𝙼𝚢 𝙶𝚘𝚍, 𝙼𝚢 𝙻𝚘𝚟𝚎 𝙿𝚃 𝟸

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Requested? Nope, again, I wrote this in class- and I'm in class rn-


Revivebur x God!Reader

Revivebur x God!Reader

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Wilbur asked around L'manberg, trying to find which direction Phil's house was. He ultimately overheard someone talking and decided to go North, where he knew it snowed. Wilbur trudged through the thick snow, wearing nothing but a trench-coat, a sweater, and trousers. He finally saw a quaint little cabin in the snow, smog coming out from it's little chimney. A forest engulfed the once empty plane on the side of the house. And Wilbur knew what that meant.


Philza stood up from his former crouching position. Grabbing the two potions he had just made and slipped them into a chest he had labeled. A rapid pecking was heard from the window, he opened the window and let the crow in. It quickly transformed into a very tall woman. Kristen. Phil smiled up at the tall lady who in turn, smiled back at Phil. "It's been a while hasn't it?" The goddess spoke quietly, not wanting to disturb the peace inside the small cabin. Phil nodded somberly. "It has, but, you're here now. That's all that matters to me." Kristen smiled and nodded, her wide brimmed hat touched the roof of the cabin as she crouched down, making sure not to destroy the cabin itself. Phil noticed this, "We could go outside. If that's more comfortable for you, it is your forest after all." The tall woman had nodded and turned back into a crow, settling on Philza's shoulders as he walked outside towards the forest that had appeared there not too long ago.

Kristen turned back into her 15 foot tall form again, smiling down at Phil who smiled lovingly back at her. The two had a small chat before it was interrupted by a certain, white streak haired man.


Wilbur had hesitantly walked up to the two chatting. Which gained the attention of Kristen, who had recognized her son. She leaned down in front of him, and cupped his face. "Wilbur! Look at you! You've grown so tall, you look so old now, you even have a white streak in your hair!-" Wilbur nervously laughed as his mother pulled at his cheeks, inspecting his hair. "Mum- I have to ask you and Phil something..." He glanced at Phil, who wore a small frown on his face. "What is it?" Phil asked, walking closer to Wilbur, who had stiffened up. 

Wilbur sputtered, trying to think of ways to tell his parents what he felt. "I- Uhm, I met this person, and they were-" He was cut off by Kristen gasping. "You met someone? Was it a fish again, or an actual person?" Wilbur grew flustered, "That only happened once Mum!- And no, it's not a fish. It's a person...sort of." Phil was confused, "What do you mean 'sort of'? Are they not human?"

The tall, lanky man thought for a moment, answering. "No..., they're a god..." The taller lady behind him grew giddy. "Really? Who is it? I know everyone, I'll be able to hook you up Wilbur-" The said man stopped his mother mid-sentence and blushed furiously, which made Philza laugh. Kristen smirked as she noticed the bandage on his arm, the certain tint on the bandage made it certain who it was. "Well, if you won't tell me I'll be taking my leave." She turned to Philza who had a small frown on his face. "Don't worry hon, I'll be back soon."

She had disappeared, again probably going to do her job, which was to guide stray souls into their limbo. Wilbur stared at the ground where his mother was once at and huffed. 'That was no help at all. If she only stayed for a few more seconds-' The green robed man set a hand on Wilbur's shoulder. "What do you need help with Will?"

Wilbur sighed, "Phil, you're an old man right? You know romance. What's the best way to get someone to swoon for you?" Phil bit back a laugh. "Well, I don't know much about Romance, And I'm not that old- but you can just tell them your feelings. That's how me and your mother got together." Wilbur frowned and sat on the cold, snowy ground. "It's not that simple anymore though, not like in your time. It takes a lot to impress someone now, especially a god." Phil sighed, "Make romantic gestures or something, then tell them your feelings. I'm sure you'll do fine, Will." The latter nodded and stood back up, giving his father a side hug. "Thanks Phil, uh- have a nice day I guess..."

Wilbur ran back into the direction he came from, and smiled. Maybe he'll finally have someone that won't leave him. He'll finally not be alone, but for now, he had to find where they went.

 He'll finally not be alone, but for now, he had to find where they went

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School >:(

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