Traitor and Betrayal

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TW: Gun violence, blood

"Traitor!" Nico yelled, raising his gun at me, Bucky placing his hand on my chest to pull me behind him. Nico had tears in his eyes, locking right on me. "Nico please, there's more to worry about out there right now." I pleaded, looking between my father and him as Nico looked over at Bucky, his gun still pointed directly at me. "Nico, don't." My father said, but it was too late, Nico had fired his gun without a thought, without remorse. He fired the gun before Bucky could shield my body, the bullet piercing my hip, a scream leaving my lips as I collapsed to the ground. "Baby!" Bucky said, pressing his hand to my wound, his eyes hardening as he reached for his gun, firing at Nico, killing him instantly, before I looked over at my father, tears running down my cheeks. "You know the game sparkle, I'm sorry." He murmured before I turned to look at Charlie. "Fire." I told him as Bucky looked at me, his hand covered in blood as he pressed down on the wound. "You heard the woman." Bucky yelled, as Charlie aimed, firing at my father, the bullet piercing into his shoulder.

"Eyes on me baby, keep them open." Bucky whispered, lifting me up and carrying me down to a car, climbing into the backseat with me as I groaned in pain, blood pouring out of my body onto his suit. Charlie shoved the car into drive, pulling out of warehouse parking lot. I gripped Bucky's shoulders as he looked around at all the blood in the back of his car, forcing him to look down at me. "Give me your tie." I groaned, reaching up to undo it. He pulled the knot of the tie loose, allowing me to slip it off his neck. "What are you doing?" He asked, watching my movements as I pushed up on the leather on the leather seat, unbuttoning the rest of his shirt to slip it off so I had easier access. Charlies eyes darting in the review mirror as he looked at my shirtless body. "I've got a 15 year old I gotta take care of." I mumbled, wrapping the tie around my wound, tying it tightly as a yell let my lips, dropping back into Bucky's grasps.

"A fifteen year old? Addison who the hell is at my house?" He asked, his face showing irritation, but his eyes showing concern while he began pulling his jacket off to place over my shoulders. "I don't know her name, she got shot while we were at the mall, Clarice and I got attacked, she was just someone in the crossfire. It was someone from that west coast mob." I spoke softly, my body sore and exhausted. All I wanted to do was lay in bed. Charlie pulled up to the house, opening the backdoor for Bucky and I. "You go check on the kid, I'll in my office, bring her up when she's stable." Bucky stated, leaning down to press his lips to mine quickly before walking inside.

My mind was racing, the grief finally setting in of Nico's body hitting the ground, the face that he was the one who shot me, my father just allowing it, I really was alone now, and it hit me like a ton of bricks as tears streamed down my face. Clarice walked up to me as I entered through the doors, a sad look on her face as she noticed my tears. I just left everything for a man I barely met, but who already gave me the world. I looked over at her, before just stepping past her, grabbing one of the shopping bags with my clothes that I had purchased, rushing up the stairs, shutting the door behind me.

Clarice sighed, walking over to Bucky's office and pushing the door open, ignoring his calls to not be ignored, shaking her head. "James." She said sternly as he sighed, waving his men away, leaning back into his chair. "Yes?" He replied, grabbing a cigar off the desk and placing it between his lips, lighting it as a puff of smoke appeared, dissipating quickly. "She needs you." Clarice spoke softly, delicately to not anger the man. "What do you mean?" He asked, leaning forward, clasping his hands together placing them firmly on the desk. "She's crying James, she just go shot, you're leaving her alone. She's scared, she needs you." She explained, taking his hands unclasping them to hold in hers. Bucky knew she was right, a defeated sigh leaving his lips as he realized that he now had a weak spot. "I'm gonna need you to walk me through this whole relationship thing." He mumbled, walking out of the room.

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