Home, Friends, Love, Finally

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The two days in the hospital were exhausting for me, Bucky never leaving my side as they made sure I was stable enough to fly home, Sharon holding onto me as I walked down the hallways with her, climbing into the car. "I'm so tired." I mumbled, laying my head on her shoulder as she played with my hair, her cheek pressed to the top of my head as I closed my eyes. "Bucky has Thanksgiving all planned out, just you, me, Charlie, him and Clarice." Sharon smiled, as I nodded, looking in the front where my fiancé was driving the car, one hand locked tightly on the wheel, the other locked on my knee. He had been so attentive, holding me to him every chance he got, I wasn't allowed out of his sight.

We wall climbed onto the plane, Bucky pulling me into his lap as he rubbed my back, pushing my head into his chest. "I'm taking two weeks off, we're just going to relax, plan our wedding, maybe make a baby." Bucky teased as I laughed gently, locking my fingers together behind his neck, cupping the back of his neck. "I don't know Buck, a kid might be a risky move." I replied, closing my eyes as he rubbed my back more. "Eh, we'll go where the wind takes us my love." He smiled, pressing a kiss to my forehead before we both relaxed, falling asleep on the flight.

Bucky woke first, seeing me sound asleep on his chest, his hand running a finger over my jawline as he just admired me, he was so in love, and he never thought he would have that feeling. I walked into his life a few months ago and he was smitten, picturing a life he never thought he would have. Placing a ring on my finger was just the right thing to do, the title of his wife hanging in the near future, kisses being peppered against my face as I slowly woke up, fluttering my eyes to look up at him. "Hi bub." I whispered, leaning up and scratching his scruff gently, a smile sigh of relief leaving his lips. "God I love you." He whispered, closing his eyes as he relished in my touch.

We all climbed out of the plane, going to our designated cars as I slid in the passenger seat of Bucky's Black Maserati, leaning back in the leather seats as he drove off. "How you feeling pretty girl?" Bucky asked, placing his hand on my thigh as I looked over at him, a smile on my lips. "I'm really tired, I feel like I've been hit by a bus, but I'm feeling a little better." I explained, his thumb drawing small circles as he drove down the canyon, squeezing my thigh every so often. "I have a small Thanksgiving dinner planned, you don't have to dress up, we'll just eat and go to bed yeah?" Bucky asked as I nodded, seeing the mansion in the distance as we finally approached.

Clarice was standing on the front steps, quickly coming down as Bucky parked the car in the driveway, climbing out of the car as she hugged him tightly, pressing a kiss to his cheek. "Stop leaving New York, something tragic happens every time you do." Clarice playfully scolded as Bucky laughed, walking over to the passenger side and helping me out. "Sorry ma." He teased as Clarice laughed, walking over to me and pulling me into a hug. "How are you darling?" She asked, holding me in her embrace as I smiled, my chin resting on her shoulder. "I'm alright, beat up and ready to be in bed." I laughed, pulling back as her hands rested securely on my arms. "I'd imagine so." Clarice smiled, as Bucky walked up behind me, wrapping his arms around my waist and pressing a kiss to my cheek. "Dinner's ready for you guys." Clarice smiled, gesturing inside as Charlie and Sharon pulled up, walking in behind us.

I smiled, seeing my grandparents in the hallway as I entered, tears threatening to spill over my cheeks. "Surprise." Bucky whispered, letting go of me as I walked over to them, both of them hugging me tightly. "Sharon." My grandmother smiled, opening her arm for my half sister, hugging her to us as well. "Bucky called us yesterday, flew us out immediately, you okay gumdrop?" My grandfather asked, pulling back as I nodded. "Yeah, I'm just really tired." I explained, watching his hand come up to wipe away my tears. "I'm so proud of you." He whispered, kissing my forehead before hugging me tightly again. "Your mother would be so proud of you." He whispered, looking over at Bucky who was smiling.

The dinner was quick, Bucky excusing us as soon as I finished eating, saying that doctors orders were that I got as much rest as possible, but also because he just wanted some time alone. We'd been so busy fighting, taking down my father, and we had people around all the time. He didn't want sex, he wanted intimacy, to just feel me on his chest, a moment we haven't shared since we got engaged. He took my hand, saying goodnight to my grandparents, heading up the stairs with me behind him, my body sore and my mind completely exhausted. "Go sit on the bed pretty baby." Bucky whispered, pressing soft kiss to my forehead before disappearing into the closet.

I climbed onto the bed, my legs crossing as I sat at the end, my hands rubbing down my face as I waited for him to return. He walked out, his chest bare as and some sweats clinging to his hips before he walked over, stripping me of my clothes, tossing them across the room and placing a t-shirt over my head, allowing it to swallow my body before he lifted me up, laying down on the bed with my body on his chest, his chin resting on the top of my head as the moonlight filled the room, his hands under the shirt, scratching lightly on the skin, the sheets hanging loosely around our bodies as we relished in the time we had together. "You got soft on me." I teased, my fingers tracing over his biceps as he chuckled, his chest vibrating with his laugh. "Do you want to know why?" He asked, his blue eyes looking down at me as I nodded, placing my chin on the middle of his chest, looking up as him. "Please enlighten me."

"My entire life, I didn't believe in love, I lost everyone I ever held dear to me." He explained, his hands coming out from my shirt and cupping my face. "You walked in, you had a fight in you, a flame of some sort, I always found you so fascinating, being the only trained female member in the mafia, not scared of anyone in your path, you didn't tremble before me, you looked at me with amusement, you weren't scared." He continued, his thumbs tracing over my bottom lip as I smiled. "You broke down every wall I had, your lips sent a fire in me I'd never experienced. My heart literally swells when you're in the room, you fog my mind." He explained, leaning down and pressing a kiss to the bottom lip gently. "I love you so fucking much, and I realized that when I almost fully lost you. I knew I loved you, but fuck seeing you there unconscious, the possibility of you dying, god, I knew I had to be soft for you, because you're the only person in the world that means anything to me. I want to have a family with you, I want a happy life." He smiled watching as I slid up his body, pressing my lips to his.

He hummed, his hands going to my hips as I kissed him, pushing all the passion through my body towards him, locking myself against his body as I finally pulled away. "Let's have a family Buck, after we get married, let me leave this life behind, be the little wife you want." I whispered, seeing him smile as he pressed his lips to mine again. "Your wish is my command my love."

This was the beginning of the end of this life for me, I wasn't focused on the sex, the money, or the mafia anymore. All I wanted was to live my life, with Bucky in it. And I was going to get it.

End of Book 1

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