Nothing's ever Peaceful

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TW: SMUT, Gun Violence

Bucky was smiling, pulling strawberries off the plate and placing them against my lips, his eyes turning dark every time I wrapped my lips around the berry, taking a bite and humming leaning forward to press a kiss to his lips each time. "God, I love you." He would hum each time, biting down on my bottom lip as I pulled away. "And I love you." I whispered, moving the food off the bed before grabbing the sides of his robe, pulling him on top of me. He smiled, pushing the robe off my shoulders, kissing my neck slowly, a gasp leaving my lips when he found the spot that made my knees weak. "There it is." He whispered, biting down as I let out a soft moan, gripping his hair and pulling. I looked at him, seeing his eyes turn dark blue with lust.

He pushed my robe off while I leaned back his lips exploring every inch of my body, my eyes fluttering closed as he kissed my up my thighs. "I want to hear every pretty little moan that leaves your lips baby, no holding back." Bucky whispered as I nodded, arching my back as his hands held my ass, lifting me to his lips. In an instant, his lips were wrapped around my clit, a loud moan leaving my lips as he sucked on my bundle of nerves. Moments like this made everything worth it, all the gun fights, the tears, the cuts. His hands on my body, his lips worshipping me was all that I ever wanted. "Bucky." I breathed out, feeling him gently bite down on my vulva, eliciting yet another moan from my lips. "Your moans are so pretty babygirl." Bucky chuckled against my throbbing heat, sticking his tongue into my aching heat, a loud moan leaving my lips as he devoured me like his last mean, my pussy clenching around his tongue. "Let it go." He whispered, and suddenly my vision went white, gripping his hair as I released, a scream leaving my lips.

"My pretty babygirl." Bucky whispered, sliding his body up mine, leaning down to press a kiss to my lips, his tongue slipping into my mouth, making me taste myself. "Bucky." I mumbled, feeling him pull away slowly, leaning down to press soft kisses to my chest, wrapping his lips around my right nippled, causing me to squeal. "I'm gonna show you how much I needed you." He whispered, his fingers trailing up my left thigh, flicking my clit as I screamed, pure pleasure taking over my body. He didn't give me much time to process what he was doing as he rolled over me, his body caging me against the mattress, shoving the head of his cock into my waiting sex. "Baby." I whined, wrapping my legs around his hips, snapping his hips forward, a scream leaving my lips again, vibrating my chest.

"Fuck babygirl." Bucky moaned out, his hips snapping against mine at an unrelenting pace, my body slamming against the headboard with each thrust, tears streaming down my face from pure pleasure taking over my body. Bucky gripped the headboard, rolling his hips into mine drawing plenty of screams from my lips, my nails dragging down Bucky's back, drawing blood from the skin. "Buck I can't hold it." I cried out, my body covering in sweat as I tried to stop the coil from snapping. "Two more." Bucky whispered, snapping his hips against mine two more times, wrapping his fingers around my neck, squeezing to cut off my airway. "Let it go baby, let me feel it." He groaned, his hot cum covering my inner walls, a loud wail leaving my lips as my body spasmed, covering his cock with my cum, tears running down my cheeks. Bucky watched my body spasm, concern taking over his body as he watched the tears roll down my cheeks. "Babygirl you with me?" He whispered, pulling out of me and laying next to me, pulling me to his chest ignoring the pain from the claw marks.

"Mhm." I whispered, burying my head in his neck, the phone in the hotel room ringing in the background. "Relax." Bucky whispered, trailing his fingers down my spine, my eyes falling shut as pure exhaustion took over my body. Bucky reached over to his left, pulling the phone to his ear. "What do you mean someone wants to see her?" He asked, keeping me close to his body, securely locking me in place. "I'll send her down." He whispered, hanging up the phone, before pressing a soft kiss to my forehead. "Who was it Buck?" I asked softly, trailing my fingers across his chest. "Your father, he said he has something to show you, he's requesting you on the ground floor." Bucky whispered, handing me his button up as I sighed, wrapping it around my shoulders. "Come with me?" I asked, as he nodded, standing up and pulling his suit pants back on. "Do you have your gun?" Bucky asked, while I nodded, lifting up the shirt to show the thigh holster.

