Robbery, Robbery, Reward

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TW: Smut, oral F receiving. 

We pulled up the museum, the van being parked in the darkness of the night as everyone piled out. I slipped the communication device in my ear, walking with the men over to the side of the building, looking at the fuse box. "I need that ladder down." I told one of the men as he nodded, walking over to the fire escape ladder, pulling it loose so I could climb up. I pulled the backpack around my shoulders, lifting myself up on the ladder, climbing up quickly, my fingers locking around the grate and pulling it loose, dropping it down to one of the guys so it wouldn't make a sound. I took a deep breath, moving one hand over to the vent, before the other, pulling myself to it, slipping in. "Cut the wires." I spoke into the comms, sliding across the vent system, getting myself over the jewel room, finding some bars to tie the wire to. "Wires cut, moving to the security room now." Charlie spoke.

I tied one side of the wire around the bars, looking down at the jewel, a smile on my lips as I wrapped the wire around one wrist. "Cameras dark, we have 5 minutes before the cops show up." Charlie said through the coms. "Give me 3." I replied, kicking the grate down and dropping through, the wire unwrapping itself as I lowered down, my feet hitting the ground with a little thud. I let go of the wire, stepping over the rope and wrapping my fingers around the jewel, slipping it into the backpack before I quickly moved down the halls, towards the back door, pulling a bobby pin out of my hair, picking the lock and sliding it back in my hair, pushing the door open to see Bucky in the black lamborgini, waiting patiently for me. "I'm out, you guys go." I commanded through the coms, slipping into the passenger seat of Bucky's car, tossing the backpack in his lap. "You're getting rewarded for that." He smirked, pushing the gear shift into drive and taking off quickly, the van appearing behind us as we drove down the canyon.

When we pulled into the garage, Bucky leaned over, grabbing the back of my head, pushing my lips against his. When he pulled away, he took my bottom lip with him, letting go as it snapped back into place. "I knew you were loyal." He smirked, running his thumb over my lips. "Only to you." I replied, getting out of the car, waiting patiently for him as he picked the bag up, taking my hand and leading me back into his office, placing the jewel on his desk before taking a seat, my body landing on his as he pulled me into him, a proud smile on his lips as the men all walked in, with a shit eating grins on their faces. "Prove my loyalty?" I asked them as they all nodded, gathering around the desk.

"Well deal with the west coast mobs tomorrow, for the rest of the night you guys rest, we're about to have a war on our hands." Bucky spoke as the men nodded, walking out of the room, leaving Bucky and I to ourselves. "I'd like my reward please." I teased, running my fingers over his suit clad thighs as he lifted me up, sitting me on the desk. "Tongue or cock?" He asked, a devilish grin on his lips as he fiddled with the button of the jeans. "Both?" I pouted, seeing his eyes darken, popping the jeans open and pulling them off with one pulled, throwing them across the room. My shirt quickly followed and I could see his eyes glaze over. He knew what he wanted, and he was going to take it. "Thought you'd never ask." He murmured, pulling his clothes off. His hands were trailing my body as he dropped to his knees in front of me, pulling my thighs open, the scent of my arousal filling his sense, he became animalistic. "Who did this to you baby girl?" He whispered, using his thumbs to spread my wet folds, his eyes locking on his prize.

"You did Bucky, you did." I whispered, my fingers carding through his hair, locking in place, pulling his face to my sex, a moan leaving my lips as he locked his lips around my clit, sucking harshly. I let out a small scream, gripping his hair tightly as he let out a guttural moan against my clit, my body shaking at the vibrations. My clit was red when he pulled away, swollen in ways it's never been before, his tongue slipping between my folds and circling over my entrance, before shoving his wet muscle in my cunt, curling it as he explored my wet canal, moans spilling from my lips at a rapid pace. The man was skilled, knew how to work a woman's body like a fiddle. Specifically my body, he knew how to turn me into putty. "Who's making you feel good baby, I wanna hear it." He moaned into my sex, pulling his tongue to and biting gently on my folds, not enough to bring pain, only pure, blissful pleasure. "You, Bucky!" I moaned out, my hands leaving his hair to steady myself on the desk. The coil in my stomach forming, hanging on by a mere thread as he continued to tongue fuck me, his tongue swirling around my canal as he shoved it back in. "Better than Nico?" He teased against my sex, his tongue coming out to spit on my sex. He knew he was better than Nico, he just wanted to hear it.

