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Also credits to Spo0kiez  for helping me with this 😩

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Also credits to Spo0kiez for helping me with this 😩

~A strict parent 😩

~Very overprotective

~Acts like a Yandere, but not really-

"Who's that your hanging out with?" "Are you dating?" "Istg""Where is your phone?" "WHO IS THAT Y/N"

~Wilbur would definitely make you call him 'father'.

~Sets a curfew for everything, at 8:00, maybe 8:30 if your lucky.

~Would focus on grades a lot, B's higher.

~Defiantly would not let you go anywhere without him after school.

~"Parties? No, no, no you could be taking drugs over there....or smoking" Wilbur says while he lights a cigarette.

~A parent who has beef with other parents and brags/shows off his child's skills-

~Sends you to the fancy schools 😌

~Rage quits while helping you with homework.

"I can't fucking believe they changed math again." "Those pricks"

~Censors other people around you but curses a lot at home 🙃

"Father, can I curse too-"
"No, only I can"

~The 'when I was your age' parent.

~Probably wouldn't ever hire a babysitter because why not bring your child everywhere with you...🙃

~Would make you listen to only his songs. Only his...

"Only mine matter, the other ones could burn."

~The school helper parent who always hugs you and says hello. Even in front of your whole class. The man has no shame.

~He claps so fucking loud- always yells and shouts when your in a program or sport.

~✨Soccer mom but dad version✨

~Tall father who intimidates the other dad's, but not really-

~Stares and judges everyone.

~Pushes his glasses up every second to assert dominance

~Uses the fancy big boy terms, like photosynthesis, which is something he uses in a casual conversation

~Overthinks every projects you have and when it doesn't turn out right, he gets the job finished himself

~The teachers know his habits now

"Did your father write this again? I see photosynthesis in here again, must be your father."

~Parent teacher meet and greets are only filled with bragging about what he does for a living.

"I stream a block game with 17 year olds as we play make believe-"

~Wilbur is the parent to say "I brought you into this world and I can bring you out" then he tells in horrific detail what he'd do to you.

~Wouldn't force you into anything you wouldn't like. Very supportive.

~Would definitely celebrate little things, remembers everything... everything

~Helps you remember events because ✨ forgetfulness

~Makes you study for tests a week- or month before- no in-between

~Very organized

~Would tell you all about anteaters and photosynthesis

"Make sure to grab the homework for Wednesday!" "It's Monday." "I know"

"Ask your teacher for the test
schedule......and the lesson plans for the year"

"And every assignment you will be having ever" "You need to study" "make sure to do extra credit! Even if you don't need it" "bored Do homework, study or something"

"No you can't have your phone Your 15 minutes was up an hour ago!"

Fuck this was long- I'm making a part two which I'll hopefully get out either later today or tomorrow :)

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