𝚆𝚑𝚢 𝚑𝚒𝚖?

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REQUESTED? yes :) by @Perpd1w3


George + Dream XD x reader

George + Dream XD x reader

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George gazed through the window of his little hobbit home. He had just rebuilt it with the help of two certain people. The first was one of his friends, the lovely [NAME], he had just a teeny little crush on them. They really were the only ones that still visited and talked to the mushroom wearing man, the other, of course, wasn't really a human.

Dream XD. A god, a separate version of Dream. The god was infatuated with George and [NAME]. Apparently he'd never seen mortals that've acted like them. I don't blame him. The Dream SMP was filled with wars, fighting, and hatred. Little of the population was actually nice, those included [NAME], I have no idea about George though-

Anyways, back to George. He had been staring at the h/cette gardening. They lived close by and the two decided they wanted to share a garden. He soaked in their appearance, the beads of sweat that dribbled down their face, the dirt smeared against their outfit, how their sun-kissed face looked so peaceful. A woosh blew through the little house. Dream XD appeared in a bright glow, which made George cover his eyes and groan.

"I told you to warn me before doing that, I don't want to get even more blind than I already am..." George sighed out, peaking his eyes open and looking up at the god behind him. XD chuckled, the halos around his head bounced around, following his head movement. The taller had noticed [NAME] gardening outside.

He grew confused, why were they digging in the ground? Were they burying something? Did they kill someone-, if so then XD was impressed. They didn't seem like the murderer type. He had leaned down to George's height and whispered, "What is [NAME] doing? Are they burying a body?" He asked. "If so, who did they kill?"

George smacked the god's shoulder. "NO- they're gardening. Nothing to do with death...what is with you and death-" XD scoffed, "What do you expect from me?- I'm the god of chaos, I've only seen death in my many decades of living."

George swatted the taller's head away, before opening the door to go join [NAME]. "You could join us if you'd like." George called out as he walked to the h/cette who smiled at the brunette. XD frowned, he had never done anything like that before, all he'd done in his life was kill and annoy, that was it. After he had met the two his life had changed. It was like he was a child again, learning the basis of humans and how to live with them all over again.
He took a deep breath and floated out of the house to join the two.

It was night, [NAME] had one off to speak with Karl, one of their best friends since they first joined the SMP. They had gone off to check on him. [NAME] had started worrying over Karl when he forgot his own name. The brown hair male sat on his bed as [NAME] brought him some food they had made earlier that day.
"Karl...I'm worried about you. You've been disappearing lately, then on top of that you're also losing your memory!" [NAME] stressed, pulling at their locks on top of their head. Karl weakly chuckled, "When you say it like that it sounds bad...Look [NAME] I'm fine, like I said, I hit my head while off traveling. There's no need to worry." Karl reassured [NAME] as he stood up cupping their face gently.

[NAME] sighed, melting into Karl's touch. "I suppose I could stop worrying about you...Are you sure you'll be okay?" Karl nods gracefully, "I'll be fine." [NAME] sighs, "I guess I should leave now...I'll see you soon Karl." [NAME] pressed a gentle kiss on Karls cheek and ran out the door.
Once the h/cette got far enough away, they sighed. 'I'm too clingy for my own good...'

Little did both of them know, there was company watching.


Karl smiled at the door, fingers hovering over the spot where [NAME] had kissed him. He let out a shaky, love struck, sigh before turning around. The silence of the house creeped him out as the floorboards groaned underneath his weight. He grabbed a certain book off of the counter and flipped through it, writing today's events on a blank page.

The sound of floorboards creaking made his head snap up. He lived alone.... George appeared in the doorway, smiling. Karl furrowed his brows. "George? What are you doing in my house?" George still wore a smile, "I just needed some mushrooms. Do you have any?"
Karl hesitantly nodded, the feeling of eyes burning into his skull apparent.

George's smile contorted into one of concern. "Are you feeling okay Karl? You don't look very well."
Karl shook his head, menatlly sighing. "I'm fine George. Everything's been stressful lately."

George nods his head in agreement, his eyes wandering to something that was behind Karl.
Though Karl didn't see, occupied with digging through one of his chests to grab the mushrooms George had requested. Karl's ears twitched as he heard shuffling, thumping footsteps behind him. George surely wasn't that big? Was he? No, of course not, George had entered his home without a sound earlier.

While being lost in his thoughts, Karl's eyes widened, a large shadow looming over him. As the brunette looked up, the last thing he saw was a bright glow then

I'd like to write more of George- but I have no ideas-

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I'd like to write more of George- but I have no ideas-

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