Shatter Glass, Shattered Home

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TW: Gun violence, smut, exhibitionism, handcuff usage, reckless driving(pls don't try)

The noise of bullets echoed the hallways early morning, my body rolling away from Bucky's to look at the time, 4 am. The bed dipped beside me, Bucky pulling me back to him, my back colliding against his chest as he leaned into my ear, his hot breath fanning over my ear. "Babygirl, we have to get out of here, they're coming for us." He whispered, pressing a kiss to the shell of my ear as screams left the men downstairs. "Who's here?" I asked quietly, reaching out for a shirt Bucky had brought to me, sitting up and slipping it over my body. "Irish mob, time to move." He whispered, pulling on his slacks before handing me a gun. I pulled the safety back as I climbed out of the warmth of the bed, my quiet peaceful night turning into chaos quickly.

Bucky locked our palms together, a gun in his free hand as his fingers curled around the metal. "We gotta get to the garage." He whispered as I nodded, the silence of our feet giving us the upper hand. "Barnes hand her over!" Matt yelled, walking up the stairs towards us. "Get behind me." Bucky whispered, using his hand that was latched in mine to pull me behind him, his body acting as my shield. "Hand who over?" Bucky teased, squeezing my hand as he held his gun to Matt. I scanned the room, looking for something I could use to distract Matt to let us though. "Baby, the chandelier." I whispered, as he leaned his head back, nodding slowly. "No can do Matt, I'm marrying her someday, I don't hand her to any random ass sleaze balls. Especially without any reason." Bucky smirked, pulling me flat against his back as I pointed my gun towards the chandelier, pulling the trigger as the glass shattered around Matt's body. "Time to move." I whispered.

Bucky and I sprinted past Matt, jumping over the banister as we landed on the first floor, our bodies landing with a thud. I stood up, seeing two men running toward us, aiming my gun as I fired two shots, hitting the men before turning back to Bucky. "God you're so fucking hot, lets go." He mumbled, scrambling up and grabbing my hand, pulling me out the garage, loading in two gas cans, a lighter, a grenade launcher and a sniper as I stood guard, pointing the pistol at the door. "Bucky what the hell?" I asked, looking over at him. "We're going to show Matt he can't just come in making demands, come on." He said, opening up the passenger door before I slid in, watching him climb into the drivers seat, shoving the keys in the ignition, pushing the car into drive and taking off. I kept my eyes on the rearview mirror as we drove down the canyon, headlights appearing. "Please tell me that's Charlie." I said, looking over at Bucky who shook his head. "Charlie's at a warehouse dealing with a robbery, we have to go there after."

I sighed, grabbing the pistol off my lap and rolling the window down. "What are you doing?" Bucky asked, pressing down on the gas further as we appeared in the city. "Just trust me, and I'm going bodies or tires?" I asked, pulling my seat belt off, one hand gripping the top of the car outside as I pulled my body out of the car, my ass resting on the window seal. "Whatever you can get!" He said, weaving in and out of traffic. "Hold my ankle!" I yelled as I grabbed the pistol aiming for the front left tire, feeling Bucky's fingers wrap around my ankle, the wind rushing around me as I pulled the trigger, taking out the tire, before moving to aim at the other tire, firing again. Bucky pulled out his gun, rolling down the window of his side, before slamming on the breaks, the car screeching to a stop as Matt's car flew past us uncontrollably. He reached his arm out shooting the back two tires as I slid back into the car, rolling up the window.

"His warehouse that stores all their transport goods is 3 miles east." I told Bucky as he nodded, turning the wheel all the way to the right, pressing the gas as the car screeched, flying off towards the warehouse. "Usually I wouldn't fuck with the Irish Mob, but they're not going to come into my house destroy the place and ask for my girl." Bucky stated, as I took his free hand in mine, rubbing my thumb over his knuckles. "You've known me for 2 days, yet you are already saying you want to marry me, is it true or are you just saying that to piss people off?" I asked, looking over at him as his features softened, a smile on his face. "It's true, you're absolutely fascinating, and any man would be stupid to let you go." He whispered, bringing my hand to his lips, pressing a kiss to it.

