Clubs, Bullets, Rock and Roll

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TW: Smut, Exhibitionism, gun violence

I followed Bucky closely as we walked down the hall, my hand locked tightly in his as he lead us to the garage, walking over to his collection of Harley Davidsons. He smiled, as my heels clicked keeping up with him, stopping and looking over his collection. "Impressive, it seems like you're compensating for something though Barnes." I teased as he rolled his eyes dramatically, grabbing a gun from the shelf and placing it in his waistband. Most women would be concerned, but this was the game, the world we were in. Something about Bucky having a gun was comforting to me, aggressive, protecting. "Which one should we take babydoll?" He asked, while my fingers trailed over the sleek black and blue bike. "This one." I replied as he nodded, grabbing the keys off the hook. "Your wish, my command."

Bucky walked behind me, a firm grasps on my hips as he helped me onto the bike, before slipping on in front of me, waiting for my arms to wrap around his waist securely before kicking the kick stand up, placing the keys in the ignition. "I'll come home and show you I'm not compensating. Under one condition." He chuckled, revving the engine as I let out a little laugh, placing my chin on his suit clad shoulder. "What's the condition?" I asked, as he took off, my hands sliding up his chest as he let out a deep groan. "You stay after the 48 hours." He mumbled out, the wind rushing around us as he drove down the canyon. "I might need some convincing, but you had me at hello." I teased, taking the scent of his cologne in as my eyes fluttered shut. He smirked, I knew he did because I felt the speed pick up.

We pulled up to the club, Bucky climbing off the bike before me, taking my hand in his as we walked in. "We can go VIP or stay down here." Bucky yelled over the booming music. The club smelled the sex and cheap perfume, it was sickening but thrilling. "A new toy?" The bartender yelled as we made our way over to the counter, a deep laugh leaving Buckys throat. God that was hot as hell, I didn't know a laugh could be so sexy, so intoxicating. "Nah, that right there is gonna be my girl by the end of the night, right pretty girl?" Bucky teased, wrapping an arm around my waist, his hand splayed across my barely covered ass I looked up at him. "Maybe, give us two shots of Tequila why don't you?" I smirked, taking my eyes away from Bucky and to the bartender who nodded, promptly walking away as my chest was pulled flat against Bucky. "Already giving orders, you'd be a good queen to my throne." He smirked as I rolled my eyes. "Not everyone is afraid of you Barnes." I teased, leaning forward and licking a stripe up his neck, my saliva glistening under the flashing lights. He let out a deep groan as I pulled back, biting his lip so hard that he could've drawn blood. "Don't start something you cant finish baby." He groaned out, wiping away my spit before looking down at me.

I let out a flirtatious smile, grabbing the sides of his jacket, pulling him down so he was inches from my face, our breaths fanning over each other. "I intend to finish everything I start, Mr. Barnes." I whispered, pulling back as the bartender slammed two shots down, winking at me as I rolled my eyes, Bucky taking notice. "Wink at her again, I'll put a bullet between your eyes." He spoke as the bartender mumbled some apologies before walking away. "To us." Bucky smirked, raising his glass to his lips, "to us." I repeated, slamming the shot back as Bucky did the same, both of us placing the glasses on the counter. My mind was fuzzy after a few more shots, loyalty out the window as Bucky and I were on the dance floor, our hands exploring every part of each others bodies. I looked up at him, he had a dark glimmer in his eyes, mimicking my own I suppose. "Kiss me." I yelled over the music, my arm wrapping around his neck, my fingers tangling in the short hair on the back of his head as he leaned his head down, devouring my lips in a second.

The whole world stopped, the music a simple thud in the background as we attacked each others lips, his hands slipping through the deep V of my dress, gripping my left breast like it was the only time he was going to feel it, my pelvis pressing against his, feeling the outline of his dick through the fabric of his suit pants, a guttural moan leaving his lips as I pulled away, our pelvic bones pressed to each others, grinding with want and need. I knew I was his the second his lips were on mine, I wouldn't be able to leave, he was everything I could ever possibly want or need. Young, handsome, rich, smart, quick. I was everything he wanted, cold hearted, calculating, aimed to please, beautiful, lethal. His hands went to the sides of my face, pulling me back in to assault my wanting lips again. Swollen, needy, wanting, nothing was going to stop him.

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