The Deal and The Dealer

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TW: vulgar language, lots of touching, new character introduction Nico (Bodyguard/Hookup), gun violence, knife violence, sexual content (fingering)

I must of fallen asleep last night, the only memory remaining was of me crawling into bed, my grumbling stomach answering that I indeed did not have dinner. The silk sheets wrapped around my bare legs making me not want to actually get out of the comfort of my bed, especially since it would be that last time I'd be in the comfort and safety of my bed for two days. The sun shone through the curtains, the rays landing on my body sending warmth through the sheets, only making me not want to get out of bed more. "Nico!" I yelled, sitting up and keeping the sheets pulled up to my chest. The sound of boots running up the flight of stairs, echoing down the hallway toward my room, the creak of the door echoing as he pushed it open. "Yes ma'am?"

"Can you make me coffee, and some breakfast, I have an important meeting today before I go to my father, I need to get ready." I spoke, turning my body so my feet hovered over the cool wood floor. "Yes, ma'am it'll be ready by the time you walk down." Nico replied, stepping out of the room sideways, shutting the door behind him as his footsteps echoed away from my room. I stepped out of bed, walking over to the curtains and pushing them open to allow the sun to illuminate the bedroom, before moving to the walk in closet, scanning the clothing on the racks. I settled on a pair of black skinny jeans, a pair of red stiletto heels, and a black cropped hoodie that came just below my breasts, which would be my biggest asset during the meeting. My sex appeal was my best friend.

Stepping into the bathroom, I flicked the light on, the fan echoing as I walked towards the shower, turning it on to the hottest setting, pulling the white tshirt off, leaving it a puddle on the floor. The shower was quick, only to wash my body, shaving every part of it, leaving my body completely smooth before I exfoliated. As soon as my shower ended, I placed tangerine and strawberry lotion on my body, leaving a sweet smell around my body before slipping into my clothing, turning on the flat iron and brushing my teeth as it warmed up. I ran the hot tool over my red and blonde locks, watching each strand fall into place pin straight, a smile on my lips as I looked at myself. I exuded confidence, it's why all the women who were involved with mob members hated me, their jaws dropping every time I walked into the room. I never had interest in low level members, I was always going to be going after the top dogs, but women were insecure, and I knew that.

I placed some black winged eyeliner of my icy blue eyes, pairing it with some mascara and red lipstick before I walked out of my bathroom, picking my heels up off the ground and exiting my bedroom, shutting the door behind me. I carried myself downstairs, sitting on a barstool where there was a plate for me, coffee directly to the side of it. "Do you need me to come with you for the meeting?" Nico asked as I shoveled food in my mouth, my eyes locking on his. Nico and had a very.. special relationship, we've slept together on multiple occasions, he was good in every aspect of it. "Now what would I do if my little Nico didn't have my back." I teased, his body coming up behind mine, his hands trailing up my sides, stopping right by the edge of my cropped hoodie. "You're father would kill me if he knew I didn't have my eyes on you." He whispered, leaning his head into the crook of my neck, pressing a kiss to my skin. "He'd kill you if he knew you had me screaming every time he's not home." I whispered, pulling his hands under my hoodie, his hands immediately gripping onto my exposed breasts, a moan leaving his lips as he realized nothing was covered.

His fingers immediately and skillfully went to my nipples, pulling on them gently before rolling them between his forefinger and thumb. "I'm not gonna have you for two days, one more fuck before you go?" He whispered, biting down on my neck as I shook my head. "Sorry Nico, don't have the time." I murmured, my eyes falling shut as I leaned back into his touch. "One more feel of your sweet pussy then?" He compromised, running his fingers down my abdomen, stopping right above the button of my jeans. "Of course." I melted into his touch as he popped the button of my jeans, feathering kisses down my neck. I felt his fingers slip under the waist band, rubbing over the bare skin of my pelvis, before slipping down into my wet folds.

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