Chapter 1

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DISCLAIMER: This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, business, places, locales, events and incidents are either used in author's imagination or used in fictitious manner.

Please be advised that this story contains mature themes and strong language that are not suitable for very young audiences. Read at your own risk.


"Hey she's coming!"

"Out of the way!"

"I wish she accepts my chocolate,"

"Of course she will, she's nice to everyone! Cheer up,"

"Karina is here! KYAAAAAAH!"

Winter rolled her eyes internally soon as she heard the ruckus outside, all she wanted was to read her book in peace but because of a certain person, she can't.

'They just never get tired,' she mumbled to herself

Winter discreetly packed all her things to leave. Fixing her glasses and bag she didn't noticed on her way out bumping into someone.

She fell on her butt, her eyeglasses fell off, her eyes are blurry but she can already sense who she just got in her way.

"Here, are you alright?" The girl asked

Winter snatched the glasses out of Karina's hand without saying anything.

"Here, let me help you!" Karina offered her hand to help Winter stand up, but instead of accepting it, Winter helped herself and walked away, not uttering a single word.

She heard a few students cursing her, "Wow, what a brave one huh? If I were her I would bow down to Karina for helping me,"

"Seriously, where's her manners?"

"Ungrateful bitch,"

And a lot more criticism. She heave a deep sigh.

'If only you all knew her real personality,' Winter thought as bitter smile formed on her lips


"That's what you get you fucking lunatic!" Winter sat there, drenching wet on her school uniform while the other students are having fun bullying her.

"Hey!" A familiar voice echoed through the hallways

Winter felt safe, she thought she'll get out of this mess she caused but she was stunned by the next thing she said

"Can I join?" Karina had a wide smile on her face, she took the orange juice out of another student's hand and poured it on Winter's hair while they both made an eye contact

Winter clenched her fist in anger, yet she can't do anything... she's weak and she's scared.

"Make sure no one knew about this, okay?" Karina smiled sweetly at them, she slightly leaned towards Winter. Staring deep into her eyes.

"See you around, loser." She whispered as she walked away with a huge smile plastered on her face

Winter felt ashamed but at the same time she's furious. The girl that she thought was perfect actually had flaws from the very start.

Nobody really is perfect, she thought.


Winter ended up hanging out on the rooftop, it's almost 6pm. The bell will ring soon, and the students will go home as well. Good thing the last class was dismissed early, she can relax on the rooftop with the chill breeze passing through her skin

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now