City of Angels

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TW: Knife violence, kidnapping, mentions of guns

The flight lasted about about 7 hours, the city dark as we flew over it. "I've never been to Los Angles, have you?" Sharon asked, moving to sit next to me, looking out the window. "Dad brought me here when I was a kid, before mom died, it was the last vacation we took." I smiled sadly, looking down at my lap, twirling the ring around my finger. "He's gonna freak out when he see's how beat up you are, this mob is gonna pay, and so is Bostons." Sharon sighed, looking at my fidgeting hands. "It's weird ya know? To have someone genuinely love you, I've never seen someone so sweet in the mob, it feels wrong. But god does it feel so right." I spoke, looking over at her, watching as her hand hovered over mine, taking it in her own. "Have you ever felt love? Or is Bucky the first time you're experiencing all of this?" She asked softly, gently approaching the subject carefully. "No, Bucky is the first time I'm feeling all of this, it's intoxicating, it feels like I'm drunk all the time, but just the high of the drunk, not the crashing and burning feeling of a hangover."

"You deserve happiness Addi, this is good for you, standing at the top, you've done the work. You got the man, it's time to be happy." Sharon smiled gently, pulling me into a hug, her head resting on the top of mine. "This is all so new to me." I whispered, pulling back and looking over my right shoulder at the guards voice. "We're landing." He spoke as I nodded, leaning back into the seat. My eyes closed as I pressed my head back into the headrest, exhaustion officially taking over my body. The plane landed with a jump, the door opening as I heard Bucky yelling. "Where the fuck is she?" He screamed as I looked at Sharon, panic on both of our faces. "Where the fuck is my girlfriend?" Bucky yelled as I quickly scrambled up, pushing past the guards to see Bucky being held back by two men.

"Baby, hey, what's going on?" I asked, pulling the two men off of him, taking his face in my hands, rubbing my thumbs over his cheeks as he relaxed into my touch, his eyes fluttering closed as I turned to look at Sharon who was just as confused, walking over to Charlie to figure out what was going on. "Buck, baby what's going on?" I whispered, pressing my lips to his as he wrapped my arms around his neck, his around my waist as he held me as close to his body possible, his lips never leaving mine. "No one told me where you were after you texted me, then the news broke of the fire in Boston, I got nervous." He whispered against my lips, pressing his against mine again, my fingers sliding into his hair. "I'm here baby, nothings wrong, just a little road rash." I whispered, pulling away as he pressed his forehead to mine.

"Addi, Bucky, I have the location of the weapons depot the matrix mob pushes all their assets through." Charlie said, holding Sharon to his chest as her eyes fell shut, exhaustion completely taking over both of us, as my eyes fluttered against Bucky's chest. "You and I will deal with it Charlie, they need to rest." Bucky stated, lifting up my body as I smiled lazily at him. "He owns a club in Vegas, it's where he likes to decompress." I told Bucky, feeling his lips on my forehead as I closed my eyes, just taking in the moment with him. "You up to destroy a place really quick?" He whispered, resting his chin on my head as I nodded, pulling back to look up on me. "Don't lose your cool again, it scared me, I thought you were hurt." I whispered, watching Bucky's eyes soften, looking over at Sharon who nodded. "I'm sorry baby, go get in the car okay? Sharon a word please." Bucky spoke as Charlie placed his hand on my back, leading me to the car.

Bucky walked over to Sharon, leading her behind the car and away from earshot. "Did you tell her?" He asked as she nodded. "That I was her half sister yes." She replied, looking up at the man towering over her. "She really loves you Bucky, I know this is all new territory for you both, but the way she spoke about you, was absolutely magical, she loves you more than anything in the world, you're all she's got right now." Sharon smiled, placing her hand on his left arm, seeing him look down at her, a small smile on his lips. "Thank you, for keeping her safe." Bucky smiled softly, hearing how highly Sharon said I spoke of him. "I didn't keep her safe James, she kept me safe." Sharon smiled, walking to the passenger seat as Bucky climbed into the backseat with me. "Charlie, take us to the motorcycles." Bucky commanded, as Charlie nodded taking off into the night.

I laid my head on Bucky's shoulder, his arm wrapped around my shoulders, playing with my hair that rested on my chest, Charlie and him talking about a plan to destroy the building. "You guys make this far too difficult, Addi and I burned the Boston building in less than 5 minutes when we were running." Sharon said, listening to the meticulous plan. I looked over at her and nodded, looking back at Bucky. "It doesn't need to be clean, it needs to prove a point. If it's not empty, we just continue to prove our point, I'm a marksmen, we all are. We need to prove our point." I stated, as Bucky nodded, looking at Charlie. "You two lead the way." Charlie stated, pulling up to a garage.

