stocking up on supplies to at least last the whole season.

Cause no one wants to go out in the freezing winter.

Once [NAME] reached the small cabin in the snow he ran to the front door, knocking on it with a gloves hand. He saw a familiar pink mop of hair through the window, moving to open the door. Once Technoblade did, the h/c jumped him, pulling the taller into a tight hug. "TECHNO! I haven't seen you in a while!" [NAME] smiled widely, not his normal look.

The pinkette chuckled, and slightly hugged back. "Nice seein' ya." Technoblade smiled, tusks showing.


Technoblade hummed, searching around the chests for some ingredients to make potions. The pinkette passed the sleeping h/c while climbing down. He smiled at their calm expression, it felt like the violence and chaos had gone on for ages, not once stopping for a bit of rest.

But I guess this was the resting period.

Chaos was bound to be starting soon....


Once [NAME] had woken up from their sleep, Techno took it as his job to do something with the boy. After all he was pretty young, he should have at least some fun in his lifetime.

The pink haired male lead the h/c out to a small pond area, frozen over with a thick layer of ice covering the cold water. "What is this..." [NAME] looked around in awe. He edged closer to the ice over pond, touching the ice with his foot. Technoblade smiled as he watched the boy slide haphazardly on the ice. "I found this gem while travelling to Pogtopia." [NAME] laughed, "Wow...remember Pogtopia? That was...a shit show." The two looked at each other for a second before laughing. The h/c continued to slide on the ice, trying not to fall, failing at times. 

Techno felt his communicator vibrate as he looked down at the small object. It was Philza. Of course the old man had to cut into his free time. He looked at the message he was sent and his breath hitched. Fuck. It was time? Already?

The pink haired male glanced at [NAME] who had just gotten off of the ice, now messing with a pretty large icicle. "[NAME]." He called out the h/c who snapped his head over to the pinkette. "Yeah?" He glanced at the device in Technoblade's hand. "Oh...we probably have to leave huh? What business are you doing now?" He playfully punched Techno's arm, joking.

It took Technoblade everything to not to dismiss the message. He wanted to spend some time with [NAME]. He were like a sibling to him. He dug his fingernails into his calloused palms, scratched up due to fights and his anxiety. Blood slightly trickled down his palms, but he was quick to wipe it off onto his cape, which was already a deep red. He nodded, not saying a word as he walked along the path he had made in the snow, the h/c following closely behind him.

Once they reached an area by Technoblade's house, the smoke from the chimney visible through the snow falling gently from the sky. "This is where we part." Technoblade spoke, the first thing he'd said from their peaceful walk to the location. [NAME] nodded and smiled graciously, "Today was fun! We could do this again, maybe I'll show you somewhere next time!" Techno nodded, running a hand through his hair, "Next time, I have to go now, Phil and Nikki are waiting for me." 

The pinkette walked away with a hug, the warmth from their body still present on his. He grinned at the sun, which was starting to set. "Maybe next time...."


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Finally getting out of this terrible writers block I've had, Requests will probably be worked on pretty soon! Hopefully I start writing longer oneshots-

Goodbye my loves :}

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