The Nightmare Begins

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TW: Vulgar language, smut, slight exhibitionism 

I don't remember much of the evening, just Bucky laying down with me on his chest, my blanket wrapped tightly around me his arms locking me against his warm body, the tears had stopped but I was completely numb. My mind was mush, any time I closed my eyes I saw my father, and I'd freeze up. Bucky was doing his best to provide comfort, although he couldn't imagine everything I was going through. Having to literally choose between myself and my father, it was a never ending nightmare. The image of him falling in my brain forever, replaying time after time.

Bucky's fingers danced along my spine, his heartbeat and his breathing my only focus. I felt safe, but I knew I wasn't. Now, I was a target, I was proven to be lethal. I proved I had no heart. I'm not even sure I want to be in this world anymore, this kill hurt, I was officially orphaned, and the worst part of it all, is I did it to myself. "You know, you don't have to continue to do this." Bucky whispered, his hot breath fanning across my forehead as he spoke, his lips pressing to the curve of my forehead. "What do you mean?" I asked softly, wrapping my arms tighter around him as he squeezed me to his chest, my breast flush against his bare skin. "Be a weapon, you can just be my girl." He explained, tilting my chin so I was looking up at him. "Buck, New York is in danger, I can't walk away."

"You don't have to, after we finish this you can, you can still have me, just not be forced to be weapon anymore." He explained, his fingers tracing up and down my spine gently, running over every bump in it. As enticing as it was to walk away, I don't think I could ever, the second I'd walk away, the feds would be after me, taking me in faster than I could blink, my ledger was longer than my life, I've hurt so many people that I'd be the first target on everyones list. "I don't want to walk way Bucky, it would be more dangerous than if I just stayed in." I whispered, pressing my cheek flush against his chest as he hummed an agreement, his hands resting on my ass, squeezing the flesh while I tried to close my eyes, jolting as images of my father replayed in my brain. "Bucky, make me forget." I whispered, looking up at him with dark eyes, lust and need taking over. It was the only way I knew how to cope. "Are you sure?" He asked, his eyes locking on mine as I nodded.

He flipped us over gently, my head resting on the soft pillows of his bed, his right hand sliding down my clothed body, stopping at the waist band of my leggings, gripping the spandex in his hand, pressing a kiss to the center of my chest. My body arched into his touch, his hand left hand pressing on my stomach to hold my body down, a grunt leaving his lips as he pulled down my leggings, my arousal filling his senses, his eyes turning almost black as he locked on his prize. He ripped off my leggings, before discarding his clothes, a small pile being formed on the floor as I pulled off my shirt settling back into the pillows, my hands running through his dark brown hair.

Bucky looked up at me, my eyes closed as he ran his finger up my folds, collecting my slick on his finger, before circling around my entrance. He leaned down, pressing kisses on the insides of my thighs, stopping in front of my exposed sex, blowing cold air on it as I let out a loud moan, his lips forming into a smirk. "God I have you wrapped around my finger, I love it." He moaned, leaning down and circling my clit with his tongue, causing a scream to leave my lips. "Bucky oh God." I moaned out, gripping his hair and pulling him into me further. He ate me out like I was his last meal, his tongue flat against my pussy as he drug it up and down slowly, teasing my hole. "Please don't tease." I begged, propping myself up on my elbows to watch him.

His eyes locked on mine as he brought his pointer finger up to my clit, sticking his tongue into my channel, twirling, sucking, nibbling on my most sensitive part of my body. A loud scream leaving my lips as he continued his assault on my sex, my hands gripping the sheets as I felt the coil in my stomach threaten to snap, looking down at him as he rolled his hips against the mattress to relieve some of his arousal, to no avail. My eyes fell shut as the coil snapped, my vision turning black as I let out a scream, cum coating his face, a smirk on his lips as he raised his head, looking at my chest rising and falling quickly as I came down from my high. "Hands and knees, ass up." Bucky commanded, leaning back on heels.

