𝙽𝚎𝚠 𝙵𝚛𝚒𝚎𝚗𝚍

463 23 3

Requested? Yes, by Perpd1w3


Yandere! Bench Trio x reader PT 1

A/N: OMG, NOXX FINALLY POSTED AND ACTUAL CHAPTER?1?1??1?1 yes, this took me longer than I'd like to admit-

Ranboo ran through the forest, though he thought it would be easier to teleport, he wanted to save his energy. It wasn't like he was getting chased, no. He was running late, late to an important meeting with his close friends. 

One of them was his husband.

Tubbo had already called him twice, reminding him of said meeting, but Ranboo still forgot, too enthralled by Micheal, who he had to get a babysitter for before rushing to L'manberg. The enderman hybrid stopped in his tracks as he had heard faint whispering, footsteps slightly muffled them. His body stiff as stone he stood staring at the direction he had heard, eyes darting round the forest quickly.

Ranboo held his breath, the small purple particles that floated around him frantically moved around in the air, whispering small comments of anxiety, which didn't help his own. The whispering stopped abruptly, now Ranboo was even more aware of his surroundings. The forest was suffocating him as he awaited for something to happen.

Nothing happened.


Ranboo screwed his eyes shut, quickly teleporting to the edge of the forest, collapsing onto the ground due to the amount of energy he had used. 

With trembling legs he stood, holding his head in pain. He didn't like teleporting that much, maybe the pain was one reason. He wobbled to the sight of Tommy's 'home', the blonde never really actually lived in the dirt hut but it was still his home. 

The yelling in the house subsided as Ranboo knocked on the door for the third time, who he assumed was Tommy yelling out curses as a loud thud rang through the hut. Tubbo, with ruffled hair and hyper eyes, opened the door looking up at Ranboo and smiling. "You made it! Thank prime, I thought I was going to have to call you again." Tubbo smiled widely, ignoring the Tommy behind him who was yelling out colorful words while on the ground.

Ranboo chuckled nervously. "Looks like something happened....is Tommy okay?" The taller asked rubbing his arm. Tommy soon stopped his shouting and stood up huffing, he walked up behind Tubbo and flicked his forehead. "Why the fuck did you push me? I could've gotten the door instead, idiot." Tubbo rolled his eyes gesturing Ranboo in. "Well, Ranboo's my husband, not yours." Tubbo stuck his tongue out at the blonde haired boy as Ranboo stepped into the small house. 

The blonde rolled his eyes. "Anyways, anyone know why we're here?" He asked the other two, who shook their head 'no' in confusion. 

"Well, I found something, or- someone interesting while in the woods yesterday." Tommy proclaimed proudly, though it still had the two husbands confused, scratching their heads. Tommy looked back, as he had turned around, marching to a little sitting corner of his house, "Still? Didn't I tell you two this? I thought I did." Tommy frowned, thinking back trying to remember what he had said.

Tubbo shook his head, walking over to where Tommy stood and sat down on a wooden chair which sat next to the blonde, Ranboo following. "I did hear something in the forest earlier...." Ranboo muttered, crossing his legs when he sat, fixing his crown. Tommy perked up, gasping. "Really?! It could be them! I told them to meet us in the woods." The blonde scrambled to the door, fixing his wrinkled shirt. "COME ON, They might leave if we take too long." Tommy yelled out, rushing out of the home, slinging his bag over his shoulder. 

Tubbo and Ranboo stood up standing at the door hesitant. The shorter looked up to his husband. "We should follow him shouldn't we? It wouldn't hurt trusting him once and a while." Tubbo muttered out, loud enough that Ranboo caught the end of his sentance. The taller frowned as he stared off to where Tommy had ran off to, not seeing Tubbo run off after him.

The half enderman was superstitious, not that he didn't trust Tommy. No, never, Tommy was one of his closest friends.  

He finally looked down to where Tubbo once stood and slightly yelled out in fright and surprise. He looked around for his husband.

Ranboo heard his name being called, spotting Tubbo by the forest's edge, waiting with Tommy. With one final sigh Ranboo ran as quickly as he could to where his two friends stood.


Tubbo dragged his feet on the ground while walking behind Tommy. The latter was leading the three, rambling on and on about this one person he had met yesterday. "Why is this one person so important?" Tubbo cut the blonde off, which offended him greatly. Tommy bit his lip at the question, not really knowing the answer. "I...don't know. It's just- we haven't met any new people in a while, this is exciting!" The blonde smiled at the two. 

Ranboo trailed behind the two, just listening to the small conversation they held. The breaking of a stick made his ear twitch. He froze, causing the two that walked ahead of him to stop and look back. The enderman hybrid's gaze snapped to his side as Tommy took out a sword, ready to try and defend his little group. Keyword: try

Tubbo, pulled out a small bow, the only weapon he had on for now. He wasn't even good at a bow...

The three stared at the direction the noise came from. More footsteps followed, until the bush they stared at rustled, some leaves fluttering to the ground. 

Tommy, carefully crept closer and closer to the bush, his sword pointed at the greenery. His wrist flicked up as he cut through the bush a bit more gracefully than he had thought. While he had done that Tubbo walked up behind him, peaking over his shoulder. "What is it?" The brunette whispered out, not being able to see due to his height.

Tommy frowned and raised a brow. "Nothing...I swear there was something here." He huffed out in frustration. 

"You probably scared it off Tommy." Ranboo consoled the boy, setting a hand on his shoulder. Tubbo nodded in agreement, putting his bow back into his inventory. "I wouldn't be surprised if-" Tubbo's words got cut off by an arrow flying past his head and into a tree behind him. 

Tommy, yelled, turning around and pointing his sword around randomly again. This was getting no-where....

"Relax, relax. I was just messing around, I wouldn't actually hit the dude."

A voice spoke out from atop a tree, the three looked up to see a person with h/c hair, fiddling around with their crossbow that they held. Tommy smiled in surprise. Though Tubbo and Ranboo stared in confusion. The person had soft e/c eyes, h/c hair, and a messenger bag which was slung across their body.

"You came!" The blonde yelled out, another happy smile spread across his face. The person which sat in the tree smiled, and gracefully jumped down. "Of course, did you not trust me?" They grinned, flicking Tommy's arm. "NO!- no, of course not." He coughed out, noticing the confused stares he received from his two friends.

"Ah, Tubbo, Ranboo, this is [NAME]."


I finally finished T-T

This took me a month to finish...


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