Jealousy, Jealousy

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TW: Mentions of Knifes, Smut

I leaned back into the seat, my wrists still tied tightly to Sharon's, my eyes falling shut as I tried to ignore the agonizing pain of the rope digging into my skin. "Put the Boss on the phone." William spoke as I snapped my eyes open, turning my head to the left to look at Sharon, but she was already staring at me, tears in her eyes from the pain of the rope digging into our skin. "Let me speak to Addi." My father spoke as I snapped my head forward, seeing the phone being handed to me. "Sharon lift up." I mumbled, grabbing the phone, the little light allowing me to see a knife in the backseat, nodding towards it as Sharon leaned forward. "Daddy, you wanted to talk?" I asked, leaning with her as she gripped the handle. "Sparkle, I heard you met your sister." Brandon spoke as I looked at Sharon. "Flame, can you hear me?" He asked, as Sharon looked at the phone. "Yeah, I can hear you father." She added, before placing the knife between her legs, looking at me as I nodded, pushing the rope between our wrists on the blade, feeling it snap.

"Why don't you tell your sister how you used to feel about her?" He pushed, Sharon looking up at me, swallowing her nerves. "Fine, but it doesn't change how I feel about her now." Sharon spoke, looking down at her wrists, pushing the small amount of against the blade, snapping her two wrists free, before slicing mine free. "Well, I'm waiting." Brandon snapped, making both of us jump. "All your friends were so cool, you went out every night, with daddy's nice cars, yeah you were living the life." Sharon spoke, looking up at me sadly. "Had a pretty face, a pretty boyfriend too, I wanted to be you so bad and I didn't even know you." Sharon whispered, looking down at her hands now in her lap as I pulled the phone to my ear. "Thank you for the distraction." I smirked, seeing William turn around.

I grabbed his neck, slamming his head forward onto the wheel, blood dripping down his nose, before Sharon leaned forward, punching the man in the passenger seat, hitting his temple perfectly knocking him out. The car was speeding uncontrollably down the road, heading into oncoming traffic. "You're going to pay for that." Brandon spoke as I hung up the phone, looking over at Sharon who grabbed my hand, pushing open the backdoor, jumping out as I followed suit, the two of us rolling down the asphalt, seeing cars heading towards us. "Not time to lay, move!" I yelled, pushing off of her, grabbing her hand as we moved through the cars, getting off the highway, walking into the desert.

"I'm sorry." I whispered, sitting down on a rock, rubbing my wrists. "For?" Sharon asked, looking at me before searching for her phone. "Your childhood." I said softly, rubbing my face before standing up and walking over to her. "I don't care about it anymore, you're nothing like what dad told me, all I care about is taking him down." Sharon explained, pulling up the phone before I saw flashing lights heading towards us. "Make that call later, we gotta go." I whispered, grabbing her head and running into the shadows, freezing as I realized we were surrounded by police men. "You guy's aren't under arrest, we got reports of you two rolling down the highway, we need to take you in and make sure you're okay." One of the policemen said as I gripped Sharon's hand, feeling her squeezing my hand tightly, terrified of what could happen.

"We're okay." I spoke, pulling Sharon closer to me as they approached, shining their lights on us. "We have your little boyfriends, you can either come with us or join them in a jail cell." The cop said as I sighed, giving in, Sharon doing the same as we walked to the cop car, climbing into the backseat, heading back towards LA. When we arrived, the police men got us out, walking us to the door to see Bucky and Charlie in a holding cell. "What are they being charged for?" I asked, looking away from Bucky who smiled sadly at me. "Arson." The cop said as Sharon sighed, sitting down on the chair.

"We were kidnapped, if I can get the person who is in charge of all this chaos to you, will you let them go and we'll stay out of your state." I begged the cop, standing in front of the desk, tears in my eyes. "Please." I begged, my voice barely above a whisper. "You'd have to talk to the DA, I can give him a call if you'd like." The cop spoke softly, taking in my battered state, seeing Sharon in the same condition. "Please." Sharon begged, looking up at me, before over at Charlie and Bucky in the cell, standing up. "Can we go talk to them while you get the DA on the phone?" I asked, as he nodded, sliding his card and letting us into the room. I ran up to the bars, gripping them as Bucky quickly approached, reaching through and grabbing my face. "Oh my god you're okay." Bucky whispered, rubbing his thumbs across my cheekbones.