His scruff rubbing on my skin sent shivers up my spine, a smile on my lips as my stomach erupted in butterflies. Every moment I spent with Bucky made me realize I was exactly where I needed to be, who I needed to be with. I was falling in love with him, he had me completely enamored in two days, and I knew my father was going to be pissed. Deal or no deal I was still his baby girl. Bucky was also falling in love with me, his heart pounding every time I smiled in his direction, when my head rested on his chest he felt like he was home, being the man he always wanted to be. Both of us having the dream of having a family, and for once it seemed attainable.

We pulled up to the warehouse, seeing it completely empty as we got out of the car quickly. "Theres gas canisters in the main floor, I got it." I said as I grabbed the gas canisters, Bucky grabbing my face pressing a hot kiss to my lips, it was sloppy, it was needy. "Go, then I'm gonna fuck the shit out of you when we get to the hotel." He smirked as I grabbed the lighter as well. "Or we could I don't know, cuddle and be normal." I teased, walking towards the warehouse doors. "Baby, where's the fun in that, if you don't watch your pretty little mouth I'll fuck you right here." He called after me as I laughed, turning to look at him. I could tell from the look on his face, he had already made his decision. "Ooh Barnes, living on the edge, welcome to the dark side." I smirked as his eyes turned black. "Hurry your ass up, then bend over the hood of the car then you get out here." He commanded as I smirked, walking inside the building.

I made my way through the empty building, heading down to the main floor and locating the gas canister, pouring the liquid throughout the building, using both cans of gas as I backed out the door, turning to see Bucky watch me, handcuffs twirling around his fingers. I smirked, tossing the two empty cans of gas into the building, leaning down as I flicked the lighter, seeing the flame dance in front of my eyes. I put the flame to the gas, seeing the gas start to light up with flames before I walked over to Bucky. "You've been a naught girl Miss Ashley, I'm gonna need you to turn around, and put your hands behind your back." Bucky smirked, unlocking the handcuffs as I leaned over the hood of the car, the warmth from engine kissing my cool skin. "You've got two minutes before that building blows Mr. Barnes." I smirked, feeling the handcuffs lock behind my hands. "I can make you cum in a minute."

I couldn't even register what was happening when he slammed his cock into me, bottoming out instantly. Usually he'd let me adjust a little, but this was a man on a mission. I screamed as he wrapped his hand around my throat, squeezing it gently, my eyes closing as his pace was animalistic, ferocious, deep, slamming into my G-Spot every time he slammed into me. For better angling he pulled me up against his chest, his hand securely against my neck as I let out loud moans and screams, his eyes were dark as my fingernails scraped against his stomach. "Cum pretty girl, cum for me." He whispered in my ear, nipping at the shell of it. That's all it took, my eyes falling shut as I came on him, my body dropping onto the hood as he continued to fuck me, before releasing into me.

He pulled out, unlocking the cuffs as we got back into the car, his cum dripping down my thighs as I sat down. "Made you cum in less than a minute, that's a new record." Bucky smirked, turning the key in the ignition, reversing before throwing the gearshift in drive, flooring it out of the parking lot, the building exploding behind us as we drove. My body was quivering, my legs bare as all I had time to do when we were awoken was to throw on a shirt. "You owe me a bath." I smiled lazily at him as he nodded, driving towards the hotel he owned. "God you're so fuckin perfect." He smirked looking over at my exhausted body, his hand clamping down on my thigh.

Every time he complimented me, I just wanted to kiss him, to murmur against his lips how much I loved hearing it, the way I needed to hear it. For years my only value to men was my ability to used as a weapon, or for a quick fuck. Bucky made me feel like a woman, fucked me like a toy, but always loved on me after. Stood up for me, protected me from my own thoughts even if he didn't know it. I'd always had my eye on the man, I admired him from afar for years, my curiosity blocked by my fathers words. But Bucky was nothing like my father said, he could be the devil in disguise, but he was also the most doting man I've ever met. And it's safe to say, I was falling so hard for James Buchanan Barnes.

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