A Date with the Devil

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Trigger warnings: exhibitionism, mentions of traumatic pasts and murder 

James had his hand locked tightly in mine as we walked down the warehouse hallway, all eyes on us as workers for my father looked on, confusion on their faces as I walked hand in hand with James. "Eyes on me baby, don't worry about them." James smirked, looking down at me as I looked up at him. "Why me?" I asked quietly, his hand pulling me against his body, unlocking his fingers from mine and slipping his hand in my back pocket, locking me against his body. "Why not you? You're deadly, gorgeous, a perfect match for my life." He murmured as I nodded at the guard to let us through. "I have a loyalty to this mob." I whispered, while he chuckled, leading me down the stairs, pushing me against the back of his car.

I looked to my left, seeing Nico looking on jealously written on his face. "Oh is that the little boyfriend?" James teased, his thumb and forefinger locked on my chin, pulling my face to look at him. "I don't have boyfriends." I replied, feeling his thumb across my bottom lip, tugging it down, his tongue sliding out of his mouth and coating his lips before it slipped back between them, resting behind his teeth. "Not yet." He murmured, sliding his thumb off my lip, snapping it back into place. It would be a lie to say that it wasn't a turn on, to be manhandled a little. 'Not yet.' a sinister promise, but something I was intrigued by. Taunting, daring, sexy. He smirked, seeing my body react to his words, to his touch. I had never had someone rough house me, he knew that. I was the princess of New York, no one messed with me, they don't give me the roughness I craved.

James smirked, pulling his hands to my side, his warm hands pressing against my cool skin, trailing up my sides. "I know you like this baby, I told you I'd make it where you didn't want to leave." He whispered, dipping his head down and pressing a kiss to my neck, my eyes fluttering closed as his scruff touched my skin, a small moan leaving my lips as he smirked. He bit down harshly on my neck, teeth marks appearing as a gasp left my lips, his hand slipping under my hoodie as he gripped the sides of my breasts, his thumbs tracing the curvature of them, thoughtfully, meticulously, calculating. "Okay, you win." I whispered, feeling his hand plant firmly in the middle of my chest, pushing me back, pinning me to the back of his car, his hand tracing down my sternum. "I think I need to show lover boy who you belong to for a few days." He smirked, while I looked over at Nico, his eyes locked on me and James.

"James. We're in public." I whispered, seeing his eyes trail down my body, undressing me with his gaze. "So? You think I give a fuck, I can smell you from here. Lover boy make you cum this morning?" He asked, pushing my hoodie up to expose my breasts to his eyes, the blue eyes turning dark with lust. I didn't say anything, just let out a sharp gasp as the cold air hit my chest, my legs instinctively wrapping around his waist, his suit clad body being shoved into the back of the car, closer to me. "Yes." I breathed out, watching as James leaned down, sticking his tongue out and dragging it up from my belly button, between the valley of my breasts, up my neck and landing on my jaw, his teeth clamping down on the skin. I was putty in his hands, and he knew it, so did I. "Oh baby, I'll make it known I'm much better than he could ever be." He smirked, looking over at Nico who's head dropped. Nico knew right then and there, I was done for. I was going to be James'.

James knew too, he studied the way my body reacted to him, how it curved into his touch. He knew I was going to be the Bonnie to his Clyde, he didn't care about the deal, or the money. It was just a way to get me to him, without it being a massive street war. He knew he could warp my thinking, where I'd stand in between him and a gun, protecting him with my life, him doing the same. Once he claimed my body, I'd never leave. He'd have to kick women out, them begging for him to be theirs, I'd never beg, but he knew I'd never leave, he wouldn't allow it. 48 hours was enough for him to make me enamored with him. Little did he know, I already was.

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