Confrontation and Compromise

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TW: Smut, Oral (M receiving), vague mention of kidnapping

Bucky pulled up to the manor, the tires of his bike screeching as he pulled it to a stop, propping the kickstand down as I walked up the stairs, running to keep up with me. "Baby you gotta compose yourself don't do anything you'd regret." He said, grabbing my wrists and turning me to look at him. "Then stay out here." I told him as he nodded, stepping back. I walked up the steps, pushing past the two guards who stood outside the door, pressing the top of the handle to let myself in, shoving the door open with a bang. I looked around the room house, finding my father in the kitchen, his wound patched up and ice pressed to it. "Daddy." I stated, my hand on the gun as he turned around, his eyes red as tear stains were present on his face. "Sparkle, come in." He mumbled, gesturing to the barstool. "No I'm fine here, I may have been labeled a traitor, but you've lied to me." A shaky breath leaving my lips as I took notice of his stature. "I know." He whispered, looking at me before back at the barstool. I sighed, my feet giving in but my mind screaming no as I walked over to the barstool, pulling out my phone and sliding it to him.

"Who's that?" He asked, fake cluelessness on his face as he looked at the phone then me. "Where's her father?" I asked, ignoring his question as he sighed, looking down the at his feet. "Why won't you come home?" He asked, reaching out for my hand as I pulled it back. "I'm happy where I am, Bucky doesn't lie to me, I may have only known him for 24 hours but I feel more at home there then here." I said, before pressing the question again. "Where is he?" My voice showed anger, and sadness, my emotions betraying me as I looked at my father. "Warehouse on 67th, alive, but solitary confinement, that's his daughter I presume."

"She got shot at the mall today, the bullet was for me, but Nico took care of that." I stated, standing up. "What does Bucky give you that you don't have here?" He asked softly, reaching out for me again as I sighed, giving into his hug. "Security, a motherly figure, and the promise to protect me, I'm sorry about Nico, but he knew toying with Bucky was a bad idea." I told him as he nodded. "What did you mean when you said there's something more important going on?" He asked, his head on my shoulder as I spoke gently "A West Coast gang has made an appearance here, we were attacked at Bucky's club yesterday, if you promise to end this stupid war between the two mobs temporarily I can convince Bucky to let you help." I whispered, while he nodded. "I'll set up a meeting in the morning, return that little girls daddy to her."

I walked out the front door, seeing the guards with their guns drawn at Bucky, his hands up to try and show he wasn't here for a fight. "Easy Ringo and Marco, he's not a threat." I said as they lowered their guns, allowing me to walk over to him, his arms wrapping around my waist, the moonlight dancing around us as he leaned down pressing a hurried kiss to my lips. "I didn't hear any gun shots so I'm assuming everything's okay?" He smiled, moving some hair out of my face as the wind started to pick up. "Yeah, he's gonna call tomorrow, set up a meeting." I told him as he nodded, pressing his lips to mine again. God I'd never get used to that feeling. "And her father?" Bucky asked through kisses, my arms wrapping around his neck. "Warehouse on 67th, send Charlie with Emily." I smiled looking at him.

"On it my love." Bucky smiled, freezing as he realized what he said. He was vulnerable, and he was showing it, it didn't matter when I was around, but he was scared, now he had something to protect, to hold dear. "Bucky, it's okay, I'm not going anywhere." I whispered, pecking his lips quickly before walking over to the bike. He climbed on, extending his hand as I climbed on behind him, wrapping my arms around his waist as he kicked the stand up, driving towards the warehouse, Charlie and Emily pulling up at the same time. Emily ran up to me, wrapping her arms around my waist, hugging me. I could feel the fear radiating off of her as she saw Bucky, my hands on her back as I held her to me. "He's not going to hurt you, there's someone here for you." I smiled softly, looking over at Bucky who had a hand on his gun, Charlie mimicking his actions as we walked into the building, Emily holding onto me tightly as we walked down the hallways. I reached over to the small box on the shelf next to the door, pulling the key out as I unlocked the cell, seeing the man turn with fear before seeing his daughter. "You're free, I'd make yourself scarce. Charlie will take you guys home."

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