"Oh god yes, I'm gonna cum." I moaned, feeling his mouth back on me as he smirked, his tongue flat against my core as I released, a loud scream leaving my lips as my vision went white, black stars appearing as he lapped up my release, savoring every moment of it, his eyes dark as he looked up at my trembling body, his hands reaching up to grab my breasts, gripping them tightly. I let out a moan as I finally opened my eyes to look at him. "Jesus Christ." I whispered as he stood up, gripping the base of his cock and starting to pump. "Just Bucky baby." He smirked, lining himself up, and pushing in. "Bucky!" I yelled, but it came out as more of a breathy moan, gripping his shoulders as he started to thrust. He was an animal when it came to sex, he needed to be satisfied, his need not fulfilled by any of his other fucks. He needed to someone who would bend to his will, and god was I more than willing to. "You're so fucking sexy, god I love this." He moaned, his head leaning back as he thrusted, aiming to please himself as much as me. I could feel every vein, as they throbbed against my walls, the warmness of my sex only driving him further insane. "Bucky please." I begged, digging my heels into his ass as I pulled him in, my body shaking as I released, a deep groan leaving his lips as I released on him. He no longer cared about pleasing me, my body limp, for him to use.

He placed his hand firmly on my sternum, shoving me back against the cool wood of the desk, his thrusts animalistic as he reached his peak, his body colliding against mine as his hot seed painted my walls, his eyes shut as he moaned into my skin, our breathing erratic as he came down from his high, my fingernails scratching against his skin gently, soothingly. "Let's go to bed babydoll." He whispered, pulling back as he placed a kiss to my chest. I nodded, reaching out for him as he lifted me, carrying me up to the room before laying me on the plush bed, disappearing into the bathroom, returning with a wet rag as he cleaned the both of us off, throwing the rag in the corner of the room before climbing into the bed beside me.

Bucky smiled, looking over at me as the moon illuminated my naked body, his arm reaching out for me absentmindedly. He never wanted to be with a woman, but something about me fascinated him, the way I would bend to his will, how I wanted to please him. The sex was just a bonus, I was easily the best fuck he's ever had, willing to take his animalistic pace, I loved it. I smiled lazily over at him, rolling over so I was able to lay my head on his chest, his arm wrapping around my sweaty body, the sheets being pulled over us as I closed my eyes listening to his heartbeat. He was right, I'd never want to leave. Something about him made me feel secure, and I wanted it, needed it. "Goodnight babydoll" was the last thing I heard before I fell asleep. He studied my sleeping body, his lips pressing a kiss to the top of my head, before he too drifted of to sleep. He was enamored, addicted, as was I.

The sun shown through the windows of the bedroom, the rays landing on my face as I groaned, hiding my face in Bucky's chest, he smelled of mahogany and sex, something I never knew I'd like. His hand was lazily tracing my spine, sending shivers through my body. Nico never did this, he just would fuck me and leave, this was the care I craved, to feel like I was wanted. To my family, and mob, I was just a weapon, but here, I was a girl, who could be used as a weapon. "Good morning babygirl." Bucky spoke, his voice was deep and gruff, a smile approaching my lips as I looked up at him. "Good morning baby." I smiled, feeling his lips ghost over mine, as if he was contemplating letting himself be vulnerable, but his emotions quickly won, pressing his lips to mine. I smiled against his lips, feeling him reciprocate it. "I'm going to your father, telling him the deal is off, I don't want the money." He whispered, running his fingers through my hair as I nodded, resting my head back on his chest. "A little more time in bed?" I asked, feeling his chest vibrate with his chuckle. "Of course, babygirl, I have one more thing for you before you go with Clarice." He smiled, pulling the drawer open to his left, reaching aimlessly for the black box.

"Bucky you don't have to spoil me." I teased, following his arm as he opened the box, placing it on his chest next to me, using his free arm to pull the ring from the box. My eyes traced the diamond B ring, a smile on his lips as he saw me look at it. "I don't have to do anything baby, but I want to." Bucky smiled, taking my right hand in his, slipping the ring onto my forefinger, officially claiming me as his. I placed a kiss on his chest, before laying my head down. In less than 20 hours, I was his, I wanted to be his, he wanted me to be mine. My eyes studied the glimmer of the diamonds in the sunlight. Bucky was completely enthralled in my response, his head leaning back into the pillow as he went back to running his fingers over my spine. In less than 20 hours, he was laying claim to what he's always wanted, me.

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