"It's daddy." I whispered, pressing my head against the bars, Bucky's motions stilling. "What? I thought he was dead?" Bucky whispered, looking over at the cop who walked into the room. "Miss Ashley, the DA has agreed, you have 48 hours to bring him to us." The police said as I nodded, turning back to Bucky, looking at him. "Can they help?" Sharon asked as the police nodded, walking over and unlocking the cell, freeing Bucky and Charlie. I quickly ran over to Bucky, jumping into his arms as his hands went to my thighs, holding me up. "Your time starts tomorrow, I suggest you guy's get some rest." The police smiled gently, before leading us out of the room, my body being held by Bucky.

Bucky got us an expensive hotel, getting Sharon and Charlie a private suite, and getting us the rooftop suite. We said our goodnights, before Bucky grabbed my hand, pulling me into the elevator, pushing me up against the wall. "I told you, I'd show you how much I missed you." He whispered, caging my body against the wall with his own, his hands pressed firmly on either side of my head. I leaned up, wrapping my arms around his neck, pressing my lips to his in a needy, messy, kiss. Bucky's right hand left it's spot next to my head, trailing his hands down my side, cupping my breast through my shirt, a moan leaving my lips, being swallowed by his kiss. "When we get to the room, clothes off, in the shower." He mumbled, pressing one more kiss to my lips before pulling away, his fingers locked securely around my neck, until I answers. "Yes, sir."

He released my neck as the elevator doors opened, taking my hand and leading me to the room, swiping the card to open the door, walking in. "I'm ordering us food and champagne, you better be in the shower by the time I'm done." Bucky commanded, slapping my ass as I walked into the bathroom, turning the water to the hottest setting. The glass shower filled with steam, the bathroom soon following suit as I stripped out of my ripped up clothes, stepping into the hot water, a sigh leaving my lips as I stood under the rain styled shower head, my hair sticking to my body as the water soaked every inch of my body.

Bucky walked in, pulling off his suit as he watched me through the foggy glass, a small groan leaving his lips as his cock started to grow. We'd gone 48 hours without sex, if he said he didn't want it right now, he'd be lying to everyone. He pulled off his socks and boxers, stepping into the shower, pressing his chest to my back, his hands on my hips as I leaned back against him, wrapping my arms around his neck, my chest fully exposed to him. "I've missed you Bucky." I murmured, turning around in his arms, leaning up and pressing a kiss to his lips, the water spilling down us quickly, a groan leaving his lips as I pulled away. "I'm going to fuck the shit out of you." Bucky mumbled, pushing me against the wall, a grunt leaving my lips as I hit the cold tile.

He didn't give me time to think, lifting my right leg around his waist, slamming his cock into me in one thrust, a scream leaving my lips instantly as I was split in half practically. Bucky moaned, starting his fast pace into my aching tunnel, leaning forward to press a kiss to my lips, biting and sucking on them as he was animalistic, he didn't care about anything at the moment, his only thought being on his cock buried deep in me, his hips snapping against mine like it was the last thing he would ever do. I pressed my palms to the foggy glass, wrapping my other leg around his waist, as he used his hands to hold me up by my thighs, dropping his head into my neck, sucking on the skin as I moaned and screamed. My legs starting to quiver as I tried to hold back the coil threatening to snap. "Awh, does my baby girl want to cum?" Bucky smirked, feeling my pussy clench tightly around him, tears rolling down my cheeks as I nodded. "Let it go baby." He moaned, feeling me clench tightly, my release spilling down his cock with a scream, my hands sliding down the glass. Bucky moaned loudly, his cum filling me instantly as he looked down at me, his eyes dark but showing love.

"Dinners here." Bucky whispered, lowering my legs to the ground, my knees buckling before he caught me, lifting me up with him. "Aw, poor thing can't walk, did I fuck you too good?" Bucky teased, lifting my body into his arms after turning off the water and wrapping a towel around me, carrying me to the bed. "Yes you did." I giggled, leaning against the headboard, the towel loosely wrapped around me as he brought the food to me, setting it in front of me. "Round two after dinner, eat up." Bucky smirked, pouring us some champagne before starting to eat.

This man is going to be the death of me.

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