Pieces of the Puzzle

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'Traitor' Nico's voice echoed in my brain on the ride to the hotel, my eyes locked on the city outside the moving car, the lights just blurs as the city flashed before my eyes. My hand was resting in Bucky's as he drove in silence. Why was Matt after me? Why was the West Coast Mob after me? Why did my father not really react when the bullet struck me? Why did he let Nico shoot me? My mind was racing as tears formed in my eyes, silently slipping down my cheeks. "Buck." I whispered, looking over at him as he brought his eyes from the road over to me, noticing the tears as his hand left mine, cupping my cheek. "Yeah babygirl, what's wrong?" He asked, rubbing his thumb over my cheek to catch the tears. "Can you stop at the graveyard, I wanna see my mom." I asked gently as he nodded, taking the directions from me and taking the route to the graveyard. "Do you want me to come?" Bucky asked as I shook my head. "No it's okay, I won't be long."

I stepped out of the car, walking on the grass as the morning dew surrounded my feet, soaking my bare feet as I walked over to her gravestone. It has easily been 10 years since I've been back, the pain of her being gone haunted me anytime I came here. I could still her laugh, see her smile, dad said I looked like her. As I approached her gravestone, there was a little light shining on it, a smile on my lips as I dropped down to my knees, my hand pressing against the rock. "I miss you." I whispered, my thumb rubbing against the stone as I looked at it, a tear rolling down my cheek. Then I noticed something, part of the saying at the end was covered by cement, the quote being cut off, almost as if someone didn't want me to see the rest of the words. I turned around looking for a thick nail or anything I could pry the half settled cement away with. I looked back at the quote, biting my lip as I sat back on my heels. 'My sweet daughter, there's one more gift I have left you, it's located-'

I pressed my palms flat against the grass, running over to the car and opening the door, Bucky's head snapping up as he saw me. "I need a hammer or something." I spoke softly, looking in the backseat for anything to smash the rest of the cement off. "What? Why?" He asked, getting out of the car to pop the trunk, searching the trunk and pulling out a crowbar, handing it to me. "Come on." I spoke softly to Bucky, taking his hand as I lead us back to the gravestone, his eyes locking on the cement pooling at the base of the stone. He took the crowbar from my hand, shoving it between the space of the new cement against the rock, using his force to pull it apart, my hands pulling away the rubble as the letters finally showed to me, my heart stopping as I finished reading it. '-at 578 Lake Shore Dr, Chicago, if you're reading this, you're old enough to know.'

"You know that place?" Bucky asked, turning to look at me as I ran my fingers over the newly exposed letters. "I used to." I whispered, looking up at him as I lifted myself up. "You have that meeting with my father, I need to figure out what my mom left me." I told Bucky as he shook his head. "No way, I'm coming with you, it could be a trap." Bucky argued back as I crossed my arms. "You have to trust me, I'm not a pretty princess, I can handle myself." I spoke as I pressed my lips together. "I don't care, you're my girl and you have a target on the back of your head, you're not going alone." He replied, his voice harsh as I rolled my eyes, turning on my heel walking off. "Where the hell do you think you're going?" He yelled after me as he gripped my wrist, causing me to turn, my fist colliding with his jaw. "Don't touch me, I'm going to Chicago, whether you like it or not." I yelled back, tears prickling my eyes. "It could be a trap you brat! I'm trying to protect you!" Bucky screamed, his hand on his jaw where my fist hit. "It's my grandmothers house! You fucking idiot!" I screamed back, walking off into he distance, leaving Bucky alone in the graveyard.

I saw the pain in his eyes as I punched him, the fear of me leaving him, of me walking away. "Wait! Please!" Bucky begged, walking up to me as I turned on my heel, facing him as he approached. "Let me at least take you to the airport." He whispered, his hand aimlessly reaching out for mine. Bucky was begging, he was hurting, he couldn't believe I actually punched him, but he wasn't mad, he knew I was right, he was just scared of me not coming back. I let him lock his hand in mine, his body colliding with mine as he pulled me to him. "Please." He let out a breathless whisper, while I looked up at him, nodding. "I'll be fine Buck, I promise." I smiled gently at him, leaning up to press a kiss to the spot I had punched. "I'm not having that meeting until you get back." He murmured as I nodded, laying my head on his chest. "Please come back. New York needs you, I need you." He whispered, pressing his lips to my head. Bucky was being helplessly vulnerable, and people were taking notice, but he knew when it came down to it, he'd protect me with his life, even if it meant losing his own. "I will baby."

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