"I'll take the stairs, you take the elevator." He whispered, pressing his lips to mine as I walked down the hallway, pressing the down button. "Buck, you attack if he tries anything." I said, while he nodded, disappearing into the stairwell. I leaned back against the cool wall of the elevator, my stomach in knots as I went down not knowing what to expect. "Sharon?" I asked, seeing the elevator stop and her walk in, leaning next to me against the wall. "He call you too?" She asked, her body clad in one of Charlies shirts. "Yeah." I mumbled, feeling her take my hand as the elevator went down again. "I just want this over." Sharon said as I leaned my head against her shoulder. "Me too." She whispered, looking forward as the elevator opened, Bucky and Charlie being held by two men guns pointed at their chests.

My breath caught in my throat as I looked on at the scene, Bucky nodding to me to show that he had it under control. "Daughters." Brandon spoke, walking around the men as Sharon and I stepped out of the elevator. "Daddy." We replied, watching him parade towards us, extending his hands. "Walk with me." He said, grabbing our hands forcefully, dragging us into the elevator. "Don't move." Brandon said to Bucky and Charlie, the doors shutting in front of us. I felt tears well up in my eyes as the door shut, looking over at Sharon who nodded, reaching into her pocket to send a message to the police that we were with him.

"Sparkle, Flame. Follow me." Brandon said, walking down the hallway of the top floor, leading us to the roof. "Sharon, did you?" I whispered, staying huddled close to her as she nodded. "Yeah." She spoke quietly, freezing as we heard gun shots go off. "Damn I told them not to move, maybe it was that rat of a man, what's his name, Barnes?" Brandon chuckled as I grabbed my gun without thinking, firing at him, one bullet hitting him in the stomach. "Flame, kill her." Brandon groaned, holding his stomach as she shook her head, shooting the chandelier down to pin him to the floor. "Go!" She yelled, while I quickly pulled the door open, rushing down the flights of stairs.

Nico was standing in front of Bucky, a gun pressed to his chest as I pushed the door open, tears running down my cheeks. "No!" I screamed, seeing Nico look over at me shocked, watching as I ran in front of Bucky, wrapping my arms around his neck. "If you're going to shoot, shoot me." I whispered, while Bucky held me tightly to his chest, feeling my hot tears run onto his exposed skin. "You've done it once, do it again." I cried out, while Bucky pulled my arms from around his neck, pushing me behind his body, gripping the gun in Nicos hand, pushing it down as it fired, shattering the tile. I looked at Bucky before kicking the man pressing a gun to Charlies chest, catching the gun as it slipped from his fingers, pointing it at Nico. "Make your move." Bucky smirked, holding up a gun to him as well.

"Addi, you said you'd come back." Nico whispered, reaching out for me as I stiffened, watching Bucky's eyes lock on him. "Touch her and you're dead, you said you'd help us and you changed your mind." Bucky stated, his free hand on the small of my back as police walked in, grabbing Nico, before asking me to lead them up to Brandon. I lead them up the flights of stairs, walking down the hallway to Sharon and Brandon. Sharon ran over to me, pulling me into a hug as I sighed, watching my father be arrested. "You think this is going to stop me? You still are a target." Brandon seethed as I laughed, watching as Bucky and Charlie entered the hallway. "I'm always a target daddy, but someone new is protecting me." I smirked, as Bucky leaned down pressing a kiss to my lips. "We own New York Brandon, have fun serving time." Bucky smiled, pulling me into his side. "Nothing's ever peaceful babygirl, but maybe we can just have a moment of peace tonight." Bucky whispered, pulling me agains this chest. "I'd love that baby." I whispered, pressing a kiss to his chin as we walked back to our room. 

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