Prison Break

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TW: Gun violence

Brandon drug Bucky back into the house, throwing him in the cell downstairs, his body being thrown on the floor with a thud. "She's gonna come for me, you know that right?" Bucky groaned out, pushing his palms on the cement floor and lifting himself up. "Don't be so sure, I'm still her father." Brandon laughed coldly, looking at Bucky as he shut the cell door. "And she loves me. Did you not hear that Brandon?" Bucky replied, turning so he was looking directly at Brandon. "Believe me that girl knows nothing about love. If she did, Nico would be with her." Brandon snapped coldly, while Bucky rolled his eyes, a laugh slipping past his lips. "She doesn't need you controlling her life Brandon, she's not a tool, she's a human." Bucky stated calmly, shaking his head as he leaned against the wall. "No, she's a lethal weapon. I made her that way for a reason." Brandon smirked, while a Bucky returned the look. "Such a shame, if you got to see her vulnerable maybe you'd see why she wanted to leave, I didn't force her to stay, she asked."

Sharon and I were in the backseat as Charlie pulled up to Bucky's mansion. "Holy shit, this is where you've been living?" Sharon asked, climbing out of the car and looking at the massive house. "Yeah, it's nice right?" I asked, walking up the stairs to the completely destroyed interior of the house. "Well it was." I laughed looking around the house, trying to find just a sign of life. Clarices room was locked, causing panic to form in my body as I shook the door handle. "Clarice are you in there?" I asked, hearing a muffled yes as I relaxed, trying to open the door. When I couldn't get it opened, and she wasn't moving to open it , I turned around placing my back against the wall, using my lower body strength to lift up my lower half, kicking the door down. Her room was beautifully decorated, pictures of her and Bucky lined the walls as I quickly walked over to her, unbinding her wrists and pulling the gag out of her mouth. "Where's James?" She asked, gripping my forearms as I looked at her sadly. "I'm going to get him. My dad too him, Sharon is here, will you please take care of her."

She nodded, as I quickly walked out of the room, grabbing Charlies arm and dragging him to the black mustang. "Once we get Bucky you guys have got to make a plan." Charlie said, climbing into the passenger seat as I nodded, quickly driving off. I started down the canyon, the sides of the mountains disappearing as fast as the appeared. I was seeing red, Nico was alive, my father was out to kill me, and I was having to make the most difficult choice in my life. Deep down, I knew I loved Bucky whole heartedly, but even with my father trying to kill me, I still loved him. My internal battle ended when I pulled up to the house I grew up in, being here made me nauseous, I wasn't welcomed home and I knew that. It was apparent when I pulled up and bullets started to litter the car. "Go, I've got it." Charlie said, handing me a bomb as I climbed out of the car, rushing down to where the outside of the cell was located.

I placed the bomb on the outside of the wall, crouching down to press the button to start the detonation. "Don't move." Nico said, pressing the gun to my back as I sighed, standing up, turning around so the gun was to my chest. "I have to do this Nico." I whispered, my eyes locking on his as I searched his emotions. His eyes showed, pain, love, betrayal, conflict, his eyes betraying his body motions. "Don't make me do this." He whispered, as I grabbed the guns barrel, twisting my wrist and twirling away from the barrel as it fired. I used my quick actions to my advantage, locking my ankle around his and pulling as both of us fell to the ground, the gun slipping past his fingers as I straddled his stomach, my arm flush against his neck as I pinned him down. "I have to." I whispered, seeing tears form in his eyes as he gripped my forearm, using his strength to flip me onto my back, his knee pressing into my chest. "Why are you making me do this to you?" He asked as one of his tears fell onto my cheek.

