Threatening the Throne

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TW: mention of drugs, guns, alcohol, gun violence

The cold New York air swirled around me as I stepped out of the black BMW, tossing my keys to the body guard on my left. "You're father is about to be in a meeting." The man spoke as I turned on my heel, crossing my arms. My blue eyes piercing the man in front of me who took notice of my demeanor, his breathing catching in his throat. "I'm sorry, did I give you permission to talk?" My body showed coldness, the goosebumps raising on my skin as my exposed skin immediately turned red, the air like knives piercing into my flesh. "Sorry, ma'am." He mumbled under his breath, his eyes trailing down my body before they landed on his feet. I didn't respond, just rolled my eyes as my boot covered feet crunching the snow below me. Feet away from the warehouse, which stored guns, and lots of drugs. That's what our mob did, supplied people with guns, drugs and alcohol.

I pushed open the metal door, the sound bouncing off the walls as the metal scraped the cement, piercing the ears of all the workers, their eyes coming up to see me walking across the second level, silent as they watched my body move. 20 years old, the most wanted woman in New York, both by men and the feds. I stopped outside my fathers office, peaking in through the open blinds, my eyes locking on his form as he had a phone pressed into his ear, annoyance and panic on his face. I pushed open the door, seeing his eyes move from his desk, to me, a small smile present on his face. "Alright, yeah tell him we can meet tomorrow afternoon discuss everything." My father spoke as I walked over to him, pressing a kiss to his cheek before reaching into my bag, pulling out $10,000 and placing it on his desk.

The phone landed back into it's place, the plastic colliding as he hung up the phone. "How long did it take? How many casualties?" He asked, leaning back and typing in the code to the safe, placing the wad of cash into it metal box, shutting it as the lock sounded, echoing in the room. "2 days, only 3 bullets used." I smiled proudly as he leaned back, his lips forming into a proud smirk. "I knew my little sparkle could do anything she wanted to, go treat yourself at a club tonight." He smiled as I shook my head. "I have another 20 g to collect daddy, my work isn't done." I replied, while he crossed his arms, panic back on his face as I tilted my head. "What?"

"One of our men was caught stealing from Barnes' gang." Brandon explained, twirling his thumbs around each other, the flesh hitting each other out of nerves. "Which one?" I asked, taking a seat in the cool leather chair, the coldness causing a shiver up my spine. "Romeo, he's down stairs, I need you to take care of him." My father stated, as I nodded, grabbing my gun from the holster under my dress, heading towards the door. "He also wants a million, I won't have it for two days my little sparkle." He spoke from across the room, my hand wrapped around the door handle. "What's the compromise?" I asked, twisting my body to look at him, a shaky breath leaving my lips. I knew James, he wasn't to be toyed with, but he was intriguing, and I liked that. I'd never admit it though, it was far too dangerous. "You. For 48 hours, I haven't agreed."

"I'll do it." I spoke, twisting the door knob while my tongue came out of my mouth, leaving a thin layer of saliva on top of them, coating my very chapped lips. "I love you." My father spoke, a smile on his lips. "Go take care of Romeo, then come back up here so I can discuss the terms with you." He said as I nodded, exiting the room. My heeled boots echoing in the empty hallways. "Bring me Romeo." I whispered to one of the guards, who nodded, walking into the sea of workers, grabbing Romeo by the shirt and dragging him into the room I was in. This was the game, he knew the consequences of his actions and it was apparent when he saw me.

"I'm sorry! I was drunk!" He pleaded, while the guard threw him on the floor. "You know the game Romeo, you stole, we had peace now we don't." I stated, raising the gun in my right hand, my forefinger wrapped around the trigger. "I have a family!" He pleaded more, tears rolling down his cheeks. "Any kids?" I asked, while he shook his head no. "Then I don't care." I replied, pulling the trigger, hearing the thud of his body hit the floor, before I slid the gun back in it's holster, stepping over the body towards the door. I had a code, so did the mob, we'd never kill if they had children. Kid's didn't deserve the heartbreak. "Clean this up." I commanded the men as I stepped out of the room, walking back down to the office, slipping back into room.

"Taken care of." I stated, kicking the chair back to take a seat, leaning back as my father looked at me. "So, Barnes has a deal, I send you to him for 48 hours, you act like his little girlfriend, it gives me time to gather the rest of the funds and bring you home." Brandon smiled as I nodded. "Okay. When?" I asked, pursing my lips as I leaned forward, my hands gripping the sides of the chair as he leaned back. "Tomorrow afternoon, meet here." He spoke as I nodded, standing up and walking to him, gripping his shoulders as I leaned down pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Love you daddy." I smiled, straightening up as he smiled, tapping my cheek affectionately. "Love you too." He replied, before I slipped out of the office, walking back to the door, the cool air again piercing my skin.

I watched as the man opened my door, handing my keys to me as I slipped into the drivers seat, shoving the keys into the ignition, nodding my head as towards the passenger seat as he walked over opening the door, and sliding into the passenger seat. "I'm sorry for speaking earlier." The man said as I laughed, throwing the car in reverse, backing out of the spot. "It's fine, sorry for snapping, you just know my father would stop anything for me, turn up the heater, it's freezing outside." I told him as he nodded, reaching forward and turning the heater up to full blast, placing his hands in front of the vent to warm them up. I threw the gear shift into drive, pressing my foot to the gas as I took off.

It took 5 minutes for me to pull up the winding driveway towards the massive house I grew up in, pulling into the garage and throwing my car into park, pulling the key out of the ignition, tossing it to the guard beside me who caught them with one hand. "Do you need anything else from me right now ma'am?" He asked as I stepped out of the BMW. "Just order some food for us, you can have the rest of the night to do as you please." I told him as he nodded, walking into the house. I was about to walk in when I heard my phone chime, reaching into my bag and pulling it out, seeing a message from an unknown number.

'I hear you've accepted my offer, I'm gonna make it where you'll never want to leave. -JBB'

I laughed, shaking my head as I looked at the phone, looking around to make sure no one was around. Like I said, James intrigued me, he was fascinating, took a much more violent approach to things. The thrill of being with him for 48 hours was sending butterflies shooting through my stomach. We'd be powerful, feared. And maybe he'd live up to the rumors to how he was in the bedroom. It was a thought that had crossed my mind more than once.

'That's a huge statement Barnes, don't say things you don't mean. How'd you get my number.'

'Oh babygirl, it's a promise I'll see you tomorrow. And I have my ways.'

'See you tomorrow.'

I walked up to my room, opening the door and throwing my bag on the bed. I pulled off my wet boots, throwing them to the side of the room before I walked into the massive en suite bathroom, starting the shower, turning the water to the hottest setting, stripping out of my clothes and standing under the scalding water, washing away the sin from my body before I stepped out, throwing on a white tshirt, climbing into bed and closing my eyes.

48 hours with Barnes. I should be disgusted, but I was excited. 

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