Miami Heat

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The next 8 hours were a blur, rushing to get to the plane to take off to Miami, Sharon and Charlie on one half of the plane, leaving Bucky and I alone. Champagne and food adorned the area in front of us as I leaned back in the seat, my feet resting securely in Bucky's lap as he spoke on the phone making sure everything for the meeting was set in place. "She's only to look at, they are not to touch my pretty baby." Bucky growled in the phone as I snapped my attention to him, hearing his voice. "I will kill them without thinking if they put their hands on her, let them know that." Bucky spoke, pressing the end button on the phone, leaning his head back. I knew better than to speak, just waited for him to motion for me or to push my feet off his lap. "Come here pretty girl." He smiled, opening his arms as I quickly moved to sit in his lap, my feet hanging over the side as my head rested in his neck, his arms wrapping around my waist holding me to him.

His fingers were tapping against my stomach, relieving some of his anger without fully losing his cool. "Buck baby, what's wrong?" I whispered, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his jaw, feeling his body relax when my lips met his skin. "They just kept talking about you baby, it makes me so mad because you're mine." He grumbled, laying his cheek against the top of my head, his eyes closing as I rubbed my thumbs into his hands, trying to offer a soothing touch. "I'm all yours Buck, you know that." I whispered, closing my eyes as he nuzzled my head, his grip loosening on my body as I offered a small amount of reassurance. The peaceful moments with him were the moments I lived for, and deep down I knew he lived for them too.

We were brought out of bubble by a knock on the side, alerting us to Sharon standing in front of us. "We land soon, we have Addi's dress, and your tux on the runway." Sharon smiled gently, looking a the two of us. "Thank you Sharon, see you guys back in New York." Bucky stated, looking up at her as I nodded towards the half of the plane that was unoccupied. She took the hint, walking over to the side as I pressed a soft kiss to Bucky's cheek, slipping away from his grasps before walking towards to Sharon. "Did you get it?" I asked softly, my voice barely above a whisper as she reached into her bag, pulling out my mothers gun holster. "It was in the warehouse before we blew it up, I grabbed it and this." She smiled gently, pulling out the necklace my mother always wore, it held a picture of the two of encased in a diamond. "Thank you." I smiled gently, hugging her tightly as she nodded. "Addi lets go." Bucky commanded as I quickly walked back over to him, wrapping an arm around his waist. "Sorry, let's go."

"Who exactly are we meeting?" I asked gently, walking down the plane steps with Bucky, my arm tightly around his waist. "Stark's empire." He stated calmly, opening up the passenger side door of the lambo we were taking. "Lovely." I sighed, climbing into the extravagant car. Stark was known for not respecting women, for doing what he pleased regardless of the boundaries set in place. I'd never worked with him, and I never planned to. "You have to listen to everything I tell you to do, do you understand me baby?" Bucky said, placing his hand in mine after we drove off, the security of my sister and the plane a distant memory. "Yes, sir." I spoke, squeezing his hand gently.

We pulled up to an extravagant hotel, ocean views with glass windows all around. I stepped out, my body instantly becoming sticky with sweat from the Miami heat. "Room 710, there's a team up there to get you ready." Bucky smiled, pressing a kiss to my lips before swatting my ass to get me to move. "I'll meet you there in a bit, I have to go meet with my contact." He explained as his men moved around me, boxing me in for security as we walked up to the room, one of the men swiping the card to unlock the door. "Well be right outside if you need anything." The man said as I nodded, walking through the doorframe, seeing a team of terrified women staring at me. "Can you go get us coffees?" I asked the man, seeing him roll his eyes. "Watch it I don't think you want Mr. Barnes to know about your attitude to his girl do you?" I asked, seeing the man stand up straighter. "No ma'am, I'll be back shortly." He said, closing the door.

"No need to be scared of me, I promise I don't bite." I laughed, seeing them start to release some of their fear. "We know who you are, it's just scary to hear that's who you're working with, Miss Ashley." One woman spoke, slowly standing up as I sent a small smile to her. "What's your name?" I asked, sticking my hand out to her. "Lizzie." She replied, shaking my hand. "Well Lizzie, don't cross me and we won't have a problem." I stated, watching her tense up at my statement. "I'm kidding, I'm not going to do anything to you guys." I smiled, sitting down in a chair as they all started to work on getting me ready. 10 minutes later the man brought in the coffees for everyone, shutting the door again as everyone relaxed. "So, what's Miami like for you guys?" I asked, taking a sip of the iced coffee that was brought to me. "Crazy, the party scene is like nothing else, the clubs here are so much fun!" Lizzie smiled, running the make up brush over my face.

"Where's my future bride?" Bucky asked walking into the room as I turned to him, smiling softly. "Hi baby." I smiled, wrapping an arm around his neck as he leaned down pressing a kiss to my lips. "Gorgeous as always pretty baby." He smiled, running his fingers down my sides, pressing another kiss to my lips. "Your gun needs to be placed on that pretty thigh when we go in." He murmured against my lips as I nodded. "Yes sir." I teased, hearing him grunt as he bit down on my lip gently. "No panties, I need easy access." He growled into my ear as I laughed gently, standing up when Lizzie stepped away from doing my hair. "You always do." I smirked, leaning up to press a kiss to his lips, taking his bottom lip with me as I walked towards the bathroom, grabbing the dress from the closet. "Buck baby, wanna come help?" I smirked, seeing him scramble to the bathroom with me, locking the door. "I want you now." He growled I pulled off my jean and hoodie, leaving my body completely exposed to him. "No time Buck."

He groaned, leaning against the counter as I slipped the revealing red dress on. It left little to the imagination. It was completely backless, the rose tattoo that ran down my spine completely on show, and the front was a plunging deep V, almost down to my bellybutton. "How have I never noticed this?" Bucky whispered, walking up behind me, his hand running down my spine, tracing the lines of the tattoo. "I'm assuming most times, you're a little preoccupied when you see my back." I shrugged, leaning down to pull the straps of the holster tight against the skin of my thigh, standing back up, my back pressed to his chest. "We are one hot couple." I smirked, catching his gaze through the mirror as his fingers wrapped around my neck, pulling my head up to his, capturing my lips in a hot kiss. "We sure are, and that mark that's in the center there, is my claim on you." He growled, running his fingers over the dark hickey in the center of my neck.

"I thought the ring was but I guess the hickey does the same thing." I teased, feeling his chest vibrate with his laugh, his hands moving down my body and resting on my hips. "Are you ready to go make a deal my love?" He asked, his voice ghosting over the curve of my ear. "Always Buck." I whispered, closing my eyes at the feeling of his hot breath on my ear. "Pretty baby, let's go." He whispered, locking his fingers with mine before we walked out of the room. 

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