We all got out, walking towards the two motorcycles stopping as Sharon grabbed my hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze. "It's now or never." She whispered as I nodded, taking a deep breath. "Just once I'd like to go to a city and have a vacation, not have to gun people down." I laughed, catching the key's Bucky tossed towards me, walking over to a bike. "Well meet up with you two in the car." Bucky said as I nodded, climbing onto the bike, sighing before picking up a pistol, placing it in a thigh holster I had pulled on. Sharon mimicked my actions, climbing onto the second bike, starting the engine. Bucky walked over, placing his fingers around my neck pulling me to him, pressing a hot kiss to my lips, his tongue swiping over my lips before he pulled away. "Make me proud princess."

I smirked, kicking up the stand, pressing the accelerator down, flying out of the garage and down the road, Sharon right behind me. The city lights showed over our frames as Bucky and Charlie followed us closely, watching our every move as we moved down Rodeo Drive, pulling up to the warehouse. "Why are we always doing the dirty work for these men?" Sharon asked, parking the bike next to me as I laughed, climbing off the bike, pulling my gun out. "I guess because we're more agile." I shrugged, climbing up the stairs of the building, pushing the door open. We walked into the building, stopping in the middle of the building when we heard the door lock. "I told you it wouldn't be the last you heard of us." William spoke, grabbing my arm and spinning me towards him, a knife being held against my neck.

A man walked up behind Sharon, spinning her around as well as pressing a knife to her neck. "Call him." William spoke, grabbing my phone from my back pocket, my body stiff to not risk my life. "Baby? What's wrong?" Bucky asked as soon as the phone rang, tears forming in my eyes as I looked over at Sharon. "How kind of you to send the weakest links in, they'll be very beneficial to the mob, thank you." William spoke, twisting my arm as I let out a scream, Bucky's breath catching in his throat. "Put her on the phone." Bucky stated, while William let out a deep laugh. "I don't think so, our boss will be very pleased to see her. Goodbye Mr. Barnes. Make sure to watch as they get walked out." William laughed coldly, slamming my phone to the ground breaking it instantly. I felt the knife drop from my neck, my body being slammed into the pavement as William threw me down. "Please just don't hurt her." I begged, looking at Sharon as the man dropped her to the ground.

"Don't move." William spoke as we both nodded, sitting up on our knees watching them walk away. "Never would've been a good option." I whispered as Sharon nodded, grabbing my hand to try and calm both of ourselves down. "We can get ourselves out of this, but we have to do what they say, see where they take us." I whispered as Sharon nodded, looking over as William and the other man walked up to us, grabbing both our wrists and tying them together before lifting us up. Our two wrists were tied together, keeping Sharon and I close. "Boss we got the Ashley sisters." William spoke into his phone, turning it on speaker. "Great tell them to get ready for a whole new world." The man spoke, causing Sharon and I to look at each other. "Is that?" I asked gently as she nodded. "Daddy?" Sharon and I asked together, hearing him chuckle darkly. "You think you can get rid of me that easy sparkle, flame." Brandon spoke, causing Sharon and I to freeze.

William grabbed the rope between our wrists, dragging both of us out of the building, Los Angeles' lights surrounding the sky as I looked over at Bucky. "Wait!" I begged looking at William who raised a gun to me, tears rolling down my cheeks as Bucky froze, being held back by Charlie. "Can I just say something to him, please. Brandon let me before." I spoke quietly, seeing William lower the gun, nodding his head over to Bucky as to an agreement. The other man shoved Sharon and I forward, both of us tripping over our feet as Bucky rushed over to catch me, Charlie catching Sharon. "I'm so sorry babygirl." Bucky whispered, pressing his forehead to mine, his nose brushing against mine gently. "It's okay, just know I love you, burn that building to the ground." I whispered, feeling his lips on mine gently, tears dropping from his eyes onto my cheeks, mixing with my own. "I love you so much babygirl. I'll come for you." He whispered, pressing one more kiss to my lips before William grabbed the rope again, dragging us to the black SUV, lifting the two of us up into the seats before climbing in, driving off, Bucky and Charlie disappearing into the distance. 

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