Unconscious, Consciousness

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TW: Mentions of drugging

Bucky sat beside me, his hand locked in mine as I laid unconscious in the bed, the steady beeping of the machines being the only sound in the room, his thumb tracing my knuckles. My body was pale, sweat rolling down my forehead still as the doctor came in, looking at the charts. "You must be Mr. Barnes?" The doctor asked, turning to face Bucky as he nodded. "Yeah, call me James." He smiled weakly, before turning back to me, bringing my hand up to his head, pressing my cool fingers against his warm flesh. "We're finding traces of roofies in her system from the previous toxicology report. She use drugs frequently?" He asked, setting the chart down and placing the stethoscope in his hears, listening for my heartbeat. "No, she drinks, but I'm usually with her monitoring everything." Bucky explained, running his tongue over his lips.

"Is she going to be okay?" Bucky whispered, closing his eyes as tears welled up in his eyes, trying to compose himself. "Her body is reacting positively to the fluids we're using to flush out the drugs, so she should be." The doctor smiled gently, as Bucky nodded, looking up at the doctor. "Usually I wouldn't be for this, but you seem to really need her right now, feel free to climb into the bed with her, be careful of the IV's." The doctor spoke sympathetically, sending Bucky a small smile before exiting the room. Bucky quickly took off his shoes, climbing into the bed next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders and holding me to him as close as possible, his cheek resting on the top of my head as he looked down at my unconscious face, locking his fingers with mine and playing with the engagement ring, a small smile on his lips. "Please wake up baby, I can't do this without you." He whispered, burying his face in my hair and closing my eyes.

Sharon and Charlie got the news as they approached the airport, quickly turning around and heading towards the hospital that Bucky had sent them, pulling up with a screeching halt as Sharon jumped out of the car, rushing inside. "Where is she?" She yelled, running up to the front desk, tears rolling down her cheeks. "Who?" The nurse asked, standing up to try and calm down the woman. "My sister, Addison Barnes, Ashley, fuck I don't know what name she's under!" She cried, grabbing the nurses arms and shaking her. "Where is she?" She screamed, tears landing on her jacket before the nurse took a deep breath, pulling her arms away. "Right this way." She smiled, rushing down the corridor with Sharon and stopping outside of the room. "Thank you." Sharon whispered, walking into the room and freezing when she saw Bucky in the bed crying as well.

"I didn't protect her, I promised her I would." Bucky whispered, looking up at Sharon with red eyes, trying to steady his breathing. "She wouldn't blame you Bucky you know that, what is it?" She asked, approaching the bed and taking my other hand, sitting down next to us. "Roofies, I have no idea who did it." Bucky explained, holding onto me tightly, as if he let go I'd disappear. "Is she going to be okay?" Sharon asked, one of her hands going to my cheek as I twitched under the touch, the first movement I've had in hours. "Yeah, she's strong, she's going to be okay." Bucky whispered, watching my body react to Sharon's touch. "I'm taking her home after she wakes up, she needs to rest." Sharon told him as he nodded. "I agree, I'm going home as well. It's the holidays, we need a break." Bucky smiled, as Charlie walked in. "I got word from Stark, him and Rogers took care of the bartender, he admitted to drugging her shots." Charlie spoke, sitting down next to Sharon and wrapping an arm around her should to provide comfort.

They all sat in comfortable silence for hours, Sharon and Charlie falling asleep in the chairs as Bucky slept in the bed beside me. After a few minutes of me recognizing I was coming to consciousness, I fluttered my eyelids open, groaning as they felt like lead bricks on my face, wincing at the bright lights above me. "Where am I?" I whispered, jumping as I felt a body next to me, before turning my head to see Bucky, his eyes closed but his hand locked tightly in mine. "Miss Ashley?" The doctor asked, causing me to look over at him. "What happened?" I asked gently, pushing up on the mattress lightly to sit up, before the doctor rushed over, laying me back down. "Don't try to do too much right now, what do you remember?" He asked, checking my vitals as I turned pale again, feeling nauseous. "I'm gonna puke." I whispered, seeing the doctor quickly pull up a trashcan, allowing me to throw up in it. Once I was done, I leaned back into Bucky's grip, hearing him groan slightly while he woke up.

"I don't remember much, I just remember getting really hot, then everything went black." I explained to doctor, closing my eyes again as I laid my head back, sighing gently. "You were roofied Ms. Ashley, it's going to take a few days for you to fully recuperate." The doctor explained as I nodded. "Anything else I should be worried about?" I asked, as he shook his head. "Everything looks all good other than the high levels of drugs, I'd try and avoid alcohol for the next few days as well. Let your body flush out the foreign bodies." He explained as I nodded, looking over at Bucky. "He's been here the whole time, held your hand, you're lucky, most people don't have that." The doctor smiled, as I looked back at him. "Yeah, I am lucky." I smiled gently, closing my eyes again. "Get some rest."

Bucky fluttered his eyes open, seeing me awake as I processed all the information I was just given. "Oh my god you're awake." He whispered, turning my head towards him and pressing his forehead against mine, a shaky breath leaving his lips. "Yeah, I feel like shit but I'm awake, how long was I out?" I asked, closing my eyes as he brushed his nose against mine, leaning down and pressing a soft kiss to my lips. "8 hours, Sharon and Charlie came about 5 hours ago." Bucky explained as I squeezed his hand gently. "I'm so sorry babygirl, I didn't protect you, I didn't know." He whispered, squeezing his eyes shut again as a tear slipped down his cheek. "Hey hey." I whispered, reaching up and wiping his tear away. "It wasn't your fault, it wasn't any of your faults. You didn't know." I smiled, pressing my lips to his again. "I love you Buck, I know if you knew, you'd been there in a second to save me. " I smiled, looking into his blue eyes. "I didn't though, I didn't protect you."

"Buck I didn't need to be protected before it happened, I needed to be protected after it happened." I smiled, pressing my forehead to his again. "You protected me when I needed it, and I love you so much for that." I whispered, feeling him nod against my skin, his scruff tickling my face as he leaned up, pressing a kiss to my forehead. "I love you pretty girl, we're going to go home and relax, how does that sound?" He asked as I nodded, smiling. "That sounds amazing." 

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