Chapter 32

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"Hey Gigi," Karina greeted the girl who was busy drinking a can of beer in their veranda. Too deep in thoughts she didn't notice Karina approaching her

"Hi," She greeted back with a small smile

"What's on your mind?" Karina took her hand and rubbed it, as if to comfort the girl

Giselle chuckled, "You really know me huh?"

"I'm your bestfriend, of course I do." Karina replied, slightly offended by her question

"It's nothing serious," Giselle looked away

"It's because of Ningning right?" Karina guessed but she didn't expect it to be true

"Ugh, what should I do Karina? That girl is making me crazy," Giselle messed her hair in annoyance

Karina smiled sheepishly, "So you weren't straight after all?"

"It doesn't matter okay? I would date whoever I want," She chugged the whole can of beer before she went back inside again

"Hey we're not done talking," Karina hissed

"We should eat first," Giselle declared

"You're right, I'm hungry too. We'll talk later 'kay?" Karina pats her back as she went to the living room to watch with Ningning

"Where's Winter?" Ningning asked, eyes stuck on the series she's watching

"Resting," Karina replied as she relaxes her back on the couch

They continued watching and when it got to an intense part, someone covered Karina's eyes.

"Yeonjun called," Winter hugged her from behind while her hand slowly travelled on the older girl's neck

"What'd he say?" Karina asked in a low voice, feeling hot by the younger's hand slightly choking her

"I don't know, call him back!" Winter gave her a smack on the cheek before she released her hand and gave her phone

"Winter is freaky," Ningning commented, continously chewing on the popcorn

"She loves doing that," Karina replied

"Maybe she's the dominant between you two," Ningning declared

Karina was dumbfounded.

"I need to talk to your new friends... our innocent Yizhuo is gone," Karina mumbled

She's embarassed because what Ningning said is true. Winter loves to hold back but she knew the girl has a beast hiding inside her.

"I'm just open-minded, urgh I'm not a kid stop treating me like one." Ningning snarled and yet she still looked cute in Karina's eyes

Their bickering was interrupted by a phone call, Karina answered it as she walk her way back to the veranda.


"Can we drink?" Yeonjun sounded cold

Karina already knew something's up just by the tone of his voice, usually Yeonjun will tease her about her day yet now he didn't.

"Where you at?" Karina took a stick of cigarette out of her pocket as she lights it up

She inhaled the smoke, waiting for the boy to answer her question.

Yeonjun hesitated, he sighed deeply.

"Nevermind, enjoy your night." He ended the call, it quickly made Karina's eyebrows furrow into confusion

Winter emerged from the back, she took the stick out of Karina's fingers and threw it.

"I'm sorry if you feel like I'm controlling you, as much as I'm around I'm not gonna let you smoke." Winter declared, eyes narrowing at the road

City lights were beautiful, the fresh breeze warms up their exposed skin, nothing's more beautiful when you're beside the person you love. Karina is enjoying her view.

"You're so handsome," She complimented the latter beside her

Winter smirked, "I know,"

"Where do you wanna celebrate our first year anniversary?" Winter intertwined their fingers, she kissed the back of Karina's hand which made the girl giggle

Those small gestures of Winter never ceased to give her butterflies. She will always have that effect on her.

"Anywhere as long as I'm with you," Karina went nearer, pressing her body against her to feel her warmth

"What did Yeonjun say?" Winter intrigued

The smile on Karina's face turned into a frown, "He sounded strange, I almost thought I'm not talking to Yeonjun,"

"Yeah, he appears to be troubled by something." Winter sniffs Karina's shoulder, her lips travelled to every part of her back including her nape, it gave the older shivers down her spine

"Let's eat," Winter announced as she was the first to release away from their little cuddly moment

Karina followed with heavy steps, Winter left her hanging right when she thought they'll make out once again.

"What's with the face?" Giselle inquired when she took a glance at the pouting Karina, she was busy putting their plates on their table

"Nothing, just hungry,"
Karina replied

"Hungry huh?" Ningning said in the most cynical way

"I'll kick your ass if you continue with that Ningning," Winter threatened, eyes narrowing at the girl

Ningning laughed nervously, "L-let's eat,"

They sat in silence and Giselle is unusually quiet, they glanced at each other to ask what's wrong but all of them was reluctant to speak.

"I'm gonna go study, Giselle come with me." Winter was the first to finish her food, she approached Karina to give her a kiss on the forehead

"Why do you love kissing her forehead so much? Why don't you give her a smack on the lips?" Ningning teased, she pouted her lips as if to annoy the girl

Winter sarcastically laughed, "Want me to smack you with my belt?" She threatened

"Ah haha, you can't take a joke Winter. I was just kidding, haha." Ningning sips on her water nervously making the three of them laugh at how adorable she looks

"A forehead kiss is the purest kiss of all, you don't know that because you're single as fuck." Winter provoked

Ningning crossed her arms. "You wait until I get a boyfriend, hmp."

"Don't you want a girlfriend?" Karina butted in

"I don't know, haven't thought about it." Ningning answered as if it's not her business.

"Okay, Ningning will wash the dishes!" Winter announced

Ningning frowned, "What?! Why?!"

"Because your answer is wrong and you're a pain in the ass," Winter answered as she stick her tounge out to the girl

Ningning harshly slammed the table, "This is bullying," She scowled

"No it's not!" Karina giggled

They were all bickering at each other when Giselle stopped them

"I'll wash the dishes, no need to fight." She massaged her temples

Ningning quickly opposed her, "No, I will wash the dishes. You go with Winter,"

Karina and Winter glanced at each other with meaningful looks.

"Confirmed," Karina mumbled with a grin


A/N: Hey, so I figured I wouldn't write a winrina bed scene in my story, maybe just the outcome of it? Besides writing a bed scene is out of my expertise I really can't get past to second base, I myself have no experience in it so I don't really know how to describe one. Anyways, I hope you enjoy my story, and thank you for the support! I'm sorry if it's kind of disappointing that I'm not writing their bed scene although I've been making them talk about it, lol. Hope you understand, kbye.

Miss Pessimistic | winrina/jiminjeongWhere stories live. Discover now