𝙵𝚊𝚕𝚕𝚒𝚗' 𝙸𝚗 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎

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Requested? Yes! By toastbur :)


Technoblade x God!reader

I made this gender neutral :)

Technoblade frowned at the silence of his house

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Technoblade frowned at the silence of his house. He didn't like the silence, there was always something, even if it was the voices, or someone talking to him. Philza was busy in the nether, Ranboo was....somewhere, Tommy was building a cobblestone tower a couple miles away from his house. There was nothing to do, no one to talk to. Just him and his thoughts. He set down the metal file he used to sharpen his sword and looked in the reflection.

'Today is boring, nothing to do...' The pinkette sighed, leaning back onto his desk chair. 'Might as well get some fresh air, it's not everyday I get free time like this...' The half-piglin nodded, his shoulder length hair flowing around with the movement of his head. 

"What to do what to do..." Technoblade mumbled running and hand through his unruly hair. And with that line, the voices came back.

Tough question, I say we commit some murder

I second that

Can't we just chill for at least one day?-


But we just woke uppppp

how about going on a walk? idk I don't get out that much


Technoblade groaned silently, "Come onnn, right when I get the time to myself you guys come around...And I am not killing anyone today, I'm in retirement..." The voices shouting and yelling out, were arguing with each other on what to do. It felt like a sword was thrusted into his head, his head throbbing with all the internal conflict going on. "CHAT, SHUT UP, just- be quiet for right now

All the yelling died down, settling down into a quiet whisper, as the voices apologized, which was usually very rare. The pinkette sighed out in relief, the pounding in his head also died down. He pulled on his cape, and left the house. 

The weather was nice. As nice as the weather in the cold could be. The sun was at it's highest, casting it's rays on the crystal-like snow, leaving a orange tint on the top layer. The wind whipped through the forest, as Technoblade walked closer and closer to the coast, where he was going to stay for the day and chill.

Once he arrived, he noticed something...weird...

All the times he's gone to the coast, the waves had been small, hitting against each other before dissapearing. But today, the waves were humongous. Reaching almost 10 feet high, before crashing back down onto the sand. Technoblade grumbled under his breath as drops of cold water hit him. "Today...is-" Another gigantic wave crashed down onto the shore, again spraying water all over the pinkette. 

Then something weird happened. A head, popped out of the water.

Not a solid head, one made of water. Their features looked ecstatic as they stared at Technoblade. Glassy doe eyes curious as the half-piglin approached the now calm waters. "Hello dear mortal! It's nice seeing you around here!" Technoblade stood confused. Why was a person in the water?- Can you even call that a person?

"Hellooooo? Are you, awake? Is this how humans sleep?"

Technoblade blinked, though you couldn't see it through his boar mask. "Heh? Oh- uh...who- who are you?" The face smiled once more. "I'm [NAME]! God of water- shoot- I wasn't supposed to say that-" The pinkette stood confused still, drowning out the god's nervous rambling. The voice's screaming about the god in their presence. The sharp banging in his head back again and bigger and more painful than ever.

"WHAT- you're- what-"Technoblade sputtered out, still in disbelief. [NAME] stoped their rant, and smiled once more. "I'm a god... You wouldn't tell anyone...right? If you did then Foolish and XD would be mad at me... And they'll kill you. But you seem nice and I don't want that for you..."

Technoblade, who had already regained his composure, sat by the coast, peering at the water made head in front of him. "So...what's a god like you doing in the arctic I'm sure you have better stuff to do than talk to me." The pinkette huffed out, ignoring the internal yelling going on in his head. "Oh? Well...Foolish and XD coddle me a lot which means they won't let me go out as much...and my powers are limited to things in the overworld. I'm not as powerful here than I am in places like the End..." [NAME] frowned out, sighing causing bubbles to rumble in their water made head. "Though the overworld is very interesting. I've only been here once in the eons of years I've been alive."

Technoblade gaped, how old was this person?- But then, the voices proposed something...and it was actually a good idea. "Uhm... would you like to see more things in the overworld? You seem like an adventurous person..." The god gasped excitedly, "Really?! You would do that? You're one of the nicer mortals I've met!" [NAME] smiled, more large waves submerged the head, soaking the pinkette. And large frame appeared out of the waves, precisely 10 feet tall. Three feet taller then Technoblade.

The half-piglin gaped, mouth open. The voice's were down bad. Swooning over the tall god as Technoblade took in their appearance.

A long f/c robe flowed down, almost water like. A light blue sash adorned their waste as their jewelry jingled and shone in the light. Soft h/c locks sat comfortably underneath a hood, their e/c eyes soft, casting a gentle gaze on the pinkette. "Where are we going? You lead the way...what's your name dear mortal?"

Technoblade blinked, "I'm- I'm Technoblade..." [NAME] smiled again, so brightly it was probably going to blind anyone who saw it. "Technoblade! It has a nice ring to it...I like it. Nice to meet you Technoblade."

And so, as all romantic movies go. They walk to a flower field, spending the rest of the day together.
Technoblade never liked the silence...but maybe now. The silence won't be so bad.

Idk why this took so long- I procrastinate a lot-

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Idk why this took so long- I procrastinate a lot-

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