I quickly scrambled up, turning around as I got onto my hands and knees, pushing my hands out as I pressed my bare chest against the silk sheets, my ass up in the air as Bucky grabbed the flesh, pulling it apart to look at my untouched hole, a smirk on his lips as he leaned down, pressing a kiss to the puckered hole, a breathy moan leaving my lips as he pulled away. "I'm gonna fuck that one day, just not today, today my finger will be in it as I fuck that pretty little pussy, how's that sound babygirl?" He asked, pressing his chest to my back as he whispered in my ear. I moaned my response, a smirk appearing on his lips as he pressed his swollen head against my entrance. "I wanna hear words."

"It sounds amazing Buck." I moaned, feeling his spit hit my puckered hole, his thumb circling around the hole, slowly sticking it in as he thrusted his cock into my waiting pussy, slowly starting to thrust as I let out a scream. The pleasure was completely different than before. I could feel every vein of his cock, but his thumb in my ass added a new sensation, one that I was sure to crave more of. He started his animalistic pace, my nipples rubbing against the silk sheets, creating a sensation I couldn't explain even if I wanted to. My entire body was being stimulated in a way that I couldn't comprehend. Every vein on fire each time his cock brushed against my cervix, a scream leaving my lips with each thrust as his groans were loud, needy, animalistic. He wanted everyone in the house to know he was fucking the shit out of me, and I wanted him to show his dominance over me. "Bucky!" I screamed as he hit my g-spot, tears pricking my eyes as my body went hot, my legs shaking as I tried to hold myself up. He wrapped his hand around my neck, squeezing my airway as he lifted me up, pressing me flush against his chest.

"You like this baby? You like the whole house knowing I fucking own this pussy?" He moaned into my ear as I nodded, reaching behind me to grasp his hips as he thrusted into me. "I wanna hear you baby, tell me." He commanded, snapping his hips sharply as I screamed. "Yes Bucky!" I screamed out, digging my nails into his hips, crescent shaped indents surely to show when I let go. "I bet you'd love if people walked in, watched you get fucked to pieces." He groaned in his hips as I nodded, clenching my walls around his cock as he moaned loudly, slamming into me again. "Can I cum Bucky, please." I begged, my body shaking as I tried to hold on, my eyes falling shut. "Cum for me baby." He moaned into my ear, letting go of my neck and shoving me face first back into the mattress, gripping my hips as I clenched around his cock, my vision white as I released. He groaned, collapsing on my back and he fucked us through our orgasms, pulling out slowly.

My breathing was erratic as Bucky laid down next to me, pulling into his side and covering our bodies with the sheets, one hand securely around my shoulders, the other running up and down my quivering sex, feeling our arousals dripping out of me, pressing a kiss to my temple. "Bucky?" Charlie asked, knocking on the door as Bucky smirked. "Come in!" He called, watching the door open as Charlie and Sharon stepped in. Bucky's hand was still situated in between my thighs, our eyes on Charlie. "Sharon and I have come up with a plan." Charlie said as Sharon nodded. "Lay it on us." I replied, placing my hand on Bucky's chest, rolling further into his side.

"Sharon and Addison, you two will go to Boston and get the help of the Boston Mob, Bucky, you and I will be here, finding the location of the Matrix Mob." Charlie explained as Bucky furrowed his eyebrows. "That's a shit plan." Bucky said as I nodded, looking over at Sharon. "How about, you and I go to Boston, Bucky and Charlie can head out to LA, you'll be able to to scope out the city, find a plan of attack in areas you think the Mob would be at." I explained as Bucky nodded, flicking my clit as my legs jolted, causing me to send a glare at him. "We leave tomorrow morning." Bucky stated as the two of them nodded, walking out of the room. "Round 3?" Bucky teased, while I shook my head. "In the morning." I murmured, closing my eyes as I laid my head on his chest, drifting to sleep. 

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