Moment of Peace

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TW: Exhibitionism, SMUT, Vulgar language

Bucky and I walked down the hallway, his hand locked in mine tightly as he slid the key card down, opening the door to me. I walked in, climbing onto the bed as I waited for him to join me, the bed always feeling empty when he wasn't in it. "Bring them up." Bucky spoke into the phone, speaking to who I assumed was Charlie. I watched him fling his cell phone into his suit case, climbing into the bed next to me, wrapping an arm around my shoulders, pulling me tightly to his side. I smiled, laying my head in the crook of his neck, pressing a kiss to the junction of where his neck and shoulder met. "Who's bringing what up?" I asked quietly, reaching for his hand to play with his fingers, his right hand trailing up and down my back, his left hand coming across his chest for me to play with his fingers.

"Sharon and Charlie helped me plan something for you, I was going to wait til tomorrow, but while we have a second of peace before Miami, we might as well do it tonight." Bucky whispered, pressing his lips to the top of my head. "Miami?" I asked, looking up at him as he pulled his left hand away, his middle and forefingers under my chin, bringing my lips to his in a soft caring kiss. "Yeah, we got new clients for the New York cartel, you and I have to meet with them." Bucky mumbled into the kiss, biting down on my lip as I giggled, wrapping my arms securely around his neck. "Is this a job for classy Addi or sexy Addi?" I whispered, pressing my forehead against his as I straddled his lap. "Baby you know when it's mafia related, we have to use this body to seduce and get our way." Bucky mumbled, running his hands up my thighs, stopping at the place where his button rested.

Maybe one day we'd get a break, to be able to have a family. That's all I ever wanted, to just be normal, not the crime bosses that we had to be. But that was the game, the life, something that I enjoyed but despised. Bucky gripped the curve of my ass, pressing me forward against his chest, his lips meeting mine in a passionate kiss, as if to stop my brain from all the thoughts it was throwing out. "Bucky." I moaned into the kiss, his fingers playing with the flesh that was exposed, his palm cracking against my ass, a squeal leaving my lips as heat spread against it. "Sorry, it's too perfect to not." He smirked, leaning back on the pillows as I leaned, down pressing my lips to his again. "You're lucky I love you." I murmured against his lips, pulling away as I heard a knock on the door.

"Get in the bed, cover your eyes." Bucky commanded, lifting me off his lap. I slid under the sheets, pulling my hands over to my eyes, waiting for him to give me the okay to open them. Sharon and Charlie entered the room, her body clad in one of Charlies hoodies, a diamond C necklace adorning her neck as she gave Bucky a friendly hug. "What do you need me to do?" She whispered, looking over at me before back to the man in charge. "I don't trust her not to peak, sit next to her and cover her eyes with your hands." Bucky said as she nodded, crawling on the bed next to me. "Buck?" I asked, feeling two more hands cover mine. "No, your sister." She smiled, while I nodded pulling my hands down to reside at my sides. "What's going on Sharon?" I asked, her cold fingers a huge contrast against my very warm skin. "You'll thank me for not telling you later." She whispered, looking over at the two me.

Bucky grabbed the black velvet box from Charlies hand, pulling the rose petals off the flowers and dropping them on the floor, a small circle forming around him. "Alright Sharon, lead her over." Bucky said, while Sharon nodded, making sure my eyes were closed before pulling her hands away, standing up and taking my hands, positioning me so I was in front of Bucky, one hand on his shoulder to steady myself. "Okay babygirl, open your eyes." Bucky smiled, kneeling with a black box in his pocket, looking up at me. I opened my eyes, blinking them a few times to adjust to the light in the room, before I looked down at Bucky, both hands coming to my mouth, a gasp leaving my lips as I realized what was happening.

"Babygirl, never in my life have I ever found someone who wants to play the same game as me, I never once thought there would be anyone in the world who would turn me soft. But you stepped into my world, commanded my heart in mere hours, and I knew that I would never let you go." He spoke, tears rolling down my cheeks as let them flow, happiness taking over every vein in my body. "Do me the honor, and please become Mrs. Barnes." He whispered, while I nodded, watching his smile grow as he took my left hand, sliding the massive diamond on my finger, standing up and pulling me to him, my lips finding his in an instant.

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