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Requested by soft_sasha (Sorry if I fucked your request- I really didn't know what to do)

Platonic! Technoblade x reader

A/N: My actual first oneshot of the year that I've completely written and completed-

A/N: My actual first oneshot of the year that I've completely written and completed-

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[NAME] sat in a chair, posture terrible, and leg bouncing uncontrollably. A big grin sat on their face as they hunched over their communicator, staring at a couple of messages from a certain piglin hybrid.

Well, those messages were from a week ago. Today was the day they finally get to meet their idol, Technoblade. They've been bouncing around the walls since they first got the message, it's safe to say that right now they were no different. 

Technoblade, their inspiration from the beginning, wanted them to visit. They've talked to him sure, never really face to face though, always on call, through messages etc. [NAME] was excited of course, but they were still a nervous wreck, a pit forming in their gut of all the bad situations that could and maybe will happen. They slammed their head onto the table, "Fuck me-" they whispered. "I shouldn't have accepted his invitation..." They blew a strand of hair out of their face as they set moved their head just enough to slip their hands underneath their head to rest on.

They closed their eyes enjoying the blissful silence. That was until their communicator vibrated, causing their eyes to shoot open and snatch it up from the table, eyes darting to see who had messaged them.

To no surprise it was Technoblade, they didn't even read the text, eyes darting to the time.

They were late.

They panicked, their throat letting out a muffled scream. They were quick to snatch their coat and bag. "Fuck fuck fuck fuck" they mumbled while doing so. They looked at their communicator, and finally at the text sent to them, now a string of texts. All of them containing a worried Technoblade asking if they were okay and where they were.

They sucked in a breath and darted out the door, after double checking that they had everything.


Technoblade stood outside gazing at the pink-ish, red clouds that decorated the sky. That was when the sound of snow crunching cleared his thoughts away. The pinkette looked down, spotting the h/c stood at the bottom of the wooden steps of his porch, crouched over and huffing. The coldness of the air catching their breath in the clouds that escaped their mouth.

They coughed, a dry one. "Sor-Sorry I was late, lost track of the time." They croaked out, still catching their breath from their long run through the nether. Technoblade, shook his head, the corners of his mouth perking up. "No worries, you're only abouttttt." He check his watch. "15 minutes late. It's nothin' to worry about" He chuckled, pushing his glasses up the bridge of his nose.

[NAME] flushed a pink, whether that be from exhaustion or their embarrassment, Techno didn't know. 

"Wellll" They drawled out, "I didn't want to be late for a meet up with THE Technoblade! I've been looking forward for this all week." They stated, gesturing to Techno. "I still can't believe I'm here...." They mumbled while walking into Techno's house, him in pursuit.

They threw their body onto his couch, relishing in the warmth it provided them. "Why'd you have to live in the tundra...it's cold." They mumbled out shifting so that Techno could too sit on the couch. Techno hummed, "I like the cold." He stated.

"I don't" 

"Too bad"


A couple hours had passed by and it was now dark out. Techno was outside tending to his animals and crops, while [NAME] sat inside, blowing on a hot cup of tea (or any preferred drink).

While they did feel bad for letting Techno go out by himself, he told them it was fine. Plus they didn't want to go out into the cold once more.

They stood by the window, pressing their forehead against the cold glass, their breath fogging it up. Technoblade had seen them, and gave a slight wave in the dark of the night, only a few torches illuminating Techno's figure. 

They could get used to this


A/N: Bet you didn't expect this- BUT I HAVE NOW GOTTEN MORE SOCIAL, I MADE ONE NEW FRIEND, ONE, THAT'S BETTER THAN MOST DAYS and I'm sorry for how short this was-

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A/N: Bet you didn't expect this- BUT I HAVE NOW GOTTEN MORE SOCIAL, I MADE ONE NEW FRIEND, ONE, THAT'S BETTER THAN MOST DAYS and I'm sorry for how short this was-

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