𝚂𝚎𝚡𝚞𝚊𝚕 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚜𝚒𝚘𝚗

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Requested? Yes! By the lovely mamoruai


Dream x male!reader

Dream x male!reader

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Dream's POV

Dream sighed as he watched as [NAME] battled a wooden stick. You see the green clad man had a tiny little crush. Just a little. He never had gotten the courage or time to confess, the wars that had been going on were taking up all of his time and energy. He still never stopped loving him though. The h/cette looked over to Dream's little area where he sat and beckoned him to come over. The dirty blonde, though hesitant to go over, walked over to the [shorter/taller].

"Heyy Dream? Could you help me train? This wooden stick get's boring most of the time, and all I do is chop it up...pleaseeee?" [NAME] pleaded, giving Dream puppy dog eyes while pouting. Dream sighed, "Sureee, You know I can't say no when you do that right?" Voices interrupted the two's conversation, well if you call that a conversation. Sapnap and George came out of the bushes. Sapnap noticed the two together and called out,

"Hey guys! What are ya'll doing?" He sat down in the grass, George soon sitting down next to him.

"Hey Sapnap, George. Dream over here is just helping me train." The h/cette said as he got a stone sword for said person. The two sitting on the grass smiled at each other, knowing Dream's little crush on the [tall/small] boy.


The two started training, with George and Sapnap watching. Parry, attack, block, over and over and over again. It didn't really look like there was a winner for a while, it was pretty boring. [NAME] knew what he had to do.
Seduce a bitch.




Yes, you heard me correctly, he was about to seduce Dream. The same Dream that's inflicted pain on many people. But we don't think about that. The h/cette smirked as the two blocked each other's attacks. "Damn Dream. You look hot battling me like that."

Now this, this caught Dream off guard. His form faltered, the green glad man tried to compose himself. The two watching giggled like little children which did not help. The h/cette man took this chance to start taking more jabs at the man already weak at the knees. He disarmed the dirty blonde man and pinned him down, the sexual tension was impeccable. "I could kiss you right now." The [Taller/shorter] smirked.

Dream, though his face was covered with a mask, was flushed. His cheeks putting the mushroom on George's head to shame. Breathing heavily, he challenged the man on top of him, "Oh really? Then do it, I dare you." The masked man smirked, not thinking [NAME] would go to the extreme.

The top ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) pulled of the bottom's ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) mask and kissed him. Passionately too. George and Sapnap cheered, and slightly laughed at the scene in front of them.

They never thought that Dream, would get beat by [NAME]. Especially with his high rank in PFP and parkour. But there's always time for a first....
Isn't there?

I really liked this request 👉👈 but I can't write flirting for my life-

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I really liked this request 👉👈 but I can't write flirting for my life-

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