𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙹𝚞𝚜𝚝 𝙻𝚒𝚔𝚎 𝙼𝚎

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Requested? YES THE LOVELY @nutellas_wife


Ranboo x Halfenderman!reader

Ranboo x Halfenderman!reader

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Ranboo's POV

Ranboo trudged through the thick snow on the ground. Layers upon layers of clothing were piled on him to keep them warm. The wind picked up, snow falling down faster as Ranboo tried to get home to Tubbo and Micheal. Ranboo covered his face with his hand, snowflakes touching them and melting, light sizzling told Ranboo that he should get out of the snow before he burns to death. 

He took shelter underneath a tree, huffing as some snow on the branches above them fell down, covering their head with snow which they shook off. "Gosh...I should find something to stay in or the night. It doesn't look like it's going to clear for a while..." Ranboo muttered to himself as he shook off the remaining snow on them and stood up, the snow was at around his calf as he looked for somewhere to stay. 

They had started to see smoke coming from the distance, hoping it was somewhere they could retire for the night. Their legs aching from walking for half and hour. Once Ranboo got into seeing distance of it he could finally see what it was.

It was a quaint little cabin, not too big, but not too small. The garden seemed sparse, and the chimney was bellowing with smoke. Ranboo shivered and knocked on the door, awaiting for an answer. Several barks and footsteps later the door had opened, and they were met with a person- well not any person. They were almost the same height as him, which surprised him, sense he was 8'5 (I think- I forgot his cannon height-). One side of their face was a dark purple, it looked like someone threw a bucket of ink at that half of their body. The other half looked like a regular human.

"Hello? Are you there? What do you need mister..." A [deep/high/medium] pitched voice sounded from the tall figure in front of them. "Oh! oh- Well, I was wondering if I could stay here? Its snowing really hard and I can't find any other place to stay..." It was mostly true, the snow had piled up much more, reaching to right under Ranboo's knees. He hadn't really looked so hard, once he saw the smoke he made a beeline for it, not really looking anywhere else.

The stranger looked him up and down, hearing slight sizzling when snow hit his hands, before ultimately deeming him safe and moving out of the doorway.  "Sure! It really is snowing hard out there, I wouldn't want you to freeze to death..." They joked. Their [long/short/medium] hair danced along with their head as they snickered at their dark joke. 

Ranboo smiled weakly as he stepped into the warm house, sighing contently as he took off his thick coat he had on. The dogs that they had trotted up to him sniffing him as he sat down on the small couch, one set his head on Ranboo's lap. "So, stranger, what's your name? Would you like anything?" The owner of the small cabin questioned as they stepped into the kitchen, which was not too far from the living room where Ranboo was. 

Ranboo sputtered, "Uh- I'm- I'm Ranboo. Can I have some tea? Please?" The other nodded as they set a kettle on the stove. "Nice to meet you Ranboo, I'm [NAME]-" The stranger stopped mid-sentence and gasped. "ARE YOU A HYBRID TOO?" They squealed in excitement, till they stopped, covering their mouth and composing them-self.

 "I'm a enderman hybrid, and I guess you are too?" Ranboo smiled and asked as he pet the dogs that were sitting on the couch next to him. [NAME] smiled wide, "Yes, yes I am. It's nice to see a enderman hybrid once and a while. I've never seen one- Well besides myself of course." They had said as the kettle let out a high pitched wheeze, they took it off pouring it in a cup which contained a tea bag. They took it over to Ranboo who thanked them. 


After a bit of conversing, Ranboo had learned that [NAME] had lived alone. They stated visitors would come by often, but they were mostly alone with their dogs. They had also showed Ranboo their hobby that they had picked up, excitingly telling him that they loved it and had been practicing it for years. Late night rolled around and the dogs were settling in for the night. "We should get to sleep, tomorrows when you get back home." [NAME] pointed out, "Here, let me show you to your room." 

[NAME] grabbed Ranboo's hand, with consent of course, and lead him to a spare bedroom they had. "You'll be staying here tonight. Shout if you need anything." Ranboo nodded. "Thank you for letting me stay here...I'll owe you something." Ranboo smiled. [NAME] smirked, "Well, I'll call you in if I ever need something. Now go to sleep." 

The taller hybrid rolled his eyes playfully. "Sure mom." He walked into the room and closed the door, hearing a chuckle and footsteps walking away. Ranboo sighed and yawned, flopping onto the bed, not bothering to take his hair out of the small ponytail he had it in. He slowly drifted into a comfortable sleep, free from any nightmares.






Birds chirping awoke the hybrid, he sat up stretching till he heard the satisfying crack of his bones. He rubbed his face and smacked his lips before remembering where he was. It took him a while but in the middle of the night he had woken up, and wrote in his memory book, making sure to mark this page as important.

He stood up and started walking to the kitchen, smelling the aroma of eggs. Ranboo arrived at the kitchen to meet [NAME] cooking. They smiled at him and set down a plate of eggs. "This was all I could make quickly...and on the bright side, most of the snow's gone, you could definitely got back home after you eat."

Ranboo nodded and quickly scarfed down the eggs and put on his thick coat, and started to walk outside. "Thank you again for letting me stay..." [NAME] smiled and gave him a compass. "No problem, here's a compass to my house. You promise to visit right?" The taller smiled and nodded.
"Don't worry. I'll remember."

A/N: I really liked this one :)

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A/N: I really liked this one :)

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