Another Truth Bomb and an Ambush

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TW: Smut, gun violence, knife violence, sort of kidnapping 

I saw a group of men approach me with guns drawn as I parked the bike, pulling a knife from the boot I had on, walking towards them. "You're not welcome here!" One of the men, who I assumed was from the Chicago mob yelled at me. "I'm leaving right now, I only came for one thing." I replied, flipping the knife in my hand as I approached them. "I'm not here for problems, I was just on my way out." I added on, looking over the men at Bucky's men who were approaching with guns, a smirk crawling across my face as I threw the knife at one of the men, it landing in his shoulder as a yell left his lips. When he went down I grabbed his gun, pointing it to my side as I fired, Bucky's men joining in as I walked back towards them, turning on my heel and firing one more shot as the last man fell. "Time to go." One of Bucky's men said rushing me to the jet, promptly shutting the door and taking off.

When we landed, Bucky was at the airstrip leaning against his black SUV waiting for my return. I walked down the steps, directly over to him as he pressed his lips to mine, capturing my lips in a hurried and wanting kiss. "Buck." I whispered as he slid his hand under my hoodie, resting his fingers on my exposed flesh, his lips ravaging mine. "Backseat now." He growled against my lips as I nodded, pulling away and climbing into the backseat, his body sliding in next to me as he continued to assault my lips, Charlie climbing into the drivers seat to start the drive to Albany. "You're gonna have to be real quiet babygirl, we don't want Charlie to know whats happening." Bucky whispered in my ear, his hot breath fanning over it as he pulled at the leggings, sliding them down just enough to have access to my aching sex.

The way that my body craved Bucky's touch was insanity. I insatiable with my need for him, no matter how many times he touched me, no matter how many times we had sex, I needed more, I wanted more, I craved more. His touch sent fire through my veins, worshiped my body like it was a temple, he made me feel like the only girl in the world. I loved it, and I loved him.

Bucky knew that I was loyal to him, he was able to morph me into anything his heart desired. I aimed to please him, mentally, emotionally, sexually. I was his girl now, he knew that from the moment I got on my knees in front of him, aiming to please his desires. He didn't have to ask, I just did. He never expected to fall in love with me, but here we were, both of us in love.

Now here I was, sitting on top of Bucky, his cock sheathed to the hilt in my wet tunnel, his hand clamped tightly over my mouth as he rocked my hips against his, muffled whimpers leaving my lips. I could feel every inch of him, every vein, the warmth of his cock as he hit my G-spot, tears pricking my eyes as my vision went white. The waves of pleasures hitting me faster than I could process, my body falling onto Bucky's chest, his hands on my hips to stable me as he continued his pace. He wasn't being relentless, it was slow, careful, calculating, and it felt just as good, if not better than his animalistic pace. My breathing was erratic when Bucky shot his load into me, pulling out to tuck himself away, pulling up my leggings up and just holding me against his chest, his heart beating against his chest so hard I could feel the thump against mine.

Bucky had his head back against the headrest, his hand securely on the back of my head, holding me to his chest as my eyes closed, completely and utterly exhausted. "So I may have accidentally painted a target on the back of my head in Chicago." I whispered, his chest vibrating with the chuckle that left his lips. "I wouldn't expect anything else." He replied, his fingers sliding through my hair as Charlie pulled up to the house. "We'll wait here." Charlie said as I nodded, pressing a kiss to Bucky's lips before climbing out of the car, taking the locket off as I stepped up to the door, knocking the oak.

It was foggy, cold, and dewy as I waited outside. A voice appearing behind the door asking who I was. "Addison, I'm looking for a girl named Sharon." I spoke, running my hands up and down my arms to try and warm up a little bit. The massive door sounded as it was unlocked, a blonde appearing behind it with a gun pointed directly at me. I grabbed the gun, shoving it down between us as she fired the shot, the bullet shooting through the floor. I held her arm down as Bucky and Charlie scrambled out of the car hearing the gunshot. "I'm not here to fight." I told her, catching her fist as she threw a punch at me, twisting her arm as she let out a yell, dropping the gun. I used my now free hand, holding up the locket as her eyes softened. "You're not here to kill me?" She asked softly, while I shook my head. "I need answers." I told her as her eyes locked on Bucky and Charlie with their guns drawn. "Boys, it's fine, just a misunderstanding."

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