Chapter 12

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"Hey, aren't we going home? I'm sleepy," Giselle yawned

It's past 12 am already, and here they are sitting outside waiting for Winter to come.

Ms. Kim and Winter haven't been home and the doors were locked so they do not know how to get in

"Riri, you should go. You look tired! Should I walk you to our apartment?" Karina worriedly asks

The breeze was cold, they are hungry and tired too. They don't even know why they're still outside the Kim's house when they're nowhere to be found.

"I can't walk anymore, let's just wait for Winter." Giselle spoke in a tired voice

Ningning came as expected, she knew the two girls won't leave even if she tries to tell them to go home. They are so persistent to wait for Winter.

"Here, I took my old jackets, I just don't know if it will fit you guys." Ningning handed them the two plain jackets

"Thanks," Giselle smiled weakly

Ningning sat beside her, she should be sleeping at this hour already but Ningning thought she might as well wait with them.

"Ugh, where did that girl went?!" Karina worriedly murmured, roaming her eyes side-to-side in the quiet street, hoping a Winter would miracly show up

They were filled with a long silence. Minutes turns to hours, Giselle started coughing at this point.

"I'll take you back to our apartment, you're gonna get sick here." Karina uttered

"Where is that apartment of yours anyways?" Ningning asked

Giselle is leaning on her shoulder since earlier and it's slowly getting loose.

"Thirty-minutes away from here, I guess." Karina replied nonchalantly

"That's too far, why don't you guys sleep on my house for now? I don't think any Kim will come home this late, it's already 2am." Ningning spoke softly, sounding a little tired as well

"You girls go, I'll keep waiting. I don't think I would be able to sleep in this situation anyways," Karina forced a weak smile

Ningning was saddened, "Okay, I'll... wait with you later let me just take Giselle home," They both stood up and almost lose their balance

"You don't have to come back, Ning. I appreciate the gestures, you might as well sleep too, we still have classes later." Karina taps her hand lightly

Ningning smiled, nodding her head as she bid her goodbye to Karina.

Karina sat back down in complete silence, sighing as she slowly feels agitated.

Mosquitoes are camping on her skin, red rashes are all over her body and her hair is in dishelve.

It's already 3am and she almost dozed off to sleep when she heard familiar footsteps, she woke up instantly and stood up. Facing that way.

She saw a familiar silhoutte not far away from her and another one, which isn't familiar to her.

Her eyebrows furrowed quickly, she taps her foot on the ground, so ready to lash out on Winter for going home late.

"Well, well, well look who it is?!" Karina greeted the two with a sarcastic smile

"What are you still doing here?" Winter questioned

"Waiting for my girl, what else?" Karina scoffed, eyeing the pink haired girl beside Winter from head to foot

"Stop judging me, I'll poke your eyes out!" The girl threatened

Karina laughed as she slowly approach her, "Poke it now!"

Winter looked from left to right, staring with widened eyes like she couldn't believe what she's seeing.

"What do you want with my girlfriend?" The pink haired girl spoke, brushing her hands on Winter's neck a little

Karina's blood boiled instantly at the sight as she snatched Winter's waist away from her

"Fuck!" Winter cursed by the sudden movement

"Who are you exactly?" Karina squinted her eyes at the latter

"I told you I'm her girlfriend," The pink haired girl had a smug smile on her face, obviously irritating Karina which is surprisngly effective

"No," Karina scoffed, "I'm her girlfriend," She declared

Winter wanted to snap both of their necks because of their own delusions.

"Stop, I'm tired as hell." Winter left, she tiredly walked towards their front porsche as she gets her keys out

And yet the two still won't stop fighting.

"What are you gonna do then?" The pink haired girl sounded like she wanted to pick a fight and Karina didn't like it

"I'm gonna fucking punch you that's what I'm gonna do," Karina puts her hand up, so ready to throw a punch on the girl's pretty face when Winter stops her

"You fools! Stop it, you're getting on my nerves!" Winter growled

"Look Winter, I waited for you for nine hours straight without eating or sleeping. And here you are flirting with another girl?! You even brought her to our house!" Karina exaggeratedly said

"Nobody told you to wait, and another thing, I don't flirt with girls like you do," Winter yelled back

"Ouch, that's harsh." The pink haired girl commented acting like she's hurt

"Fuck you, Ryu!" Winter cussed

"So, is she really your girlfriend?" Ryujin smiled cheekily

"No! I'm straight," Winter replied as she hurriedly unlock the door

"Well okay, as you say so I mean pasta is straight as well but soon as it gets wet it will just-" Ryujin's words were cut off mid sentence when Karina shoved her face away, lightly

Winter shrugged it off, feeling tired so she walked upstairs to get some fresh bath and go to sleep.

"What are you whispering to my girl? Would you please go home? You're ruining our alone time," Karina hissed

"Shut up, I will sleep here." Ryujin walked past her bumping to her shoulders a little

"Fuck," Karina whispered to herself

"And also, I've been here multiple times than you could possibly ever be!" Ryujin laughed out loud, annoying the fuming Karina even more

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