𝚈𝚘𝚞'𝚛𝚎 𝙽𝚘𝚝 𝙰𝚕𝚘𝚗𝚎

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Requested? Yes! By Enderian_Writer


Nihachu x reader (PLATONIC)

Nihachu x reader (PLATONIC)

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[NAME] hummed a small tune as they set some flowers they had picked down in a basket. They were getting ready to visit their sibling, Nikki. They usually visited the small country every month, but suddenly, after all the fighting had started, they didn't visit as much. The h/cette cooed to their pets as they announced that they were leaving to the empty house.

Following the compass that Nikki had given them, they walked through the forest, avoiding all the mobs that came about at night. Once the sun had risen, and it was at it's highest peak, they had finally made it to the once small country. It was so much more different than what they saw last time.

They made their way to where they saw a large crowd, sitting before a stage. [NAME] searched the crowd, trying to find Nikki's pink mop of hair. Suddenly, a figure crashed into [NAME] a high pitched gasp came from the figure above them.

Nikki, crouched down in front of them, holding out her hand. "[NAME]!  I'm so sorry- I wasn't looking where I was going." The h/cette chuckled, and took Nikki's hand, dusting off their shirt. "It's fine Nikki. What's happenin-" A booming voice interrupted [NAME'S] sentence.


Nikki screamed, tears running down her face. She gripped onto [NAME] as she cried out, her body shaking. "NO- no- you can't do that..." Nikki let out a loud sob, pulling [NAME] gently with her as she tried to follow the two boys who ran out of L'manberg, arrows showering down on the them. The h/cette pulled Nikki into a tight hug, shielding her from the yells from everyone else in the crowd. The pinkette grabbed the fabric of the h/cette's shirt, clutching it in her hand tightly as she sobbed into [NAME'S] chest. The [Taller/Smaller] wove carefully through the crowd with Nikki in tow, soon opening the door to her small bakery and leading her in.

Nikki sat down on one of the couches, and sniffled. A mug of tea was placed down in front of her. [NAME] gently smiled, "Oh Nikki...It's going to be fine, Wilbur and Tommy can hold themselves up." The h/cette sat down next to Nikki, bringing her into another hug. Nikki wiped her eyes free from tears. "You're right, I should trust them, but I can't help but worry.... Oh how I missed you [NAME]"

"I missed you too Nikki-'' Again, someone had interrupted [NAME] in the middle of their sentence. The ram hybrid they had seen yelling on the stage barged into Nikki's bakery, a duck hybrid and Fundy trailed in behind him. A smug grin on the ram's face, "Nikki...and whoever your little friend is."

Nikki glared at the man, even if she was shorter than him, she still looked scary. "Look, Nikki, I'm not gonna sugarcoat it. We're taxing you, 10 diamonds every two weeks. Your first payment is tomorrow... Don't forget." And just like the way they had barged in, they left just as fast. Fundy sent a pitiful look to the two just before closing the door. 

Nikki shook. She let out a pitiful scream and collapsed onto the floor.

[NAME] reached out and gently picked her up, letting Nikki use their body to lean on. "Schlatt- I- The payment's tomorrow...I should get working..." Nikki sighed out, sniffling. The [Taller/Smaller] stopped Nikki before she had left, "Nuh uh missy. You're staying with me. I just walked all day to come and see you. Just because Schlatt is president now doesn't excuse you from hanging out with your sibling." Nikki laughed and wiped away stray tears from her cheeks. "I suppose you're right...what should we do? I don't think Schlatt wants to see us giggling out and about today..."

"Well, this is a bakery...isn't it? We could bake, though you know I'm not too skilled in baking..." Nikki smiled. "There's always time for a little learning. Come on, we should start before it gets dark." [NAME] smiled and uttered three words that Nikki had longed to hear after the war.




"I love you."

Nikki my beloved

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Nikki my beloved....hand in marriage please

hand in marriage please

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