Counting Crimes

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Bucky parked in the garage, pulling me off the bike with him as I shivered from the cold air that was surrounding us. "Upstairs, help yourself to anything in my closet, or drawers, I'll be in my office." Bucky stated as he walked off, leaving me yet again to my own devices in the house yet again. I wandered back upstairs, heading into Bucky's closet and pulling down a Versace hoodie, pulling off my dress and slipping into the hoodie, it falling to my mid thighs, before pulling open his drawers and pulling a pair of Calvin Klein boxers onto my body, pairing both with a pair of socks that came up to my mid calves. I jumped when my phone started alerted me to a text, sighing as I walked over to the bag and pulling out the electronic device, unlocking it to see a text from Nico.

'Are you okay? I heard about the shooting at Barnes' club, I bet he didn't even protect you.'

I rolled my eyes, throwing the phone back in my bag after turning it off. I couldn't help but be mad at the whole Ashley mob, they must've known, and they all lied to me about the code that was in place. Acting innocent, as if they didn't have the knowledge of what they had done. I had already made my mind up, I wasn't going back. Bucky in 8 hours had given me everything I could want. A promise that was fulfilled but one fuck, and I wasn't willing to give that up. My body wanted Bucky, as did my mind, and my heart, in 8 hours, I was enamored with him. He had no hesitation to jump into action, and I loved it. My feet padded across the marble floor, opening up the door to go find him.

I walked down the stairs, stopping at the photo of his mother again, a small sigh leaving my lips as I looked at it. She was beautiful, it was a crime that she was taken from the world. I could tell how much Bucky loved her by just this portrait alone. "Miss Ashley?" A voice came from behind me, causing me to jump at the sudden appearance. "Sorry, I can go back upstairs." I said, turning around to see a woman who shook her head. "It's nice to see another woman in the house, my name is Clarice. I'm Bucky's maid slash butler I suppose. I think he's kept me around for company though." She laughed, nodding towards the kitchen as I followed her. She must've been in her 60's. A sweet older woman who really seemed to just be kind. It was shocking to see her working with a mob boss of all people. "Take a seat dear." She smiled, gesturing to a barstool as I pulled myself up on it, my feet coming up to sit criss cross applesauce.

"Green or black tea love?" She asked, walking over to a tea kettle, filling it with water. "Uhm, green please." I smiled softly, clasping my hands together. "No need to be shy, I've known Bucky since he was a kid, he seems to really like you, telling me to take care of you like I take care of him." Clarice laughed, turning to look at me. "Did you know her?" I asked, looking back at the portrait that was showing through the walkway. "Yes very well."

I swallowed the lump in my throat, my eyes locking on my hands as I let out a little breath I didn't know I was holding in. "What was she like?" I asked, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill over. "She was lovely. Love Bucky with everything in her, that little boy made her world spin." She spoke as she pulled the the tea bag out of the cabinet. "She was honorable, stood next to George in every decision he made, her last words to me was that no matter what happens, to keep her little boy safe. She was my best friend." Clarice spoke fondly of Bucky's mother, pouring the water on the tea bag, before handing me the mug, a small smile on her lips. "I'm assuming you found out?" She asked as I looked up at her, my eyes glossed over. "Sugar? Honey?" She asked stepping over to the cupboard.

"Sugar please, and yes." I whispered out, wrapping my hands around the mug, the warmth of the mug kissing my cold palms. "He doesn't blame you for it, he's had his eyes on you for a while, wanting to get you out of the twisted web of lies that was being spun." Clarice smiled, dropping two cubes of sugar into my mug. "Clarice, I don't want to go back." I spoke softly, tears finally dropping down my cheeks as I looked up at her. "You don't have to, he doesn't care about the money, it was just a way to get to you without causing a street war." She smiled, taking my free hand in hers. I felt comforted by her, a feeling I haven't had in a long time. "Do I tell him I want to stay?" I asked softly, while she smiled, her smile offered warmth. "Yes." She replied, bringing a cup of tea to her own lips, taking a sip. "Tomorrow, you and I will walk around the garden, just to let you out of this world for a little bit." Clarice smiled as I nodded. "I'd like that."

