Off to Boston

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TW: Smut

The alarm blared at 6 am, a groan leaving my lips as I hid in Bucky's side, trying to avoid having to wake up. His right hand was slapping around the bedside table, trying to find the phone to stop the obnoxious beeping. Once he found it, he shut off the alarm, turning his body to hover over mine slightly, pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "I don't want to get up buck." I whined, wrapping my arms around his neck as he chuckled, leaning down to press another kiss to my lips. "I know babygirl, but we have to do this." He whispered against my lips, closing the gap one more time before he officially pulled away, a pout present on my face as he mocked my pout. "God you really are obsessed, it's only two days max." Bucky teased, leaning back on the pillows opening his arms for me to roll into. "You're just as obsessed, how are you ever gonna survive two days without sex?" I smirked, rolling into his arms as he squeezed me tightly against his chest. "Miss you I suppose." He mumbled, pressed his lips to the top of my head.

I smiled, looking up at him as he closed his eyes leaning back against the pillows, pulling me up on his chest so he could run his fingers down my spine. "You know I want you for more than the sex right?" Bucky spoke softly, as if he was trying to figure out the perfect way to phrase his next sentence. "I noticed you when I was 17, you were 14. I thought you were the most perfect girl in the world." He whispered, running his hands up and down my sides. I smiled, pressing my palms flat against my chest so I could prop myself up to look at him. "You were everything I ever wanted, beautiful, cruel, but deep down, I saw a little girl who was scared, who wanted to be protected." He smiled lazily as I placed my right hand on his cheek, rubbing my thumb over his protruding cheek bone. "Don't get all soft on me, I won't be able to leave." I mumbled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to his lips.

He met my actions, his kiss much softer than any other kiss we've ever shared, smiles crawling across both of our lips as they met, his hands on my hips as he flipped me over, the morning sun starting to show through the windows, his body hovering over mine. "Make love to me Bucky." I whispered, as he pulled away searching my face. "Please. Show me how much you love me." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck as he leaned down pressing another kiss to my lips. "You're wish, is my command my love." He whispered, lining his cock up with my entrance.

His thrust in was much slower, allowing me to feel everything as he connected our bodies, a groan leaving both of lips as he stilled his motions. He rested one forearm next to my head, holding his weight on one arm as he ran his other hand down my side, grabbing my hip as he started rocking his hips, my arms wrapped tightly around his neck as he started a slow pace, moans echoing off the walls of the rooms. "I love you, so fucking much." He moaned out, pressing his lips to mine, before dropping his head into my neck, starting to suck on the exposed skin. "I love you too." I moaned out, my nails running against his scalp as the coil in my stomach started to form, a little scream leaving my lips as he picked up his pace, trying to get me to my orgasm. "Bucky I'm going to cum." I cried out, gripping his shoulders as he moaned. "Go baby, let it go." He whispered as I screamed, my release coating his cock that was sheathed in my channel, his release immediately following coating my walls.

I let out a shaky breath as I looked down at the young man collapsed on my bare chest, running my fingers through his hair as I pulled the sheets back around us. "You got soft on me, I guess I should do the same." I teased as he let out a deep chuckle, his fingers tapping against my sides. "Go for it baby." He mumbled against my skin, pressing a kiss to each breast before looking up at me. "I've always found you intriguing, parading around with women, trying to fill a void. As a way to avoid the grief of your mother." I whispered, as he laid his head back against my chest, a nod following suit. "You just wanted to feel the love she gave you again, and I always wanted to be that girl."

"You are that girl baby, and I'm so happy about that." He smiled, reaching out for the hand that had the B ring on it, rubbing his finger over the diamond studded B. "I am too." I whispered, while closing my eyes. We laid in comfortable silence for about 15 minutes before there was a knock on the door. "We gotta stop letting these people live here." Bucky groaned, rolling off of me and pulling me onto his chest to cover my chest. "Come in!" He yelled, wrapping his arms around me. "Sorry to bother, but Addi, we gotta get on the road soon." Sharon said, wrapping Charlies sweatshirt tightly around her. "I'll be down in a few minutes." I told her as she nodded, walking out.

"Huh, Charlie?" Bucky asked as I shrugged, pulling myself out of his grasps, the cold air immediately surrounding me. "I can't believe it's already November." I stated, walking over to the bags of clothes, pulling out a bra and underwear, before a sweater and some jeans. "I know, we'll throw a small party for our friends for thanksgiving." Bucky stated, his eyes locked on me as I got dressed. I smiled over at him, before crossing the room and pressing a kiss to his lips, grabbing the gun off the bedside table, sliding it into my back pocket. "Be careful please." Bucky called as I walked out the door. "I will be Buck, don't worry. Love you bub!" I called back before walking down the stairs.

"So, Boston?" I asked looking over at Sharon who smiled softly, nodding. "Ready?" She asked, holding up my BMW keys. "Always." I replied, walking down to the car, holding my hand out for the keys. She placed the metal keys into my palm, before walking around to the passenger side, sliding in. I climbed into the drivers seat, the sun rising in the distance as I backed out of the driveway, before heading down the canyon. "So have a good night?" I asked, looking over at her, noticing a dark mark on her neck, a smirk forming on my lips. "Yeah, Charlie's really sweet." Sharon smiled, fiddling her fingers against the loose string on the sweatshirt she was wearing. "I see that."

"Oh god he marked me didn't he?" She asked, her hand flying up to her neck as I laughed nodding. "There's green concealer in the center console with regular concealer, go to town." I smiled as she reached over, grabbing the make up and starting to work on her neck. "Can you tell me about our childhood? Everything after my mothers death is kind of a blur." I told her as she nodded, her eyes locked on the mirror in front of her. "You were shy, but when I was around you seemed to open up and trust me more than most people, maybe it was because I understood the world a little more being involved with it." She explained, looking over at me. "Who was your father?" I asked, my eyes still locked on the road as I got onto the proper freeway, heading straight to Boston.

"Brandon." She whispered as my heart stopped for a moment, my breath leaving my body as I looked over at her. "Are you saying?" I whispered, watching as she nodded. "Our father had an affair on your mother when you were in the womb still, your mother knew and chose to stay, so the weeks he wasn't with you, he was with me." She whispered as I nodded, tears forming in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't know." I choked out, feeling her grab my arm gently, rubbing her fingers over my sweater. "You did us both a favor, we were being used as weapons, he kept us separate for a reason, you did the dirty work in New York, got the fame and the glory, dad's favorite." She explained a small smile on her lips as she spoke. "How do you not hate me?" I asked, as she let out a little laugh. "Addi, it wasn't your fault, and it still isn't, we're in this together." She smiled as I nodded. "Let's take this mob down." I told her, turning my hand over for her to place her hand in mine. "Sister." I smiled, locking my fingers with hers as she placed her hand in mine. "Sisters." She replied.

We arrived in Boston, both of our hearts stopping as we pulled up to the building of the Boston mob boss. "Follow my lead, guns drawn." Sharon stated, grabbing the gun from her boot as I climbed out, pulling the safety off my gun. "Let's do this." I smiled looking over at her.

"Oh by the way, you and Charlie are cute together." I smiled, following her into the building. It was now or never

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