Angels and Demons

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TW: Gun violence, hints of drugging, talk about drugs, exhibitionism

The black SUV pulled up outside the lavish club, bouncers lining the sides of the walkway to keep Bucky and I guarded. He handed me the gun, watching as I slid it into the holster that was strapped to my thigh, pulling the straps tightly to make sure it was secure before he climbed out, extending his hand to me. I took it, climbing out of the car, linking my arm with his as we walked in side by side. "Go enjoy yourself, I'll call you when I need you baby." Bucky yelled in my ear, pressing a kiss to my temple before slipping away from my grasps, leaving me in the mess of bodies, a smile on my lips as I finally got to let lose a little bit. Guiding myself through the mass of people, I finally made it to the bar, ordering myself a few shots, downing them quickly, turning back to make sure Bucky wasn't in need of me yet.

He sent a smile towards me, throwing a wink after before settling back in his seat, waiting for Starks men to show up. "Hey sweetheart." I heard from behind me, a hand being placed on the small of my back, making me tense up. "You shouldn't be touching women you don't know." I stated, stepping away from his grasps. "I know who you are." His voice was thick with a hidden New York accent. "Your from New York? What's your name?" I asked, finally turning to face the blonde hair, blue eyed man, his hand going back around my waist. "Originally yes, but now I work for Stark, Rogers, Steve Rogers." He sent me a smile, filled with kindness but his eyes betraying his smile, showing me some wickedness behind it. "Well Rogers, I don't think you should be this forward with women you don't know on a personal level." I smiled at him, tilting my head a bit before pushing his hand off my waist.

"Well angel," he started, pulling my body close to his, lips ghosting over mine as I tried to pull back to create space, struggling against his strong grip on my waist, "I'd like to know you on a personal level, I know theres a little demon behind those angel eyes, is Barnes not giving you what you need?" He smirked, his eyes locking on mine as my breathing started to falter. Bucky had been using me like my father did, as a weapon, sure he praised me after but I was okay with it, or I thought I was. "Bucky gives me everything I need." I whispered, reaching behind me to steady myself against the bar, Steve placing his leg between mine, locking me against the bar. "He shouldn't be leaving such a pretty girl alone defenseless." Steve chuckled, his fingers digging into my hips. "Who said I was defenseless?" I asked sweetly, a smirk crawling across my lips.

"What?" He asked, groaning as I lifted my legs up, planting my feet on his stomach and shoving him back, turning and digging my elbow into his forehead before stepping back. "Addi!" Bucky yelled, looking over at me as I stepped over Steve's body. "Daddy's calling sorry." I whispered, sending a wink towards him, walking up the stairs to Bucky. "Hi baby." I smiled, feeling him wrap an arm around my waist, pressing his lips to mine. "I need my pretty girl here to make sure we're not getting screwed over." He smirked, leaning into my ear pressing a kiss to the earlobe, making me shudder. "Are you okay with exposing your body my love? I need you." He grunted, his hands landing on my ass, pressing me against his chest. "Of course." I whispered, wrapping my arms around his neck as he kneaded the flesh. I loved this part of Bucky, the one who didn't care who was watching if he fucked me, he just needed me and that's all I wanted.

"This way then my love." He smiled, taking my hand in his, leading me over to some men and a couple chairs. "This is Tony Stark, and I see you've met Steve Rogers here." Bucky smiled, gesturing to the two men as I nodded, shaking Tony's hand. "Nice to meet you." I smiled gently, watching as he brought my hand to his lips, pressing a gentle kiss to it. "So Barnes said that you mend to his will, is that true?" Tony asked, watching as Bucky sat down, his legs spread, tapping his lap for me to sit on. "I do whatever he asks." I shrugged, walking over to Bucky and settling into his lap, my legs on either side of his, lifting my dress to the tops of my thighs. "I hope you don't mind, her pussy is divine and I need it at the moment, so just ignore her, we have business to go over." Bucky spoke, leaning back as I popped his pants button, pulling down the zipper and pulling his cock out.

"Of course not." Tony shrugged, leaning back as I locked eyes with Steve, biting my lip as I sank down on Bucky, hearing him grunt as I settled into his lap, bottoming him out with a small moan leaving my lips. "Eyes on Rogers baby, the whole time." Bucky commanded, his hand trailing down my spine before spreading my thighs to be on display for everyone. "So we're thinking a 70/30 split." Tony explained, leaning forward, his eyes trained on where Bucky and I were connected as I bounced on him slowly, my hands on his thighs as I kept my eyes on Steve, seeing him bite his lip harshly. "I feel like that's fair, but I'm thinking more of a 60/40 considering we'll be pushing the coke through the streets and opening up our ports to you guys, oh fuck baby." Bucky moaned at the end, gripping my hips and lifting me up faster, slamming me down on him while I held in a scream, tears forming in my eyes.

"But we'll be providing it all." Tony explained, while Bucky looked at him, tapping my thigh to hand him the gun that's on my thigh. I pulled the straps loose, still bouncing as Bucky thrusted up, causing me to scream, my eyes falling shut as white hot pleasure shot through me, collapsing back on his chest as he smirked. "Fastest she's came in a while hold on." Bucky groaned, holding my neck to keep me in place as he snapped his hips quickly, reaching his peak with a grunt before spilling into me. "Answer you Rogers, there is definitely a demon behind those angel eyes and it's mine." Bucky stated, pulling out of me and tucking himself away. "So 60/40 or I have her put a bullet in Rogers head. And she never misses." Bucky stated, pulling my dress down before pushing me up.

I grabbed the gun, standing on wobbly legs, pressing the gun to Steve's temple, seeing him tense up. "Fine 60/40 it is." Tony said, watching as I lowered the gun, gripping his shoulder to stable myself. "You alright sweetheart?" Steve asked, standing up to steady me as I gripped my stomach, looking over at Bucky. "Buck I gotta get out of here." I whispered, seeing his face soften before he quickly stood up, replacing Steve. "Come to New York Tony, we'll finish there." Bucky spoke quickly, lifting me up as my eyes fell closed, my body sweating profusely as I fell limp in Bucky's arms. "Someone go figure out what the bartender gave her, and kill the motherfucker." Bucky yelled as Steve nodded, Tony and Steve rushing down the stairs as Bucky rushed towards the car. "Get me to the hospital now." He told the driver, holding me to his chest as I was unconscious.  

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