𝙻𝚘𝚜𝚝 𝚆𝚒𝚝𝚑𝚘𝚞𝚝 𝚈𝚘𝚞

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Technically requested by: Spo0kiez

Yandere!Tommy x nb! child! reader

A/N: Literally almost no Y/N in this one but the next one has a lot of them I promise- A TWO PARTER BECAUSE I MADE THIS TOO LONG FOR ITS OWN GOOD

Actually edited this time-

Tommy had woken up in a frenzy

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Tommy had woken up in a frenzy. He had just been beaten to death by Dream and now was in an empty train station. Everything was a gloomy gray and magenta. The sounds of someone playing a guitar echoed throughout the train station. Tommy stood up, following the music to a bench. The owner of the guitar sat on an overturned trash can, fingers blistered from strumming his guitar everyday.

The sound of footsteps alarmed the owner of the guitar and looked up to see the familiar child standing there in all of his glory. Tommy stood still, soaking in the man's appearance, he didn't look too different from when he died, a bandage wrapped around his left (? I really don't know) arm, dried blood soaked through the bandage. Wilbur stood up, shocked, "Tommy....what are you doing here, it's not your time yet." Tommy flinched away, slightly grumbling, "The green bastard killed me..." Tommy's hands fiddled with a twine bracelet loosely wrapped around his wrist.

Wilbur's eyes narrowed at Tommy and he grumbled, "That green teletubby, doesn't he know not to kill people who don't deserve it?....Scratch that, he probably never cared anyways." Wilbur sat on the ground and leaned back of the trash can. "You're going to be here for a while. While we sit here tell me what happened while I was away." Tommy sighed and sat down next to Wilbur, tilting his head back so that it rested against the trash can. "Lot's of shit happened when you died....Tubbo became president, a ghost version of you appeared, I adopted a child, we met a new person, Ranboo-" Tommy was cut off by Wilbur sputtering.

"Wait- repeat what you said again-" Tommy raised a brow but didn't question it, "We met a new friend-"

"No, no, the one before that." "I adopted a child?" "Yes, that one."

Tommy sighed, missing [NAME] every passing second. "Like I said I adopted a child, not too long after you died, their name is [NAME], they we're almost dead, so being the big man I am, I saved them, and they've been living with me ever since."

Wilbur grinned at Tommy, "That doesn't sound in character of you. Saving a child?" Tommy grumbled and looked to the side, wanting to strangle Wilbur for saying that. (Me everyday to my dad-) "Well mind you they are not just-"

The sound of the train stopping boomed in the empty train station, and the two brothers looked over to the train. The door opened and a familiar smile appeared, beady eyes of a mask scanned around the station and landed on Tommy. He walked over to Tommy, dragging him back onto the train. Tommy shouted, trying to get out of the strong grasp he was in, yelling for Wilbur who couldn't make it as the doors slammed shut.

Tommy suddenly felt drowsy, his eyes closing without his consent and soon shutting, the sound of the train starting lulled him to sleep.

Tommy suddenly felt drowsy, his eyes closing without his consent and soon shutting, the sound of the train starting lulled him to sleep

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