"Nico my father is trying to kill me, I need Bucky." I begged, trying to slide my body out from under him, his hand coming around my throat and squeezing, cutting off my oxygen. "I love you, I'm sorry." He whispered, squeezing tighter as I gasped for air, using the last amount of my strength to push him off, coughing as I leaned onto my arm, trying to regain my breath. "You don't love me." I said softly, tears rolling down my cheeks from my lack of oxygen. "I do, so much, it kills me to see you with James." He whispered, leaning back on his heels. "You don't love me, if you loved me you wouldn't of just tried to kill me." I cried out, grabbing the gun and pointing it at him. "Please let me get Bucky, please." I begged, my finger on the trigger as tears rolled down my cheeks. His face softened as he saw the tears, looking down at his hands, before back at me. "You really love him don't you?" He asked as I nodded, hearing the faint beep of the bomb about to go off. "Get him, I'll help you." He whispered, pulling my body behind his as bomb went off, exploding the brick wall, the debris falling around us as he shielded me with his body.

While the debris settled he looked down at me, dirt and cuts all over my body, finger prints of my neck from where he was choking me. "The mob was supposed to be yours, why is your father trying to kill you?" He asked, running his hand up and down my side to try and bring some sort of comfort. "The mob goes to you, I'm just a weapon that's now against him." I whispered as he nodded. "If its Bucky or Daddy, I'm choosing Bucky, but that means you're gonna have to step up, please end the feud." I whispered against his chest as he rubbed my back, the dust finally settling as I let go. "I will."

Nico ran over with me, pulling the rubble away from the hole, allowing me to slip in, handing me the gun as I climbed down. "Babygirl?" Bucky asked, walking up to me and grabbing my waist, taking in my battered state. "What happened?" He whispered, pressing his lips to my forehead as I closed my eyes. "It's been a long day." I mumbled leading him over to the hole, while Nico reached his hand down to help Bucky out. "Daughter." My father spoke, causing me to turn around, raising the gun at him as he walked into the room. "Leave me alone." I begged, feeling Bucky step down from the hole, placing his hand on my back before looking down at Nico who climbed in, standing beside me. "Oh you're gonna help her now?" Brandon laughed coldly as I looked over a Nico, tears rolling down my cheeks as Brandon brought two guns up, pointing one at each of the men beside me. "Don't make me do this." I begged, looking at my father as I tried to calm myself.

My father smirked, his finger pulling on the triggers as the bullets came out, grazing the side of Bucky and Nico, before I screamed out, firing the three shots, my fathers body flailing with each shot, falling to the ground as tears rolled down my cheeks. Bucky stood there stunned, registering what I had just done, quickly pulling the gun out of my hands, throwing it to the floor as he pulled me into his chest, hot tears falling onto his dress shirt as Nico walked over to my father, feeling for his pulse. There was none, he was gone. I just shot my father for not only my protection, but for Bucky and Nico. I wrapped my arms around Bucky's neck, pulling myself as close to him as possible, his arm sliding around my waist as he lifted me, my legs wrapping around his waist. This was the life, you really only had yourself to protect with, but it never made it any easier.

"Come this way." Nico said, pushing the cell door open more to allow Bucky and I through. Bucky carried me up the oak stairs, while Nico lead them to my old bedroom, my tears only flowing more as the familiar room surrounded my trembling body. "Her favorite blanket is this one, and she loves her bear her mother gave her as a kid, her BMW keys are in the drawer to the left. I made her a promise to step up when her father was gone, I'm going to, and we're taking down the Matrix Mob." Nico said, handing Bucky the black and white spotted blanket, before exiting out of the bedroom. He set me down on the bed, wrapping the blanket around my shoulders, pulling it snuggly against my skin, peppering kisses amongst my face. "It was you or him, and I chose you." I whispered as he nodded, taking my chin in his thumb and forefinger.

"I know babygirl, but it wasn't me or him, it was you or him." He whispered, pressing his lips to mine as he tugged the blanket tighter around me, his kiss wasn't a normal one between us, it was loving, comforting. "Can we go home?" I asked softly when he pulled away, his arms answering my question as he scooped me up, reaching into my drawer and pulling out the BMW keys, walking out the door to where the black car was parked. When he walked down the exterior steps he looked over at Charlie who nodded, climbing into the mustang taking off. Bucky climbed into the drivers seat with me still in his lap, one arm on the wheel, the other wrapped around body, his hand on my head to allow me to listen to his heartbeat in the dark car. Night surrounding us as he drove off. My only focus was the sound of his beating heart.

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