What's the plan?

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"I swear Sharon, if you're walking us into a trap I'm going to lose my mind." I sighed, walking backwards with my gun drawn as she walked us down the hallways. "If it was a trap, I'd be just as clueless as you." She replied, letting a little laugh slip through her lips. Our boots echoed down the empty building, confusion surrounding both of us as we lowered our guns. "I thought you said he would be here?" I asked, pushing open the office door as Sharon followed me in. "He's supposed to be." She replied, walking around the desk as I followed her, stopping as she typed in the code for the safe. "You're really going to steal from a mob in a different state? We're not protected here." I told her as she laughed, taking the file. "Who cares, he told me to grab it."

I looked out the window, seeing sirens and police cars starting to surround the building. "Did he say anything about turning us over to the feds?" I asked, looking over at her as she shook her head. "No nothing about that, what do we do? I was just sneaky, I never dealt with this." She whispered, grabbing my hand as I searched around the room, hearing police trying to knock down the door to get into the building. "Does he have any motorcycles or cars here?" I asked, looking out the window as I heard over the police intercom. "Addison Ashley we know you're in there, please come out of the building!" The policeman spoke as I looked over at her, while she reached behind her on the table, grabbing some keys. "Motorcycle on the second story, we'll have to break out the window and hopefully land in one piece." She said, handing me the keys.

"We'll blow the place, use the bike to escape, probably be chased but as long as we cross state lines we'll be good." I said as she nodded, quickly leading me down the hallways to the bike in a case. I searched around, grabbing a bat and smashing the glass that surrounded the bike, before putting a gas can out. "The second we get on that bike, shoot the can and throw the match." I said, climbing onto the bike, shoving the keys in the ignition, feeling Sharon climb on behind me, pulling her gun out and shooting the gas can as the fuel exploded everywhere. I kicked the kickstand up, taking a deep breath before driving down the hall, grabbing my gun and shooting the window to break the glass. "Any time now Sharon." I yelled as she threw the match back, watching the building start to engulf in flames. "Alright, hang on!" I yelled, pressing the accelerator down further, feeling the bike pick up speed, going through the window, the bike landed with a huge bounce, sending Sharon and I up, groaning as we collided back with the bike. "Go!" Sharon yelled, as I pressed the accelerator down all the way, the building in flames as the cops rushed to get into their cars to follow us.

"You said you were good with hiding, give me a plan!" I yelled over the wind as I weaved in and out of cars. "Throw the bike, we'll hide out at the mall for a little, we need a crowd to blend into." Sharon said as I nodded, tilting the bike down on one side, both of us sliding off and groaning, road rash covering both of our sides as we watched the bike collide into a lamp post, quickly scrambling up and running into the mall. Sharon grabbed my hand, our arms covered in blood as we ran into the bathroom, shutting and locking the door, women giving us a weird look, before fear took over when they recognized who we were. "Please, don't tell anyone, and no one gets hurt." Sharon said as they all nodded.

I leaned against the door, breathing harshly as I looked at all the women. "We need help." I told them as a woman walked forward, her eyes showing concern as she took in our bleeding arms. "I'm a nurse, I can help." She smiled softly, extending her hands out to us. "You can borrow my jacket, and she can borrow mine." Two women said, holding out coats for us, smiling softly. I looked over at Sharon who nodded, taking the jackets slowly. "What's the plan?" I asked, sucking in a harsh breath as I pulled the sweatshirt around my body, pulling the hood up. "We can form a barrier around you guys, until you get to her car. You'll draw attention all bloody, whoever you're hiding from can't find you if you're surrounded." The nurse smiled, taking both of our hands as the woman formed a circle around us, unlocking the door and walking out, dragging Sharon and I with them.

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