We sat for a while, laughing as we spoke. I haven't had a motherly figure in my life in over 10 years, and Clarice offered that for me, a smile on my lips the whole time I talked with her. I finished my tea, looking over at the direction of Bucky's office while men were all chatting in there. "He won't mind the interruption, go." Clarice smiled at me as I nodded, stepping off the barstool before walking over to the door, placing my hand on the handle. "So we have her help us, this is her turf too!" Charlie stated, while Bucky laughed. "I know it is, but I'm not sure I should let her show you men up. You saw how accurate she is." Bucky smirked, while I pushed the door open, all the eyes on me as Bucky smiled. "Hey baby, come here."

I walked past all the men in the room, settling into Bucky's lap as I leaned back on his chest, his arms wrapping around my waist to lock me into place. He took notice of my red eyes, reminding himself to ask about it in the privacy of his room. "Whats going on?" I asked, looking up at Bucky as he smiled down at me, a loving look, different than the animalistic look I've seen on him in the past 8 hours. "The Matrix mob is trying to take over New York." Bucky spoke, rubbing circles into my stomach, leaning down to press a kiss to the shell of my ear. "They're a west coast mob, what the hell are they doing here?" I asked, looking at him before at all the men who had hard glares on their faces. "What's their problem?" I asked quietly, just loud enough for Bucky to hear. "That's what we're trying to figure out, and they're not sure you're loyal to us." Bucky stated as I looked over at Charlie.

"Bucky can you give us a few minutes, I need to talk to you." I whispered as he nodded, waving his hand so the men exited the room, standing outside to be called back in. "Whats up pretty girl?" He asked, licking over his lips as the cut from earlier showed. "I don't want to go back home, I want to stay here." I told him as he smiled, leaning down and pressing a kiss to my lips. "Your wish is my command. The sex was convincing enough?" He smiled, pulling away from my lips, tracing his thumb over the swollen lips. "That, and Clarice." I replied as he smiled, pressing another kiss to my lips. "How far are you willing to go to prove your loyalty?" He asked. "Anything."

"Boys!" Bucky yelled as they all walked back him, their eyes locking on Bucky and I. "Miss Ashley here is willing to prove her loyalty, so we're going over the plans for the Crown Jewel. Tonight we'll get it." Bucky spoke as I sat up, watching Bucky pull out a map from a drawer in his desk, flattening it out. "So we'll come in from here." Bucky explained, drawing his fingers over the map as I tilted my head looking at it. "You're making it too difficult, I can fit through the vents, you guys get to the security room and disable to cameras." I said, flipping the map over as Bucky smirked leaning back. All the men gathered around, looking at the map. "Theres a fuse box on the right side of the building, cut the wires, Charlie get to the security room, make the cameras go dark. If you guys have something I can lower into the jewel room, I can grab it, and slip out through the back door, Bucky can wait in a getaway car, and done."

Bucky was proud, he knew he made the right choice going after me as I explained an easier route to burglarize a place. "Will this prove my loyalty to you?" I asked the men as they all nodded. "Then go get ready, get a wire ready, make sure it's easy to slip out of for her." Bucky spoke as the men nodded, rushing out of the room to go get their gear ready. "Baby, how'd you know all of this?" He asked, pulling me back against him. "Just counting crimes, this was child's play when I was training." I teased, feeling him bite down on my shoulder, eliciting a squeal from my lips. "I'm glad you're choosing to stay, may I ask why you were crying?" Bucky asked, lifting me up and turning me so I was facing him as I straddled his lap. "Your mother. Clarice told me about her, my mob lied to me, you haven't so far." I whispered, rubbing his shoulders. "I won't lie to you, I promise that." Bucky replied, tilting my chin down and pressing a kiss to my lips. This kiss wasn't full of want, it was to seal a deal. I just sold my soul to the devil himself.

We quickly pulled away as Clarice entered, a mask and black shirt and jeans being presented to me as she set it on the desk. "Charlie told me the plan, dug these out of my old clothes until we can get you some clothes. Mr. Barnes, if it's okay I'd like to take her shopping tomorrow." Clarice smiled at him as he nodded. "Of course Clarice, and I've told you before, call me Bucky." He chuckled as she nodded, walking out of the room, the door clicking shut as I stood up, pulling the hoodie off, it falling to floor in a puddle as I pulled on the black turtleneck. The boxers following suit as I pulled the black jeans on, Bucky's eyes never leaving my body. "You're so fucking sexy." He smirked standing up as I pulled the mask on, it covering the bottom half of my face.

"I'll see you on the other side, don't be late." I told him, walking towards the door as he nodded. He'd hate to admit it, but he was entranced by me, but I already knew. I walked down the hallway, Charlie on my heels as we stepped into the black van, shutting the door and taking off towards the museum. 

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